V.2. And / Robert Gordon ; Goethe : ein fragment / Michael McClure ; The last of the Marx Brothers' writers / Louis Phillips ; Wolves / John Robinson ; Giving playwrights experience (an article) / Martin Esslin.
V.3. Animals are passing from our lives / Robert Eisele ; Safe house / Nicholas Kazan ; St. George / J. Paul Porter ; Maud Gonne says no to the poet / Susan Rivers ; And if that mockingbird don't sing / William Whitehead.
V.4. Sunset/Sunrise : a hyperreal comedy / Adele Edling Shank ; Hyperrealism in the theatre : Shank interviews Shank ; Skaters / Ted Pezzulo ; Two o'clock feeding / Madeline Puccioni ; Earth worms / Albert Innaurato.
V.5. Judas / Robert Patrick --
The bathtub / Lisa Shipley --
Imitations / Nancy Larson --
Autobiography of a pearl diver / Martin Epstein.
V.6. Pizza / Michele Linfante --
Dinosaur / Glenn Hopkins and Wayne Lindberg --
Sylvester the Cat vs. Galloping Billy Bronco / Michael Lynch --
Jacob's ladder / Barbara Graham.
V.7. The Chicago conspiracy trial / Ron Sossi and Frank Condon ; On "The Chicago conspiracy trial" / Frank Condon ; Camp Shepard : exploring the geography of character / Scott Christopher Wren ; From The coyote cycle / Murray Mednick ; On the creation of "The coyote cycle" / Barry Barankin.
V.8. Three acts of recognition / Botho Strauss ; Tequila / Bennett Cohen ; Intrigue at Ah-pah / The Dell'Arte Players ; Botho Strauss in America / Robert Goss ; The Ah-pah file / Stephen Most.
V.9 Jo Anne! / Ed Bullins ; The "True West" interviews / John Dark ; Back to back / Al Brown ; Coyote IV: other side camp / Murray Mednick.
V.10. Hotel universe and Ghosts / San Francisco Mime Troupe ; The day Roosevelt died / Barry Pritchard ; Playwrights' polemic : a shortage of themes / Martin Esslin, Irene Oppenheim, Scott Christopher Wren, R.G. Davis, Stephen Most, and Joan Holden, introduced by Misha Berson ; An evening in our century / Drury Pifer ; Inching through the Everglades / The Provisional Theatre.
V. 11/12. The shrunken head of Pancho Villa / Luis Valdez ; Chekhov in Yalta / John Driver and Jeffrey Haddow ; And the soul shall dance / Wakako Yamauchi ; Surface tension / Laura Farabough ; Catholic girls / Doris Baizley ; The reactivated man / Curtis Zahn ; Home free / Robert Alexander ; Playwright development essays and interviews: Hi-teching, spec-ing, and checking on new play development / Jerry Patch; Interview with Mako : The East-West Players / James F. Dean; Interview with Oliver Hailey : workshops in Los Angeles / Grace Woodard; Interview with Drury Pifer : early days at Berkeley Stage; The Padua Hills Playwrights Workshop and Festival / Susan La Tempa; Sundance : the Utah playwriting conference / Al Brown; Duck hunting in Marin : on the Second Shepard Workshop / Scott Christopher Wren; Three festival monologues / Elizabeth Wray, Scott Christopher Wren, Dana Foley.
V.13/14. Yellow fever / R.A. Shiomi ; The fox / Allan Miller ; The widow's blind date / Israel Horovitz ; Estonia you fall / Martin Weetman ; Your place is no longer with us / Ellen V. Sebastian ; Hoss drawin' / Leon Martell ; Coyote V: Listening to Old Nana / Murray Mednick ; One step beyond the absurd/Tangled up in blue / Hal Gelb ; Renaissance radar : a performance landscape / Alan Finnerman ; An interview with Alan Finnerman ; Playwrights in England : development and survival / Theodore Shank
15/16. Greek / Steven Berkoff
Greek : brave words for a victim of "language" / Silvie Drake ; Going to see the elephant / Karen Hensel, Patti Johns, Elana Kent, Sylvia Meredith, Elizabeth Lloyd Shaw, Laura Toffenetti ; Factperson, Factwino meets the Moral Majority, Factwino vs. Armageddonman / San Francisco Mime Troupe ; Comics on stage / Henri Picciotti ; The dream of Kitamura / Philip Kan Gotanda ; One to grow on : a play for young people / Brian Kral ; Sand castles / Adele Edling Shank ; What is a play anyway? : raising some initial questions / Bernard Weiner.
V.15/16. Greek / Steven Berkoff --
Going to see the elephant / Hensel ... [et al.] --
Factperson ; Factwino meets the Moral Majority ; Factwino vs. Armageddonman / San Francisco Mime Troupe --
The Dream of Kitamura / Philip Kan Gotanda --
One to grow on / Brial Kral --
Sand castles / Adele Edling Shank.
V.17/18. Out comes Butch / David Schein.
The AIDS show / Artists involved with death and survival.
Coyote VI : The sacred dump / Murray Mednick.
Coyote VII : He brings the waterfall / Murray Mednick.
Coyote comes full cycle under stars / Robert Koehler.
Family portrait / Beverly A Smith.
An interview with Chris Hardman / Rick Foster.
Twenty-four hours : A.M. Faro rides again / Allan Miller.
Sleeping together / David Link.
Shotgun Willis / Jeff Levy.
Four in the morning / Daniel Gregory Brown.
I want to hold your hand / Terry Kingsley-Smith.
Love sonnet / Michael Leeson.
Joe's not home / Lee Thomas.
The underachiever / Jerry Mayer.
Sunny side up / Pamela Chais.
Pelicans / Christine Rimmer.
Lemons in the morning / Bonnie and Paul Zindel.
Five-minute romance / Susan Silver.
Twenty-four hours : P.M. The termination / Jim McGinn.
An eastern fable / Sam Bobrick.
Sunrise on earth / Michael Lewis.
About time / Oliver Hailey.
Rules of the house / Dona Cooper.
Conversation 2001 / Marcia Rodd.
So long, Mr. Broadway / Rick Lenz.
Opening night / Sam Bobrick.
Love in a pub / Fredi Towbin.
Hymn in the attic / Beth Henley.
V.19/20. West Coast one acts. The dark root of a scream; Barnab;́ Soldado Razo / Luis Valdez ; 3 variations on the theme of pain / Martin Epstein ; The heroes of Xochiquipa / Rick Foster ; Alligator tails / Jan Munroe ; Aztec ; Don't you ever call me anything but Mother; The man in the moon / John O'Keefe ; An interview with John O'Keefe / Robert Hurwitt ; Daniel in Babylon / Doris Baizley ; Politics and theater in Britain / Janelle Reinelt.
V.21/22. The spook show / Whoopi Goldberg ; Whoopi in wonderland [essay] / Misha Berson ; The dream coast / John Steppling ; Life of the party / Doug Holsclaw ; A note from the director [essay] / Leland Moss ; The wash / Philip Kan Gotanda ; Song of a Sansei playwright : an interview with Philip Kan Gotanda and Richard Seyd / Robert Hurwitt ; America's finest / Burke Byrnes ; Honeymoon / Susan Champagne