The nature of fossils / Moore, Fischer, and Lalicker : Requisites of fossilization ; Types of preservation : Unaltered soft parts ; Unaltered hard parts ; Altered hard parts ; Traces of animals ; Distortion and obliteration of fossils. Diversity of fossils ; Value of fossils : Stratigraphic indicators ; Records of past forms of life ; Significance in historical geology. Kinds of animals and names for them : Concepts of species and genera ; Scientific names of species and genera ; Subdivisions of species ; Subgenera ; Categories of higher rank than genus ; Principal divisions of animals. Adaptation to environment : Factors in marine environments ; Kinds of marine environments ; Land environments ; Facies fossils. Development of individual animals : Kinds of individuals and their associations ; Beginning of the individual ; Factors influencing development ; Nature of growth ; Life history. Evolution of animals : Evidence of evolution ; Evolutionary changes in animal assemblages ; Branching of species ; Extinction of animals ; Patterns of evolution ; Rates of evolution. Fossil-bearing rock divisions
Foraminifera and Radiolaria / Lalicker : Foraminifera : Living animal ; Life history ; Test ; Ecology ; Classification ; Geological distribution. Larger foraminifera : Fusulinids ; Camerinids ; Orbitoidids ; Discocyclinids ; Miogypsinids ; Ecology. Radiolaria : Skeletal structures ; Physiological features ; Classification ; Geological distribution and importance. Flagellates : Silicoflagellates ; Coccoliths ; Dinoflagellates. Tintinnids
Sponges and spongelike fossils / Moore : General characters ; Reproduction ; Fossil record ; Structural features : Soft parts ; Skeleton. Classification ; Calcareous sponges ; Siliceous sponges ; Spongelike organisms : Pleosponges ; Receptaculitids ; Nidulites
Coelenterates / Moore : Characters of representative modern coelenterates : Hydra, a simple hydrozoan ; Obelia, a colonial hydrozoan ; Metridium, an anthozoan. Classification ; Hydrozoans : Hydroids ; Milleporids and stylasterids ; Sphaeractiniids ; Stromatoporids and labechiids. Scyphozoans ; Alcyonarians ; Tabulate corals : Schizocorals ; Thallocorals. Zoantharians ; Rugose corals : Structures illustrated by streptelasma and lambeophyllum ; Structures illustrated by heritschia ; Structures illustrated by synaptophyllum ; Structures illustrated by hexagonaria and pachyphyllum ; Main groups and their geological occurrence ; Evolutionary trends. Heterocorals ; Scleractinian corals : Morphological features ; Main groups and evolutionary trends of scleractinians ; Origins and geological history
Bryozoans / Moore : Anatomical features ; Collection and study of bryozoans : Preparation of thin sections ; Interpretation of thin sections. Classification ; Skeletal features of main bryozoan groups : Trepostome bryozoans ; Cryptostome bryozoans ; Ctenostome bryozoans ; Cyclostome bryozoans ; Cheilostome bryozoans. Geological distribution and importance
Brachiopods / Moore : Anatomical features : Soft parts ; Hard parts. Reproduction and larval growth ; Inarticulate shells : Morphological features. Articulate shells : Morphological features. Shell growth : Types of enlargement ; Evolution of interareas. Shell form ; Homeomorphy ; Classification : Definition of main divisions ; Significance of shell structure ; Summary of classification. Inarticulate brachiopods : Atremates ; Neotremates. Articulate brachiopods : Paleotremates ; Orthids ; Terebratulids ; Pentamerids ; Triplesiids ; Rhynchonellids ; Strophomenids ; Spiriferids. Geological distribution
Mollusks / Moore : Classification ; Anatomical features : Soft parts ; Hard parts. Minor classes : Chitons ; Scaphopods
Gastropods / Moore : Soft parts : Head ; Viscera ; Foot and mantle. Hard parts : Noncoiled shells ; Coiled shells. Classification ; Evolutionary trends ; Geological distribution ; Amphigastropods ; Prosobranchs : Archaeograstropods ; Mesogastropods ; Neogastropods. Opisthobranchs : Pleurocoels ; Pteropods. Pulmonates : Basommatophorans ; Stylommatophorans. Indirect paleontological evidence of gastropods
Cephalopods / Fischer : Living cephalopods : Loligo, a squid ; Nautilus ; Octopus. Geologic importance ; Classification ; Functions and development of shell ; Nautiloid cephalopods : Kinds of nautiloids ; Volborthella ; Ellesmeroceroids ; Michelinoceroids ; Ascoceroids ; Oncoceroids ; Endoceroids ; Actinoceroids ; Discosoroids ; Nautilids ; Geological history of nautiloids. Ammonoid cephalopods : Goniatites ; Variations of ammonoid shells ; Geological history of ammonoids ; Evolutionary trends ; Life habits. Belemnoids : Megateuthis ; Other belemnoids ; Origin of belemnoids ; Function of the belemnoid shell ; Geological history and evolutionary trends. Sepioids ; Teuthoids ; Octopods
Pelecypods / Moore : Anatomical features : Soft parts ; Shell. Modes of life ; Reproduction and ontogeny ; Classification ; Palaeoconchs ; Taxodonts : Nuculacea ; Arcacea. Schizodonts : Trigonicea ; Cardiniacea. Isodonts : Spondylacea ; Anomiacea. Dysodonts : Pectinacea ; Mytilacea ; Pinnacea ; Ostreacea ; Limacea ; Dreissensiacea. Heterodonts : Cypricardiacea ; Lucinacea ; Cyrenacea. Pachydonts : Chamacea ; Rudistacea. Desmodonts : Anatinacea ; Myacea ; Adesmacea ; Mactracea ; Solenacea ; Poromycea. Evolutionary trends ; Geological distribution and importance
Annelids and other worms / Lalicker and Moore : Morphological features of annelids : External features ; Digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems ; Excretory and nervous systems ; Reproductive organs. Geologic work of worms ; Classification ; Conulariids : Morphological features ; Kinds of conularrids ; Ecologic association ; Zoological affinities
Arthropods / Moore : Skeletal features : Segmentation of body ; Organization of body segments ; Appendages. Growth stages ; Physiological structures : Digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems ; Nervous system and sense organs. Mode of life ; Classification ; Geological distribution ; Pararthropods
Trilobites / Moore : Structure of main skeletal divisions : Cephalon ; Thorax ; Pygidium. Internal anatomy ; Growth stages : Larval development ; Attainment of adult characters. Classification ; Character of main trilobite groups : Protoparians ; Proparians ; Opisthoparians ; Hypoparians ; Eodiscids ; Agnostids. Evolutionary trends of trilobites : Primitive characters ; Facial sutures ; Glabella ; Eyes ; Thorax ; Pygidium ; Spinosity ; General conclusions. Geological distribution ; Minor trilobitomorphs
Ostracodes and other crustaceans / Lalicker and Moore : Characters of crustaceans : Morphological features ; Growth stages ; Physiological features ; Crustaceans as food. Ostracodes : Hard parts ; Orientation of shell ; Growth stages ; Appendages ; Physiological features ; Reproduction ; Mode of life ; Classification ; Geological distribution and importance. Other crustaceans : Branchiopods ; Cirripeds ; Malacostracans
Chelicerates, myriapods, and insects / Moore : Chelicerates : Distinguishing features ; Merostomes (Xiphosurans, Eurypterids) ; Arachnids ; Pycnogonids. Myriapods : Diplopods ; Chilopods. Insects : Primitive wingless insects ; Winged insects
Echinoderms / Moore : Kinds of echinoderms ; Modes of life ; Larval development ; Relationships ; Geological distribution
Primitive attached echinoderms / Moore : Eocrinoids ; Paracrinoids ; Carpoids ; Edrioasteroids ; Cystoids : Cystoids bearing pore rhombs ; Cystoids bearing paired pores ; Evolution of cystoids. Blastoids : Structural features of pentremites ; Geological record and evolutionary trends of blastoids
Crinoids / Moore : Modern crinoids : Soft parts ; Hard parts ; Orientation. Classification ; Structures of fossil crinoids : Calyx ; Dorsal cup ; Ray system ; Column. Inadunate crinoids : Disparid inadunates ; Hybocrinid inadunates ; Cladid inadunates. Flexible crinoids ; Camerate crinoids : General evolutionary trends ; Diplobathrid camerates ; Monobathrid camerates. Articulate crinoids : Stem-bearing forms ; Free-swimming forms
Holothuroids / Fischer : Morphology : Soft parts ; Skeleton. Life habits ; Classification ; Geological distribution ; Relationships
Starfishes / Fischer : Classification of starfishes ; Somasteroids ; Asteroids : Structure of a sea star ; Mode of life ; Geological distribution and evolution.
Ophiuroids : Structure ; Mode of life ; Geological distribution and evolution
Echinoids / Fischer : Regular echinoids : Morphology ; Orientation ; Classification of regular echinoids ; Structural variations of regular echinoids ; Lepidocentroids ; Melonechinoids ; Cidaroids ; Stirodonts ; Aulodonts ; Camarodonts. Irregular echinoids : Main divisions of irregular echinoids ; Holectypoids ; Cassiduloids ; Spatangoids ; Clypeastroids. Ecology and mode of life ; Geological history and importance : Relationships and origin ; Development of orders ; Geological importance. Primitive eleutherozoans of uncertain affinities : Bothriocidaroids ; Ophiocystids
Graptolites and pterobranchs / Fischer : Relation of graptolites and pterobranchs ; Rhabdopleura, a representative pterobranch ; Classification of protochordates ; Graptolites : Preservation and preparation ; Dendroid graptolites ; Tuboids, camaroids, and stolonoids ; Graptoloids
Conodonts / Lalicker : Sedimentary environment ; Classfication ; Orientation.