Part 1: The nature of stress
Times of change and uncertainty
The stress response. Rest and digest ; Tend and befriend
Trauma: stress on steroids
Types of stressors. Bioecological influences ; Psychointrapersonal influences ; Social influences
Social stress: yesterday, today, and tomorrow
The general adaptation syndrome
Stress in a changing world
Stress and insomnia. College stress
A holistic approach to stress management
2. The sociology of stress
Technostress: digital toxicity. Digital toxicity, digital dementia, FOMO (fear of missing out), and FOKU (fear of keeping up)
Race- and gender-based stress
3. The physiology of stress
The central nervous system. The vegetative level ; The limbic system ; The neocortical level
The autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
Rest and digest: thank you, vagus nerve!
The neuroendocrine pathways. The ACTH axis ; The vasopressin axis ; The thyroxine axis
A parable of psychophysiology
Four decades of brain imaging research
Theoretical models. The Borysenko model ; The Pert model ; The Lipton model ; The Gerber model ; The Dispenza model ; The Pelletier model ; DNA, telomeres, stress, and aging
Target organs and their disorders. Nervous system-related disorders ; Immune system-related disorders
Part 2: The mind and soul
5. Toward a psychology of stress
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: the death of unmet expectations
Viktor Frankl: a search for life's meaning
Wayne Dyer: guilt and worry. The sin of guilt ; The art of worrying
Leo Buscaglia: the lessons of self-love
Abraham Maslow: the art of self-actualization
Martin Seligman: optimism and the art of being happy
A Tibetan perspective of mind and stress
Some theoretical common ground
6. The stress emotions: anger, fear, and joy
The anatomy of anger. Gender differences ; Physiological responses ; The myth of catharsis ; Subtle anger: microaggressions ; Anger management styles ; Creative anger strategies
The anatomy of fear. Basic human fears ; Fear, vulnerability, and shame ; Strategies to overcome fear
Depression: a by-product of anger or fear?
Joy, eustress, and the art of happiness
7. Stress-prone and stress-resistant personality traits
Type A behavior. Hostility: the lethal trait of Type A personalities ; Behavior modification for Type A behavior ; Social influences on Type A behavior
Did someone say Type D personality?
Codependent personality traits
Helpless-hopeless personality
The high-tech personality
Resiliency: the hardy personality
Survivor personality traits
Self-esteem: the bottom-line defense
8. Stress and human spirituality
A turning point in consciousness
Definition of spirituality
Theories of human spirituality. The path of Carl Jung ; The path of M. Scott Peck ; The path of Hildegard von Bingen ; The path of Black Elk ; The path of Matthew Fox ; The path of Joan Borysenko ; The path of Deepak Chopra ; The path of Jesus of Nazareth ; The path of Joseph Campbell ; The path of Lao Tzu ; The path of Albert Einstein
Common bonds of human spirituality. Centering process (autumn) ; Emptying process (winter) ; Grounding process (spring) ; Connecting process (summer)
A model of spirituality for stress management. Internal and external relationships ; Personal value system ; Meaningful purpose in life ; The divine mystery ; Spiritual potential and spiritual health ; Roadblocks and interventions ; Current research on spirituality and health
Part 3: Coping strategies
9. Cognitive restructuring: reframing
Two minds are better than one
The choice to choose our thoughts
Stay above the fray: raising your vibration
Acceptance: an alternative choice
Steps to initiate cognitive restructuring
Some additional tips for cognitive restructuring. Best application of reframing
References and resources.
10. Healthy boundaries: behavior modification
Behavior as a component of personality. Classical conditioning ; Operant conditioning ; Modeling
The behavior modification model. A second behavior modification model: stages of change ; Is stress a trigger for relapse?
Adapting to major life changes: essential behavior modification
Steps to initiate behavior modification
Journal writing as a coping technique. Poetry therapy ; Benefits of journal writing
Steps to initiate journal writing. Journal writing styles, themes, and ideas
Best tips for journal writing as a coping technique
Best application of journal writing
12. Expressive art therapy
Art therapy goes mainstream in the American culture
Clinical use of art therapy
Steps to initiate art therapy. Artistic roadblocks ; Materials ; Illustrative themes ; Interpretations
Best application of art therapy
13. Humor therapy (comic relief)
Theories of humor. Superiority theory ; Incongruity (surprise) theory ; Release/relief theory ; Divinity theory
Inappropriate humor: don't!
Types and senses of humor. Types of humor ; Senses of humor ; Group laughter = laughter yoga
Humor therapy as a coping technique
The physiology of laughter
Steps to initiate humor therapy
Best application of comic relief
14. Creative problem solving
The creative process. Players on the creativity team
Creativity: bend, break, and blend?
Boredom: an essential component to creativity! Creative problem solving in times of global social chaos ; The myths of creativity
Obstacles to the creative process. The right answer ; I'm not creative ; Don't be foolish ; To err is wrong
From creativity to creative problem solving
Steps to initiate creative problem solving. Description of the problem ; Generating ideas ; Idea selection and refinement ; Idea implementation ; Evaluation and analysis of action
Best application of creative problem solving
Appendix: answers to creative problems
15. Communication skills in the digital age
High-tech communication: information and communication overload. High-tech miscommunication ; Smartphones, dumb messages ; Effective communication strategies
The basics of face-to-face communication skills. Conversational styles ; Verbal communication ; Communicating ideas and feelings ; Nonverbal communication
Listening, attending, and responding skills
Conflict management styles
Steps to enhance face-to-face communication skills
Best benefits of effective high-tech communication skills
16. Resource management: managing time and money
Mass marketing to your ego
The psychology of poverty
Money problems? Try this. Tips for financial freedom
Roadblocks to effective time management
Personality styles and behaviors
Distractions: roadblocks on the time management highway. Estimated time of completion
Steps to initiate good time management techniques
Additional time-management ideas
Best application of time management skills
17. Additional coping techniques
Friends in need: social-support groups
Forgiveness. Ho'oponopono: forgiveness Hawaiian style
Prayer and faith. Types of prayer ; Of prayer and meditation ; Research on prayer and faith ; Prayers for nonbelievers ; Ways to pray
Body tapping: an emotional freedom technique. Five-step protocol
Best application of additional effective coping skills
Part 4: Relaxation techniques
18. Diaphragmatic breathing
Breathing and chronic pain
Steps to initiate diaphragmatic breathing. Step 1: Assume a comfortable position ; Step 2: Concentration ; Step 3: Visualization
19. Meditation and mindfulness
Types of meditation. Exclusive meditation ; Inclusive meditation
Left brain, right brain, top brain, bottom brain
Altered states of consciousness
Physiological and psychological effects of meditation
Neuroplasticity: the neuroscience of meditation
Meditation and brain imaging research
Meditation and chronic pain
Steps to initiate meditation. Grand perspective mental video ; Mindfulness
Best application of meditation
Historical perspective. Physiological and psychological benefits
Hatha yoga and chronic pain
Steps to initiate hatha yoga. The art of breathing ; The art of conscious stretching ; The art of balance ; Salute to the Sun (Surya Namaskar) ; Hatha yoga asanas ; Sample workout
Additional thoughts on hatha yoga
Best application of hatha yoga
21. Mental imagery and visualization
Mental imagery as a relaxation technique. Tranquil natural scenes ; Behavioral changes ; Internal body images
Mental imagery and chronic pain
Steps to initiate mental imagery
Best application of mental imagery
From sound to noise to music
Music as a relaxation technique. Biochemical theory ; Entrainment theory ; Metaphysical theory
Psychological effects of music
Visualization and auditory imagery
Music therapy and chronic pain
Steps to initiate music therapy
Best application of music therapy
Types of massage. Shiatsu ; Swedish massage ; Rolfing ; Myofascial release ; Sports massage ; Thai massage ; Chinese massage ; Other touch therapies
Physiological and psychological benefits
Massage therapy and chronic pain
Best application of massage therapy
Philosophy of T'ai Chi ch'uan
Physiological and psychological benefits
T'ai Chi ch'uan and chronic pain
T'ai Chi ch'uan as a relaxation technique
T'ai Chi ch'uan movements
Additional comments on T'ai Chi ch'uan
Best application of T'ai Chi ch'uan
25. Progressive muscular relaxation
Steps to initiate progressive muscular relaxation
Best application of progressive muscular relaxation
26. Autogenic training and clinical biofeedback
Autogenic training. Historical perspective ; Psychological and physiological responses ; Steps to initiate autogenic training ; Other suggestions ; Best application of autogenic training
Clinical biofeedback. What is clinical biofeedback? ; Historical perspective ; Purpose of biofeedback ; Types of biofeedback ; Biofeedback and chronic pain ; Best application of clinical biofeedback
27. Physical exercise, nutrition, and stress
Physical exercise and stress. Types of physical exercise ; Physiological effects of physical exercise ; Theories of athletic conditioning ; Fitness shortcuts to health? ; Psychological effects of physical exercise ; Physical exercise and chronic pain ; Steps to initiate a fitness training program ; Best application of physical exercise and activity
Diet for a stressed planet ; Nutritional shortcuts for health? ; Additional stress and nutritional factors to consider ; A word about genetically altered foods ; Spiritual nutrition ; Psychological effects of food ; Recommendations for healthy eating habits ; Additional tips for healthy eating
28. Ecotherapy: the healing power of nature
A historical perspective on ecotherapy
A nature-deficit disorder?
Physiological effects of ecotherapy
Entrainment: a symphony in natural rhythms
Circadian rhythms and physical health
Psychological effects of ecotherapy
Nature and the art of solitude
Best application of ecotherapy
Epilogue: Creating your own stress management program.