The treasury of religious verse
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Kauffman, Donald T., compiler.
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Table of Contents
I. God of glory : 1. All nature sings : This is my Father's world / Malthie D. Babcock
Pippa's song / Robert Browning
My heart leaps up / William Wordworth
From Song of myself / Walt Whitman
My garden / Thomas Edward Brown
The Holy of Holies / G.K. Chesteerton
From Endymion / John Keats
A prayer / Edwin Markham
From Rules and lessons / Henry Vaughan
The higher Pantheism / Alfred Tennyson
High flight / Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee, Jr., R.C.A.F.
At little Virgil's window / Edwin Markham
When I heard the learn'd astronomer / Walt Whitman
The rhodora / Ralph Waldo Emerson
The day returns / Robert Louis Stevenson
The camp hymn / Mary S. Edgar
Flower in the crannied wall / Alfred Tennyson
From Aurora Leigh / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Dawn / Frank Dempster
Mysteries / Emily Dickinson
Out in the fields with God / Author unknown
God is at the anvil / Lew Sarett
From The divine comedy / Dante Alighieri
Wind in the pine / Lew Sarett
Hyacinths to feed thy soul / Gulistan of Moslih Eddin Saadi
Day is dying in the west / Mary A. Lathbury
The unknown God / Henry Francis Lyte
From Auguries of innocence / William Blake
To the evening star / Thomas Campbell
The tiger / William Blake
The manuscripts of God / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
By the sea / William Wordsworth
Nature / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2. The divine presence : To God / Robert Herrick
By thy life I live / Madame Jeanne Marie Guyon
The secret / Ralph Spaulding Cushman
"Give us this day our daily bread" / Malthie Babcock
From Tintern Abbey / William Wordsworth
Fragment / Henry Vaughan
Where is Heaven? / Bliss Carman
Begin the day with God / Author unknown
Take my heart / St. Augustine of Hippo
Omnipresence / Edward Everett Hale
Lost and found / George Macdonald
Hymn / Paul Laurence Dunbar
Lines written in her breviary / St. Theresa (translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
Round our restlessness / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The handiwork of God / Author unknown
Wings / Victor Hugo
Our burden bearer / Phillips Brooks
Milton's prayer for patience / Elizabeth Lloyd Howell
What God hath promised / Annie Johnson Flint
After St. Augustine / Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
The ancient thought / Watson Kerr
The shepherd boy's song / John Bunyan
A prayer / John Oxenham
Aridity / Michael Field
From At the end of things / Arthur Edward White
Sunrise / Margaret E. Sangster
Our help (Psalm 124:8)
The shadows / George Macdonald
3. God's love and mercy : The Lord's my shelter (Scottish psalter)
On the Twenty-third psalm / Author unknown
Comfort / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Love / George Herbert
From The eternal goodness / John Greenleaf Whittier
The all-embracing / Frederick W. Faber
The toys / Coventry Patmore
Out of the vast / Augustus Wright Babberger
Consider / Christina Rossetti
God's garden / Richard Burton
He giveth more / Annie Johnson Flint
I sought the Lord / Author unknown
How gentle God's commands / Philip Doddridge
From An epistle / Robert Browning
Let us with a gladsome mind / John Milton
O love that wilt not let me go / George Matheson
4. The word of the Lord : The bard / William Blake
The word / Richard Realf
O word of God incarnate / William Walsham How
In the garden of the Lord / Helen Keller
From The light and glory of the world / William Cowper
From The rock / T.S. Eliot
The nineteenth psalm (Holy Bible)
The Book / Winifred Ernest Garrison
A bit of the Book / Margaret E. Sangster
The Book our mothers read; In earthen vessels / John Greenleaf Whittier
More truth and light / John Robinson (to the Pilgrims)
God's Word / John Clifford
The Bible / Sir Walter Scott
The world's Bible / Annie Johnson Flint
Of the incomparable treasures of the scriptures / Author unknown
5. The greatness and glory of God : From Enoch Arden / Alfred Tennyson
The one thousandth psalm / Edward Everett Hale
Hymn of joy / Gerard Manley Hopkins
From The marshes of Glynn / Sidney Lanier
God makes a path / Roger Williams
Thanksgiving / Angela Morgan
Immanence; Transcendence / Richard Hovey
God the architect / Harry Kemp
Belief in plan of thee / Walt Whitman
I yield thee praise / Philip Jerome Cleveland
The Lord is good to all (Holy Bible, Psalm 145:9)
God of the earth, the sky, the sea / Samuel Longfellow
Silence / Charles Hanson Towne
Each in his own tongue / William Herbert Carruth
From Samson agonistes / John Milton
What is the world? / John Dryden
My morning song . George Macdonald
II. Mankind : 6. Desperation and yearning : Epitaph, found somewhere in space / Hugh Wilgus Ramsaur
From The rock / T.S. Eliot
Enough not one / Benjamin Franklin
From On this island / W.H. Auden
From Shine, perishing republic / Robinson Jeffers
From Macbeth / William Shakespeare
From In memory of W.B. Yeats / W.H. Auden
On some trees needlessly slain / Stanton A. Coblentz
God / Gamaliel Bradford
From The rock / T.S. Eliot
Dover Beach / Matthew Arnold
From Night / James Oppenheim
The man with the hoe / Edwin Markham
The Jew to Jesus / Florence Kiper Frank
From For the time being / W.H. Auden
The debt / Paul Laurence Dunbar
Guilty / Marguerite Wilkinson
Indifference / G.A. Studdert-Kennedy
Earth's night / William Allingham
Vanity of vanities / Palladas (translated by M. Hardinge)
From Essay on man / Alexander Pope
Chorus / Algernon Charles Swinburne
From Leaves of grass / Walt Whitman
On the birth of his son / Su Tung-p'o (translated by Arthur Waley)
Past and present / Thomas Hood
From Macbeth / William Shakespeare
From On this day I complete my thirty-sixth year / George Gordon, Lord Byron
Caliban in the coal mines / Louis Untermeyer
Written in early Spring / William Wordsworth
From The rubáiyát of Omar Khayám / Edward Fitzgerald
Life's chequer-board / John Oxenham
The news / Sec
All is vanity Holy Bible, (Ecclesiastes 1:14-15; 3:19)
From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
7. Remorse and repentance : I saw God wash the world / William L. Stidger
The look; The meaning of the look / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
A last prayer / Helen Hunt Jackson
The doomed man / Joseph Addison Alexander
The gifts of God / George Herbert
The battle within / Christina Rossetti
L'envoi / Frederic L. Knowles
His prayer for absolution / Robert Herrick
The sin of omission / Margaret E. Sangster
Sometimes / Thomas S. Jones, Jr.
The touch of the master's hand / Myra Brooks Welch
The hound of heaven / Francis Thompson
8. Challenge and decision : Get somebody else / Paul Laurence Dunbar
From Saint Paul / Frederic W.H. Myers
Life / Edward Rowland Sill
Be true / Horatius Bonar
He doeth all things well / Anne Brontë
From Hamlet / William Shakespeare
The last defile / Amy Carmichael
From Prologue of Faust / John Anster
Judgement Day / John Oxenham
I bind my heart / Lauchlan MacLean Watt
The ways / John Oxenham
From The gate of the year / M. Louise Haskins
The middle-time / Lona M. Fowler
From Bishop Blougram's apology / Robert Browning
Quo vadis? / Myles Connolly
They that wait upon the Lord / Isaiah the Prophet (Holy Bible, Isaiah 40:28-31)
9. Quest and adventure : He whom a dream hath possessed / Shaemus O'Sheel
Prayer / Henry van Dyke
Builders / Purd E. Deitz
Earth is enough / Edwin Markham
Victoria / Henry van Dyke
From Guinevere; From Ulysses / Alfred Tennyson
From The passage to India; From Prayer of Columbus / Walt Whitman
In spite of sorrow / Adoniram Judson
Awake, awake to love and work / G.A. Studdert-Kennedy
From Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening / Robert Frost
From Rhymes of a rolling stone / Robert W. Service
Wind and lyre / Edwin Markham
A prayer / Margaret Bailey
To-day / Angela Morgan
We never know how high / Emily Dickinson
From Julius Caesar / William Shakespeare
The winds of fate / Ella Wheeler Wilcox
III. Jesus Christ : 10. The wonder of his coming : The whole year Christmas / Angela Morgan
In the bleak midwinter / Christina Rossetti
The coming child / Richard Crashaw
That holy thing / George Macdonald
Eternal Christmas / Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
There's a song in the air! / J.G. Holland
Far trumpets blowing / Louis F. Benson
Let us keep Christmas / Grace Noll Crowell
From Christmas antiphones / Algernon Charles Swinburne
I saw a stable / Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
Shall I be silent? / George Herbert
From Auguries of innocence / William Blake
Christmas Eve / Author unknown
11. His childhood and youth : The lamb / William Blake
Out of bounds / John Banister Tabb
Little Jesus / Francis Thompson
Child / Carl Sandburg
The carpenter / George Macdonald
O young and fearless prophet / S. Ralph Harlow
O master-workman of the race / Jay T. Stocking
12. His life and ministry : The Christ / John Oxenham
Amid the din of earthly strife / Henry Warburton Hawkes
My master was so very poor / Harry Lee
Break thou the bread of life / Mary A. Lathbury
Our master / John Greenleaf Whittier
Thou who taught the thronging people / Henry S. Minde
Children in the market-place / Henry van Dyke
If Christ were here to-night / Margaret W. Sangster
Dear master, in whose life I see / John Hunter
Comforted / Amy Carmichael
The carpenter of Galilee / Hilda W. Smith
The man Christ / Therese Lindsey
From The crystal / Sidney Lanier
13. His suffering and sacrifice : A ballad of trees and the master / Sidney Lanier
Betrayal / Hester H. Cholmondeley
Good Friday / Christina Rossetti
A thought / Margaret E. Sangster
Love is of God / Horatius Bonar
From Within and without / George Macdonald
Above the hills of time / Thomas Tiplady
To keep a true Lent / Robert Herrick
Wide open are thy loving hands / Bernard of Clairvaux (translated by C.P. Krauth)
I see his blood upon the rose / Joseph Mary Plunkett
To search our souls / Jane McKay Lanning
His hands / John Richard Moreland
We may not know / Cecil F. Alexander
In thine own heart / Angelus Silesius
There is a man on the cross / Elizabeth Cheney
Yet listen now / Amy Carmichael
God was in Christ / Paul (Holy Bible, II Corinthians 5:18-21)
By him / Ben Jonson
14. The risen Lord : Our Christ / Harry Webb Farrington
Easter / George Herbert
Easter hymn / Charles Wesley
An Easter song / Susan Coolidge
If Easter be not true / Henry H. Barstow
The head that once was crowned with thorns / Thomas Kelly
Easter morning / Edmund Spenser
Blessing and honor / Horatius Bonar
Grace at evening / Edwin McNeill Poteat
15. Our saviour and our friend : Hymn of labor / Henry van Dyke
From The everlasting mercy / John Masefield
None other than the lamb / Christina Rossetti
A virile Christ / Rex Boundy
He that is near me is near the fire / Origen
He is a path / Giles Fletcher
Approaches / George Macdonald
The song of a heathen / Richard Watson Gilder
I am the way / Alice Meynell
No coming to God without Christ / Robert Herrick
From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
From Saul / Robert Browning
From Saint Paul / Frederic W.H. Myers
From St. Patrick / Phyllis Garlick
Jesus and I / Dan Crawford
Fairest Lord Jesus / Author unknown
Paul / John Oxenham
Him evermore I behold / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
In sweet communion / John Newton
IV. The life of the Spirit : 16. Portals of prayer : Proof / Ethel Romig Fuller
Two prayers / Andrew Gillies
Thou hast made us for thyself / St. Augustine of Hippo
From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
Thou art coming to a king / John Newton
Prayer / Richard Chenevix Trench
From Morte d'Arthur / Alfred Tennyson
Two went up in the temple to pray / Richard Crashaw
What is prayer? / James Montgomery
Prayer / George Herbert
From Andre Rykman's prayer / Joohn Greenleaf Whittier
Indian prayer / Chief Joseph Strongwolf
Whirring wheels / John Oxenham
St. Francis' prayer / St. Francis of Assisi
To my God / George Macdonald
For all in pain / Amy Carmichael
The celestial surgeon / Robert Louis Stevenson
An old Irish blessing / Author unknown
God be in my head (Old Sarum Primer)
A grace / Thomas Tiplady
Prayer for strength / Samuel Johnson
Props / John Oxenham
Lord, thou hast suffered / Amy Carmichael
Give to the winds thy fears / Paul Gerhardt (translated by John Wesley)
To the Supreme Being / Michelangelo (translated by William Wordsworth
17. Faith and trust : From the passionate man's pilgrimage / Sir Walter Raleigh
The evidence (Holy Bible, Hebrews 11:1)
Faith / John Greenleaf Whittier
From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
Faith / Margaret E. Sangster
O world / George Santayana
Whoso draws nigh to God / Author unknown
Chartless / Emily Dickinson
Possession / Author unknown
Faith / Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The poets' simple faith / Victor Hugo
A noiseless patient spider / Walt Whitman
The faith of Abraham Lincoln / Abraham Lincoln (formulated by Carl Sandburg from Lincoln's own words; from The war years)
Overheard in an orchard / Elizabeth Cheney
Encouraged / Paul Laurence Dunbar
Life and love / John Greenleaf Whittier
Voyager's prayer / Chippewa Indians
Faith / John Banister Tabb
The tide of faith / George Eliot
The kingdom of God / Francis Thompson
Consecration / Author unknown
The riddle of the world / John Greenleaf Whittier
Faith / Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Candle and book / Nina Willis Walter
Just for today / Sybil F. Partridge
Day by day / Stephen F. Winward
As thy days so shall thy strength be / Georgiana Holmes (George Klingle)
"With whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning ' / Arthur Hugh Clough
The one hundred and twenty-first psalm (Holy Bible)
Light shining out of darkness / William Cowper
Tune thou my harp / Amy Carmichael
18. Hope for tomorrow : Bide a wee! / John Oxenham
Hope / Anna Blake Mezquida
The tide shall win / Priscilla Leonard
From The battle-field / William Cullen Bryant
Hope / Amy Carmichael
Say not the struggle nought availeth / Arthur Hugh Clough
From At the worst / Angela Morgan
From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
When night is almost done / Emily Dickinson
There's a light upon the mountains / Henry Burton
From Tales of a wayside inn / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The king's highway / John Masefield
Jesus return / Henry van Dyke
Captain of the years / Arthur R. Macdougall, Jr.
From The forty-second psalm (Holy Bible)
From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
From Rabbi Ben Ezra / Robert Browning
Evensong / George Tankervil
Do we not hear the footfall? / Amy Carmichael
The forty-sixth psalm (Holy Bible)
19. The way of love : Where to seek love / William Blake
Sonnet 116 / William Shakespeare
Outwitted / Edwin Markham
Meditation / Toyohiko Kagawa
From The rime of the ancient mariner / Samuel Taylor Coleridge
From A death in the desert / Robert Browning
The master-player / Paul Laurence Dunbar
Folks need a lot of loving / Strickland Gillilan
From The merchant of Venice / William Shakespeare
By night / Philip Jerome Cleveland
The way / Henry van Dyke
My daily creed / Author unknown
Theology / Paul Laurence Dunbar
At set of sun / George Eliot
Love / Paul (Holy Bible, I Corinthians 13)
Philosophers have measured mountains / George Herbert
Abou Ben Adhem / James Henry Leigh Hunt
We are God's chosen few / Jonathan Swift
By gentle love / Author unknown
20. Joy and peace within : The place of peace / Edwin Markham
Reflections / Edna Becker
Joy and peace in believing / William Cowper
Sheer joy / Ralph Spaulding Cushman
Christ's bondservant / George Matheson
Blind but happy / Fanny Crosby (written at the age of eight)
He walks at peace / Tao Tê Ching
From The Christian soldier / G.A. Studdert-Kennedy
There's a wideness in God's mercy / Fredercik W. Faber
Calm soul of all things / Matthew Arnold
From The everlasting mercy / John Masefield
Today / Mary Frances Butts
Now and then / Margaret E. Sangster
Perfect peace / Isaiah the Prophet (Holy Bible, Isaiah 26:3)
Dear Lord and father of mankind / John Greenleaf Whittier
The evening star / Amy Carmichael
From How can I keep from singing? / Robert Lowry
21. Divine guidance : A hymn after reading "Lead, kindly light" / Paul Laurence Dunbar
Voyagers / Henry van Dyke
Thy way, not mine / Horatius Bonar
From Saint Patrick's breastplate / St. Patrick
To a waterfowl / William Cullen Bryant
From Not knowing / Mary Gardiner Brainard
Be still, my soul / Katherina von Schlegel (translated by Jane L. Borthwick)
Evensong / Robert Louis Stevenson
Walking with God / William Cowper
Obedience / George Macdonald
Disappointment / Edith Lillian Young
The pillar of the cloud / John Henry Newman
The twenty-third psalm (Holy Bible)
From An invocation / John Addington Symonds
The day
the way / John Oxenham
Direct this day / Thomas Ken
Silence / Samuel Miller Hageman
22. Work, duty, and service : The sweetest lives / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I would be true / Howard Arnold Walter
Working with God ( from "Stradivarius") / George Eliot
On his blindness / John Milton
O to be up and doing / Robert Louis Stevenson
A teacher's prayer / Frances Ridley Havergal
Work / Henry van Dyke
Lord of all pots and pans and things ( Attributed to various authors but appears to be reworked from "The divine office of the kitchen" by Cecily Hallack)
From Voluntaries / Ralph Waldo Emerson
The bridge builder / Will Allen Dromgoole
True rest / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The job that's crying to be done / Rudyard Kipling
We cannot kindle / Matthew Arnold
Service / Washington Gladden
Your place / John Oxenham
Lend a hand / Edward Everett Hale
Teach us to serve thee, Lord / St. Ignatius of Loyola
Send me / Christina Rossetti
The gospel of labor / Henry van Dyke
Sonnet vii / John Milton
Ode to duty / William Wordsworth
Fable / Ralph Waldo Emerson
23. Friendship and fellowship : The best treasure / John J. Moment
The blithe mask / Dollett Fuguet
All in all; From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
Remembrance / William Shakespeare
The house by the side of the road / Sam Walter Foss
I sought my soul / Author unknown
From Ulysses / Alfred Tennyson
Make friends / Ali Ben Abu Taleb
The one hundred and thirty-third psalm (Holy Bible)
If I can stop one heart from breaking / Emily Dickinson
There is a love / Philip Jerome Cleveland
24. Praise and thanksgiving : I sing the mighty power of God / Isaac Watts
Thanksgiving / Margaret E. Sangster
A sun-day hymn / Oliver Wendell Holmes
The summer days are come again / Samuel Longfellow
To a bird after a storm / Henry Vaughn
The burning bush / Henry van Dyke
From A little te deum of the commonplace / John Oxenham
From A song to David / Christopher Smart
From In memory of W.B. Yeats / W.H. Auden
The one hundredth psalm / Holy Bible
From Our prayer of thanks / Carl Sandburg
Father, how wide thy glories shine / Charles Wesley
The one hundred and fiftieth psalm / Holy Bible
To him be the glory / Paul (New English Bible, Romans 12:33-36)
Have we not seen thy shining garments hem / Amy Carmichael
Praise / Edith Daley
From All that dwell below the skies / Isaac Watts
A heart to praise thee / George Herbert
V. The reign of God : 25. Bless this house : Bless this house / Helen Taylor
The one hundred and twenty-seventh psalm (Holy Bible)
Home (from The death of the hired man) / Robert Frost
House and home / Victor Hugo
From Prayer for the home / Edgar A. Guest
Peace / Margaret E. Sangster
Search / Anne Marriott
From A little te deum of the commonplace / John Oxenham
The housewife / Catherine Cate Coblentz
A virtuous woman (Holy Bible, Proverbs 31:10-12, 27-31)
The open door / Grace Coolidge
They might not need me, but they might / Emily Dickinson
The little poem of life / John Oxenham
The hundred and twenty-eighth psalm (Holy Bible)
In thine arms / Oliver Wendell Holmes
26. Love in the home : How do I love thee? / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
From The song of Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Sonnet twenty-nine / William Shakespeare
To my wife / Robert Louis Stevenson
Entreat me not to leave thee (Ruth to Naomi, Holy Bible, Ruth 1:16-17)
Mother o' mine / Rudyard Kipling
I found God / Mary Afton Thacker
A child's thought of God / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Baby / George Macdonald
From Ode on imitations of immortality / William Wordsworth
Love / Mary Carolyn Davies
27. Nation under God : Pledge of Allegiance
The new Colossus / Emma Lazarus
Recessional / Rudyard Kipling
Unmanifest destiny / Richard Hovey
Peace hymn of the republic / Henry van Dyke
From Letter to the governors, June 8, 1783 / George Washington
From God send us men / F.J. Gillman
The Gettysburg Address / Abraham Lincoln
Four things / Author unknown
Patriotism / Sir Walter Scott
Let us have faith that right makes might / Abraham Lincoln
From The deserted village / Oliver Goldsmith
A nation's strength; Boston hymn / Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mine eyes have seen the glory / Julia Ward Howe
28. The church : An angel unawares / Author unknown
God's saints / Henry Vaughn
From The rock / T.S. Eliot
The eighty-fourth psalm (Holy Bible)
From Holes in the sky / Louis MacNeice
Thou, whose unmeasured temple stands / William Cullen Bryant
In hoc signo / Godfrey Fox Bradby
From The church porch / George Herbert
The church in the heart / Morris Abel Beer
There shall always be the church / T.S. Eliot
One in Christ / Henry van Dyke
City of God / Samuel Johnson
The one hundred and twenty-second psalm (Holy Bible)
29. The ministry : From The task / William Cowper
From Love breathing thanks and praise / Richard Baxter
From The Canterbury tales / Geoffrey Chaucer (translated by H.C. Leonard)
The priest of Christ / Thomas Ken
Epitaph on a worthy clergyman / Benjamin Franklin
From The deserted village / Oliver Goldsmith
The preacher's prayer / George Macdonald
From The task / William Cowper
The hand that held it / W.G. Elmslie
From The rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám / Edward FitzGerald
The one hundred and thirty-fourth psalm (Holy Bible)
30. Social concern : Turn back, o man / Clifford Box
"When I think of the hungry people" / O-Shi-O (Japanese scholar)
Love / Yoyohiko Kagawa
Midnight / Margaret E. Sangster
A lady I know / Countee Cullen
From The postern gate / Walter Rauschenbusch
We are living, we are dwelling / Arthur C. Coxe
From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
From The vision of Sir Launfal / James Russell Lowell
The way, the truth, and the life / Theodore Parker
From The Tao Teh King / Author unknown (Chinese)
Ultimatum / Peggy Pond Church
From The Oxyrhyncus sayings of Jesus
They who tread the path of labor / Henry van Dyke
Before thy throne / William Boyd Carpenter
O, may I join the choir invisible! / George Eliot
The Lord's prayer / Jesus (Holy Bible, Matthew 6:9-13)
The latest decalogue / Arthur Hugh Clough
Right is right / Frederick W. Faber
From Sacrifice / Ralph Waldo Emerson
The search / James Russell Lowell
The father's business / Edwin Markham
31. Justice and righteousness : Wanted / J.G. Holland
I am not bound to win / Abraham Lincoln
Slaves / James Russell Lowell
Said the innkeeper / Myles Connolly
Wherewith shall I come before the Lord? / Micah the Prophet (Holy Bible, Micah 6:6-8)
A free nation / Edwin Markham
Foundations / Henry van Dyke
Latimer's light / Author unknown
From The present crisis / James Russell Lowell
Four things / Henry van Dyke
The centuries are his / Georgia Moore Eberling
32. Brotherhood and world peace : If we break faith / Joseph Auslander
O brother man / John Greenleaf Whittier
From Locksley Hall / Alfred Tennyson
Christmas bells / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Neither shall they learn war any more / Micah the Prophet (Holy Bible, Micah 4:1-4)
From Ballad of East and West / Rudyard Kipling
No East or West / John Oxenham
For whom the bell tolls / John Donne
We bear the strain of earthly care / Ozora S. Davis
After Blenheim / Robert Southey
Apparitions / Thomas Curtis Clark
These things shall be / John A. Symonds
The divine image / William Blake
God's residence / Emily Dickinson
Two at a fireside / Edwin Markham
33. The life everlasting : L'envoi / Rudyard Kipling
Crossing the bar / Alfred Tennyson
From Last lines / Emily Brontë
Some late lark singing / William Ernest Henley
From The old astronomer / Sarah Williams
Home at last / G.K. Chesterton
On time / John Milton
The sleep / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
If my bark sink / Emily Dickinson
"Leaf after leaf" / Walter Savage Landor
Epitaph / Sir Walter Raleigh
After work / John Oxenham
Until the shadows lengthen / John Henry Newman
To paths unknown / John Greenleaf Whittier
From The chambered nautilus / Oliver Wendell Holmes
Prayer before her execution / Mary Queen of Scots
Darest thou now o soul / Walt Whitman
My ain countree / Mary Demarest
From You can't go home again / Thomas Wolfe
Away / James Whitcomb Riley
Prospice / Robert Browning
In him / Annie Johnson Flint
When all is done / Paul Laurence Dunbar
From Thomas Wolfe's tombstone / Thomas Wolfe
Death, be not proud / John Donne
The last invocation / Walt Whitman
Epitaph / Benjamin Franklin
From Thanatopsis / William Cullen Bryant
Saon of Acanthus / Callimachus (translated by J.A. Symonds)
The chariot / Emily Dickinson
From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
Life / Anna Laetitia Barbauld
From Resignation / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Go down, death / James Weldon Johnson
Waiting / John Burroughs
To Toussaint L'Ouverture / William Wordsworth
Eternal life / Henry More
God is nigh / Author unknown
Index of subjects
Index of special days and occasions
Index of authors
Index of titles and first lines.
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371 pages ; 22 cm
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APA Citation, 7th Edition (style guide)
Kauffman, D. T. (1962). The treasury of religious verse . Revell.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)Kauffman, Donald T.. 1962. The Treasury of Religious Verse. [Westwood, New Jersey]: Revell.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities (Notes and Bibliography) Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)Kauffman, Donald T.. The Treasury of Religious Verse [Westwood, New Jersey]: Revell, 1962.
Harvard Citation (style guide)Kauffman, D. T. (1962). The treasury of religious verse. [Westwood, New Jersey]: Revell.
MLA Citation, 9th Edition (style guide)Kauffman, Donald T.. The Treasury of Religious Verse Revell, 1962.
Note! Citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation formats are based on standards as of August 2021.
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