Previously Unpublished Manuscript Poem
Separately Published Poems
Elegy on Captain Cook. To Which is Added, An Ode to the Sun
Louisa: A Poetical Novel in Four Epistles
Poems Published First in Periodicals
Verses Written by Miss Anna Seward
Ode to William Hayley, Esq.
On the Pleasures of Rural Life
To the Fountain of Blandusia
Verses Inviting Stella to Tea
`Behold That Tree, in Autumn's Dim Decay'
An Old Cat's Dying Soliloquy
Epitaph Requested for Mr Garrick's Monument
Poems Published First in Llangollen Vale, With Other Poems (London: G. Sael, 1796)
Herva, at the Tomb of Argantyr
Sonnets published in Llangollen Vale, With Other Poems
Sonnet, to a Young Lady in Affliction
`Now, Young-Ey'd Spring, on Gentle Breezes Borne'
`If He Whose Bosom with No Transport Swells'
Poems Published First in Original Sonnets on Various Subjects: And Odes Paraphrased from Horace (London: G. Sael, 1799)
1.[When Life's realities the Soul perceives]
2.[The Future, and its gifts, alone we prize]
3.Written at Buxton in a Rainy Season
7.[By Derwent's rapid stream as oft I stray'd]
9.[Seek not, my Lesbia, the sequester'd dale]
11.[How sweet to rove, from summer sun-beams veil'd]
12.[Chill'd by unkind Honora's alter'd eye]
13.[Thou child of Night, and Silence, balmy Sleep]
16.Translated from Boileau
17.[Ah! why have I indulg'd my dazzled sight]
18.An Evening in November
20.Pope's Gardens at Twickenham
21.[Proud of our lyric Galaxy, I hear]
26.[O partial Memory! Years, that fled too fast]
27.[See wither'd Winter, bending low his head;]
28.[O, Genius! does thy Sun-resembling beam]
its sounds my bosom thrill]
31.The Departing Spirit of an Alienated Friend
33.[Last night her Form the hours of slumber bless'd]
34.[When Death, or adverse Fortune's ruthless gale]
42.[Lo! the Year's Final Day!
44.[Rapt Contemplation, bring thy waking dreams]
45.[From Possibility's dim chaos sprung]
46.[Dark as the silent stream beneath the night]
49.New and Old Words in Poetry
50.[In every breast Affection fires, there dwells]
52.[Long has the pall of Midnight quench'd the scene]
53.On the Death of the Poet Laureat
54.A Persian King to His Son
55.On the Quick Transition from Winter to Summer
57.The Funeral of Mrs Charles Buckeridge
58.[Not the slow Hearse, where nod the sable plumes]
59.To the Right Honourable Lady Marianne Carnegie
60.[Why view'st thou, Edwy, with disdainful mien]
62.[Dim grows the vital flame in his dear breast]
66.[Nobly to scorn thy gilded veil to wear]
67.On Doctor Johnson's Unjust Criticisms
69.To a Young Lady Purposing to Marry
72.The Rainy Summer of 1789
74.[In sultry noon when youthful Milton lay]
76.The Critics of Doctor Johnsons School
77.[O! hast thou seen a vernal Morning bright]
78.[Sophia tempts me to her social walls]
79.[While unsuspecting trust in all that wears]
80.[As lightens the brown Hill to vivid green]
81.On a Lock of Miss Sarah Seward's Hair
82.[From a riv'd Tree, that stands beside the grave]
83.On Catania and Syracuse
84.[While one sere leaf, that parting Autumn gilds]
86.To the Lake of Killarney
88.The Prospect of a Flooded Vale
91.[On the fleet streams, the Sun, that late arose]
93.[You soft Star, peering o'er the sable cloud]
94.[All is not right with him, who ill sustains]
95.[On the damp margin of the sea-beat shore]
96.[The breathing freshness of the shining Morn]
98.[Since my griev'd mind some energy regains]
99.On the Violent Thunder Storms
100.Written December 1790
Paraphrases and Imitations of Horace
To the Hon. Thomas Erskine
Poems Published First in Periodicals
Lines after Reading Southey's `Joan of Arc'
Epistle to Nathaniel Lister
Elegy Addressed to Cornet V
Sonnet Addressed to W. Dimond, Esq.
Complaint of an Arabian Lover
Chatterton's Poem `Charity', Modernized
Verses Addressed, in 1782, to Mr Wright, of Derby
Songs [Damon by all the Powers above]
A Farewell to the Seat of the Right Honorable Lady Eleanor Butler and Miss Ponsonby
Ballad, in the Style of Mr Crowe's song, `Seaton Cliffs'
Stanzas Written 22 July 1782
Written in a Very Minute Edition of Gray's Poems
Verses on the Sudden Death of Mr Norris
Song [Tell me, Syren of my soul]
Song [Now Spring wakes the May-morn, the sweetest of hours]
Song [Gently emerging from the gloomy Main]
Ballad [I wake and weep, when wintry winds]
Ballad [Hast thou escap'd the Canon's ire]
Sonnet, Written September 1799
Epitaph on the Late General Simcoe
Elegy Addressed to the Rev. Thos. Sedgewick Whalley
Epistle to the Rev. Dr William Bagshaw Stevens
Address to the River Tweed
To Miss Catherine Mallett
Poems Published Elsewhere
Poems Published First in Walter Scott's edition of the Poetical Works of Anna Seward; with Extracts from Her Literary Correspondence (Edinburgh: Ballantyne and Co., 1810)
Inscription for an Urn in a Gentleman's Garden
Evander to Emillia. Elegy [Dreary and dark, in autumn's wane]
Evander to Emillia. Epistle [Can words, O loveliest of thy sex! Express]
Elegy. Emillia Embroidering
Epistle. Evander to Emillia [O! Why this ceaseless, cruel, strange distrust]
Elegy. Emillia to Evander
Epistle. Evander to Emillia [Ah! can'st thou say contemptuously I smiled]
Elegy. Evander to Emillia [Thou say'st my love is reasonless, to spare]
Epistle. Evander to Emillia [Yes, my Emillia, I can say with truth]
Elegy. Evander to Emillia [Why dart those eyes their scornful fires on me?]
Epistle. Evander to Emillia [O! Thou art absent, and resentment's power]
Elegy. Evander to Emillia [I wish in vain!
Epistle. Evander to Emillia [O! Never did thy glowing pen bestow]
Elegy. Evander to Emillia [Emillia, thou art far away]
Elegy. Evander to Emillia [Wild florets tremble o'er the shadow'd stream]
Evander to Emillia ['Tis o'er!
the bright star like a meteor fire]
Epistle to Miss Honora Sneyd
Elegy Written at the Sea-Side
Epistle to Miss Honora Sneyd, May 1772
Invocation to the Genius of Slumber
Monody on Mrs Richard Vyse
Invocation to the Shade of Petrarch, and to the Spirits of the Persian Poets
Ode to William Boothby, Esq.
Ode to Brooke Boothby, Esq.
Song [Florio, by All the Powers Above]
Song [The mute grey fields, and leafless bowers]
Song [My Stella sleeps, the sultry hour]
Song [On a mount a cottage stands]
Song of the Fairies to the Sea-Nymphs
Song Adapted to the New Air in Pleyel's Grand Concertante
Song [In sylvan scenes, when Laura hails]
Song [The stormy ocean roving]
Song [My Celia vow'd, at early dawn]
Song [Here is the bank I loved so well]
Song [In the mid-day of summer, and far from the shade]
Song [If stormy, o'er enamell'd vales]
Prologue. Written for the Tragedy of Braganza
Prologue. Written for Mr Penn
Prologue to the Circassian
Prologue to the Fortunate Disappointment
Epilogue to the Fortunate Disappointment
Verses, Sent with Some Ornaments for the Hair to Miss Margaret Knowles
Verses Written in Dr Darwin's Botanic Garden
Elegy on the Death of Mr Joseph Sykes
Monody on the Death of David Garrick, Esq.
Ode on the Pythagorean System
Invocation of the Comic Muse
On the Future Existence of Brutes
Written in the Blank Page of the Sorrows of Werter
Written in the Title Page of a Volume Containing Mr Jephson's Tragedies
Verses Written in the Blank Leaves of Mr Hayley's Poems