The questing spirit : religion in the literature of our time
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PR1111 .R4 Q84 1947
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General Shelving - 3rd Floor | PR1111 .R4 Q84 1947 | On Shelf |
Table of Contents
Short stories. Amos comes to Bethel / Dorothy Clarke Wilson --
A shepherd / Heywood Brown --
Simon who was called Peter / Kahlil Gibran --
Come, follow me / Manuel Komroff --
They cast lots for his robe / Lloyd C. Douglas --
On the road to Damascus / Donn Byrne --
St. Peter's difficulty / Frank Harris --
from The lost word / Henry Van Dyke --
A Christmas mystery / William J. Locke --
The stranger / Sholem Asch --
The saint and the goblin / Saki (H.H. Munro) --
Music on the Muskatatuck / Jessamyn West --
The pragmatist / Dorothy Canfield Fisher --
The Lord's day in the nineties / Mary Ellen Chase --
The man with the good face / Frank Luther Mott --
Mr. Andrews / E.M. Forster --
The debt / Kathleen Carman --
The shadow of a green olive tree / Warren Beck --
The materialist / Martin Armstrong --
The truth / Grace Stone Coates --
John the six / Josephine W. Johnson --
Child of God / Roark Bradford --
The lesson / Pearl Buck --
Father Sebastian / Robert Fontaine --
Answer to prayer / H.G. Wells --
The little candle / Ben Hecht --
The tenth Jew / Maeanna Cheserton-Mangle --
D-Day in church / Helen Howe --
Leaning on the everlasting arms / William Saroyan.
Poetry. The search for God. The seekers / John Masefield --
The falconer of God / William Rose Benet --
Prayer of an unbeliever / Lizette Woodworth Reese --
The mystic / Cale Young Rice --
Credo / Edwin Arlington Robinson --
The children of the night / Edwin Arlington Robinson --
Santos : New Mexico / May Sarton --
If any God / Mark Van Doren --
The creditor / Louis MacNeice --
Full-circle / Maxwell Anderson --
A prayer / Laurence Binyon --
A hymn to God in time of stress / Max Eastman --
from Interlude, for a solitary flute / Samuel Hoffenstein --
The God-maker, man / Don Marquis --
Supplication / Josephine Johnson --
God / Gamaliel Bradford --
In the silence / Josephine Preston Peabody --
Sonnet XIII : selected poems / Robert Nathan --
And with no language but a cry / Amos N. Wilder --
Lift up the curtain / Hermann Hagedorn --
"Our Father who art" / Virginia French --
The eagle / Arthur Guiterman --
Envoy / Martin Armstrong.
Poetry. God in nature. Vestigia / Bliss Carman --
The scribe / Walter de la Mare --
A prayer in spring / Robert Frost --
The excesses of God / Robinson Jeffers --
Immanence / Evelyn Underhill --
A presence / Kenneth Slade Alling --
The apple tree / Oliver St. John Gogarty --
Sonnet XLIX : tumultuous shore / Arthur Davison Ficke --
Wind in the pine / Lew Sarett --
I find my God / V. Sackville-West --
Country church / Robert P. Tristram Coffin --
Earth-bound / Theodore Maynard --
The world's miser / Theodore Maynard.
Poetry. Faith. The song of the pilgrims / Rupert Brooke --
The power and the glory / Siegfried Sassoon --
The old sceptic / Alfred Noyes --
House of Calvin / Leonora Speyer --
Pandora's song / William Vaughn Moody --
Sonnet VI : a winter tide / Robert Nathan --
Prayer at sunrise / James Weldon Johnson --
God suffers / Georgia Harkness --
Chorus VI : from The rock / T.S. Eliot --
Chorus X : from The rock / T.S. Eliot --
A Psalm / Edmund Blunden --
Evolution / John Banister Tabb --
Chorale : from For the time being / W.H. Auden --
My father's house / James Oppenheim --
Our lady / Robert Bridges --
Our Christ / Harry Webb Farrington --
God hears prayer / Ethel Romig Fuller --
High flight / John Gillespie Magee, Jr. --
Nam semen est verbum Dei / Louise Imogen Guiney --
A special place / Dorothy Quick --
Credo / Lizette Woodworth Reese --
Hymn to God / Arthur Symons --
The land / W.J. Turner --
The enduring word / Audrey Wurdesmann --
The mystery / Ralph Hodgson --
In extremis / Vera Larminie --
Israel / William Ellery Leonard --
Ballade to our lady of Czestochewa / Hilaire Belloc --
Foreign missions in battle array / Vachel Lindsay.
Poetry. Doubt and denial. Mockery / Louis Untermeyer --
Portrait of an old cathedral / Louis Untermeyer --
Father / Arthur Davison Ficke --
God's funeral / Thomas Hardy --
Spirit's house / Sara Teasdale --
Mastery / Sara Teasdale --
The church today / William Watson --
from the Magnetic mountain : 11 and 21 / C. Day Lewis --
New England gothic / Rachel Field --
Julian the apostate / Ernest Denny --
Ode II / Gerald Gould --
Hymn for grief / Margaret Widdemer --
Text / Sara Henderson Hay --
The laws of God, the laws of man / A.E. Housman --
The road / Humbert Wolfe --
The atheist's wail / Dorothy Ducas --
Now bar the door / Eva Byson.
Poetry. The Old Testament. The creation / James Weldon Johnson --
Before Ararat / J. Redwood Anderson --
Babel and Bethel / Frank Buchanan --
Abraham / Edmund Vance Cooke --
When Abraham went out of Ur / Nancy Byrd Turner --
The young Moses / Don Marquis --
The servant of the prophet / Abbie Huston Evans --
The prophet / Sherard Vines --
Ezekiel / Thomas S. Jones, Jr. --
Job reviles / A.M. Klein --
Moses and Jesus / Israel Zangwill --
The Diaspora / W.H. Auden.
Poetry. Christmas. The house of Christmas / G.K. Chesterton --
The oxen / Thomas Hardy --
Prayer for a new mother / Dorothy Parker --
The maid-servant at the inn / Dorothy Parker --
Gates and doors / Joyce Kilmer --
A carol for Christmas day before dawn / Gordon Bottomley --
Christmas encyclical / Joseph Auslander --
Hora Christi / Alice Brown --
The miracle dreams / Susie M. Best --
The Christ child at Christmas / John Drinkwater --
The carol of the poor children / Richard Middleton --
The pilgrimage / Louis Untermeyer --
An old song re-sung / Katharine Tynan Hinkson.
Poetry. Jesus. I heard Immanuel singing / Vachel Lindsay --
Jesus / Anonymous --
The going of his feet / Harry Kemp --
By an ancient sea / Thomas Curtis Clark --
The nail-torn God / Edwin Markham --
His peace / William Alexander Percy --
Simon surnamed Peter / Edgar Lee Masters --
The poltroon / Sarah N. Cleghorn --
Spoil / William E. Brooks --
He was a gambler too
G.A. Studdert-Kennedy --
Christ in Woolworth's / Teresa Hooley --
Meditation on Jesus Christ / Johanna Rachel Branigan --
The donkey / G.K. Chesterton --
The carpenter / Phyllis Hartnoll --
The great refusal / Thomas S. Jones, Jr. --
To an enemy / E.J. Pratt.
Poetry. The Cross. Calvary / Edwin Arlington Robinson --
from The stations of the cross ; He is condemned ; He meets his mother / William A. Donaghy, S.J. --
In the servants' quarters / Thomas Hardy --
Simon the Cyrenian speaks / Countee Cullen --
Cold iron / Rudyard Kipling --
Jesus of Nazareth / Ernest Cadman Colwell --
Indifference / G.A Studdert-Kennedy --
Him I follow / Clemence Dane.
Poetry. Personal religion. A prayer / John Drinkwater --
Thanksgiving / Susie M. Best --
The monk in the kitchen / Anna Hempstead Branch --
Will he give him a stone?" /
Abbie Huston Evans --
The prayer / John Galsworthy --
In New York : on Sunday morning / William Alexander Percy --
Doors of the temple / Aldous Huxley --
The burning-glass / Walter de la Mare --
On a subway express / Chester Firkins --
This is the trouble with us all / Josephine W. Johnson --
From year's end / Josephine W. Johnson --
Chorus I : from The Rock / T.S. Eliot --
Covenant / Joseph Auslander --
New England steeple / Frances Frost --
Envoy / Gerald Gould --
Prayer for this our time / Thomas Moult --
A prayer / Edwin Markham --
Knowledge / Jan Struther --
Psalm IX / A.M. Klein --
Hymn in contemplation of sudden death / Dorothy L. Sayers --
Expectans expectavi / Charles Hamilton Sorley --
The passionate sword / Jean Starr Untermeyer --
Choice / Anna Wickham --
The most-sacred mountain / Eunice Tietjens --
A prayer for singleness of vision / Sherard Vines --
Heaven and Hell / William Watson --
Heresy indeed / Sara Henderson Hay --
from The everlasting mercy / John Masefield.
Poetry. Humor and satire. The new vainglory / Alice Meynell --
Patronage / Thomas Thornely --
Exit God / Gamaliel Bradford --
Noel / Leonard Feeney, S.J. --
Good Friday song / Robert P. Tristram Coffin --
Ducks : III / Fredrick W. Harvey --
Club woman / Phyllis McGinley --
This side of Calvin / Phyllis McGinley --
Margery Daw / Ruth Manning-Sanders --
The shape God wears / Sara Henderson Hay --
Eternity and the truth / Christopher Morley --
No coaching / Christopher Morley --
The litany of the comfortable / Viola Chittenden White --
For the modernist sermon / Kenneth Burke.
Poetry. Social religion. Sonnet XXI : sonnets and verse / Hilaire Belloc --
Pronouns / Karle Wilson Baker --
There is a river / Jane Addams --
A hymn : o God of earth and altar / G.K. Chesterton --
The pawns / Frank Betts --
And what shall you say? / Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr. --
That God made / Will Herford --
A song of women / Anna Wickham --
The Jericho Road / Edwin McNeill Poteat --
Ecco il santo / Katherine Lee Bates --
Black Magdalens / Countee Cullen --
The litany of the dark people / Countee Cullen --
Contemporary / Sara Bard Field --
The bells of heaven / Ralph Hodgson --
In time of mistrust, XIII / Robert Hillyer --
In thine image / Fania Kruger --
Sonnet XI : selected poems / Robert Nathan --
I must to prayer / Frank Buchanan --
A supplication / Clinton Scollard --
Rush hour / Joachim Smet, O. Carm. --
The mystic / Gertrude Bone.
Poetry. War and peace. The dawn of peace / Alfred Noyes --
The Jewish conscript / Florence Kiper Frank --
Christ in Flanders / L.W. (Lucy Whitmell) --
Battery moving up to a new position from rest camp : dawn / Robert Nichols --
Psalm CLI / Alter Brody --
The song of the child / Anna Wickham --
The peaceful shepherd / Robert Frost --
God and the strong ones / Margaret Widdemer --
The unpardonable sin / Vachel Lindsay --
Valley of the shadow / John Galsworthy --
Wonder / John Galsworthy --
The perjured / Albert E. Johnson --
God's dreams / Thomas Curtis Clark --
Carol with variations / Phyllis McGinley --
The passion of man :1918-1938 / John Squire --
from Ode written during the Battle of Dunkirk, May 1940 / Herbert Read --
In the time of the persecution / L. Aaronson --
A soldier : his prayer / Gerald Kersh --
Invocation / G. Rostrevor Hamilton --
The army of the dead / William Rose Benet --
Passover Eve / Fania Kruger --
The atom / Thomas Thornely --
Presage / Thomas Thornely.
Poetry. Eternal life. An Easter poem / Herbert Edward Palmer --
All Souls' Day / Siegfried Sassoon --
Credo / Siegfried Sassoon --
The paradox / Ruth Pitter --
The fool hath said in his heart / Humbert Wolfe --
Missing / John Banister Tabb --
This quiet dust / John Hall Wheelock --
Vistas / Odell Shepard --
Sonnet : our dead / Robert Nichols --
Death and transfiguration / Marya Zaturenska --
To a child in death / Charlotte Mew --
An Easter canticle / Charles Hanson Towne --
A tramp's prayer / Harry Kemp --
But this is also everlasting life / Sarah N. Cleghorn --
The arrival / William Rose Benet.
Drama. Journey to Jerusalem : act III / Maxwell Anderson --
The angel that troubled the waters / Thornton Wilder --
The trial of Jesus : act III / John Masefield --
The terrible meek / Charles Rann Kennedy --
The zeal of thy house : act II / Dorothy L. Sayers --
Brother sun / Laurence Housman --
Abe Lincoln in Illinois : act II, scene 7 / Robert E. Sherwood --
Escape : part II, episode IX / John Galsworthy --
Green pastures : part II, scenes 6, 7, 8 / Marc Connelly --
Father Malachy's miracle / Brian Doherty ; special condensation by Margaret Mayorga --
Susan and God / Rachel Crothers ; special condensation by Margaret Mayorga --
The far-distant shore / Robert Finch and Betty Smith --
Joan of Lorraine / Maxwell Anderson --
Isaiah and the United Nations / Stanley H. Silverman.
Affirmations. The search for God. Mysterious and miraculous / John Galsworthy --
Having lost God : advertisement --
The greatest need / Gamaliel Bradford --
The riddle / Gamaliel Bradford --
An enrichment of life / J. Arthur Hadfield --
The hidden fire / Paul Elmer More --
The holy scrolls / Sholem Asch --
from One destiny / Sholem Asch --
Faith and the theatre / Maxwell Anderson --
A holy city / Maxwell Anderson.
Affirmations. Faith. I would rather believe / J.B. Priestley --
What keeps religion going / William James --
Faith is a anvil / John Buchan --
A declaration of belief / W. Russell Bowie --
Walk humbly / Paul Elmer More --
A sure refuge / William R. Inge --
The supreme wonder of life / W.S. Rainsford --
The cathedral speaks / Louis Howland --
The life which is God / A. Clutton-Brock --
The foundation of his throne / R. Travers Herford --
The revival of faith must go on / J. Donald Adams --
The human touch / Alexander Irvine --
The true faith / Esme Wingfield-Stratford --
from Humour and faith / Reinhold Niebuhr --
from This believing world / Lewis Browne.
Affirmations. Whither mankind. from A free man's worship / Betrand Russell --
from On the meaning of life / Will Durant --
What are we? / Thomas Wolfe --
The cult of the impersonal / John Macmurray --
If religion is on the side of reaction / John Macmurray --
Disillusioned with rebellion / Walter Lippmann --
Nature : the symbol of God's glory / Frederick J.E. Woodbridge --
from God finite and God infinite / William Pepperell Montague.
Affirmations. Jesus. The challenge of Jesus / Harry Emerson Fosdick --
Christ : the link / John Galsworthy --
Trust in God / Reinhold Niebuhr --
The survival of Christ / Louis Paul --
A way of life / William Osler --
A true religion / Ralph Barton Perry --
We do know / Ernest Fremont Tittle --
Doctrines that disturb / Francis Yeats-Brown --
Christ and Confucius contrasted / Lin Yutang --
Jesus / H.G. Wells.
Affirmations. Prayer and worship. from Permit me voyage / James Agee --
A visible church in an invisible town / William Lyon Phelps --
The prayer of the scientist / Sinclair Lewis --
No answer / Oscar Wilde --
Places of worship / J.B. Priestley --
The Sabbath eve / Ludwig Lewisohn --
More than a lighted candle / George A. Buttrick --
God the life of nature / Mordecai Kaplan --
The religious point of view / Betsey Barton --
Prayer is power / Alexis Carrel --
from Worship / Richard C. Cabot --
A prayer / Harry Emerson Fosdick.
Affirmations. Personal religion. Finding God / Christopher Morley --
Two heroes / Robert F. Scott --
That's holy / John Steinbeck --
Religion is solitariness / Alfred North Whitehead --
A bread and butter letter to God / Katherine Butler Hathaway --
The mystic life / James Bissett Pratt --
The play is of his making / Mary Webb --
Wings / Jose Garcia Villa --
A larger life / Evelyn Underhill --
Killing an idea / Ray Stannard Baker --
I am not alone / Richard E. Byrd --
Wells of strength / Richard E. Byrd --
Like a wind through chaos / William Pepperell Montague --
My sort of God / Heywood Broun.
Affirmations. Social religion. A screwtape letter / C.S. Lewis --
Vitalize the moral sense / William Ernest Hocking --
The common faith / John Dewey --
from The challenge of life / L.P. Jacks --
The dollar sign / Sinclair Lewis --
Prejudice / Ben Hecht --
The little gate to God / Walter Rauschenbusch --
A paraphrase of I Corinthians, XIII / Walter Rauschenbusch --
The dullest thing / Hendrik Willem Van Loon --
Lack of fellowship is hell / John Haynes Holmes --
If this be madness / W. MacNeile Dixon --
We affirm / Israel Goldstein --
Hatred / James Heller --
Living water / John Cournos --
Man's deepest need / Thomas R. Kelly --
from On a note of triumph / Norman Corwin.
Affirmations. Science and religion. from The mysterious universe / Sir James Jeans --
Body and soul / J. Arthur Hadfield --
Ideals as goals / Edwin Grant Conklin --
The unifying philosophy of life / Gordon W. Allport --
A divine element in man / A.S. Eddington --
The astronomical sense of high religion / Lewis Mumford --
Where religion begins / George Herbert Palmer --
The creative power of the soul / Michael Pupin --
A heavenly language / Michael Pupin --
The God of law and order / Robert A. Millikan --
True religiousness / Albert Einstein --
We and God have business with each other / William James.
Affirmations. War and peace. Yet will I trust him / James B. Conant --
They have blown the trumpet / Florence Converse --
For glory and victory / James Harvey Robinson --
The church in America / the editors of Fortune --
The church's duty / Bruce Marshall --
Decreasing moral sense / General J.F.C. Fuller --
from The bomb that fell on America / Hermann Hagedorn.
Affirmations. Eternal life. Time and eternity / Aldous Huxley --
There shone the stars / Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes --
from The undiscovered country / Lily Dougall --
Autobiography and God / Gamaliel Bradford --
Life beyond time / Ralph W. Sockman --
The binding element / Alfred North Whitehead --
Two worlds / Ludwig Lewisohn --
Death, or life eternal? / Arthur H. Compton --
Toward which / Thomas Wolfe.
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LC Subjects
OCLC Fast Subjects
Other Subjects
American literature -- 1900-1999 (20th century)
English literature -- 20th century.
Littérature américaine -- 20e siècle.
Littérature anglaise -- 20e siècle.
Poésie religieuse.
Religion dans la littérature.
Religion in literature -- History -- 20th century.
short stories.
English literature -- 20th century.
Littérature américaine -- 20e siècle.
Littérature anglaise -- 20e siècle.
Poésie religieuse.
Religion dans la littérature.
Religion in literature -- History -- 20th century.
short stories.
More Details
Physical Desc
717 pages ; 22 cm
Includes index.
Local note
APA Citation, 7th Edition (style guide)
Luccock, H. E., & Brentano, F. (1947). The questing spirit: religion in the literature of our time . Coward-McCann.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)Luccock, Halford Edward, 1885-1960 and Frances, Brentano. 1947. The Questing Spirit: Religion in the Literature of Our Time. New York: Coward-McCann.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities (Notes and Bibliography) Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)Luccock, Halford Edward, 1885-1960 and Frances, Brentano. The Questing Spirit: Religion in the Literature of Our Time New York: Coward-McCann, 1947.
Harvard Citation (style guide)Luccock, H. E. and Brentano, F. (1947). The questing spirit: religion in the literature of our time. New York: Coward-McCann.
MLA Citation, 9th Edition (style guide)Luccock, Halford Edward, and Frances Brentano. The Questing Spirit: Religion in the Literature of Our Time Coward-McCann, 1947.
Note! Citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation formats are based on standards as of August 2021.
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