v. 1. 1600-1660. A sermon preached before the Kings majestie, at White-Hall, on Wednesday the XXV of December, A.D. MDCXXII, being Christmasse Day / Lancelot Andrewes --
Essays. Of studies (1597) ; Of studies (1625) ; Of discourse (1597) ; Of discourse (1625) ; Of truth ; Of adversity ; Of simulation and dissimulation ; Of envy ; Of atheism ; Of empire ; Of cunning ; Of nature in men / Francis Bacon --
The proficience and advancement of learning, divine and human / Francis Bacon --
Poems. At the round earths imagin'd corners, blow ; Death be not proud ; Batter my heart, three person'd God / John Donne --
To Sir Edward Herbert at Julyers ; The autumnall ; Good Friday, 1613; riding westward ; A nocturnall upon S. Lucies Day ; The apparition ; A valediction : forbidding mourning ; The good-morrow ; Song ; Womans constancy ; The sunne rising ; The indifferent ; The canonization ; Lovers infinitenesse ; Song ; Aire and angells ; The anniversarie ; Loves growth ; The flea ; An anatomie of the world ; Elegie on his mistris ; The extasie ; Loves deitie ; The funerall ; The relique ; The dissolution ; A hymne to Christ ; Satyre III ; A hymne to God the Father ; Hymne to God my God, in my sicknesse ; Devotions upon emergent occasions ; Sermon XXIII preached at S. Pauls, for Easter-day, 1628 / John Donne --
Epigrammes. To the reader ; To my booke ; On some-thing, that walkes some-where ; To William Camden ; On my first daughter ; To John Donne ; On my first sonne ; To William Roe ; On Lucy Countesse of Bedford ; To Lucy, Countesse of Bedford with Mr. Donnes satyres ; To Sir Henrie Savile ; To John Donne ; Inviting a friend to supper ; Epitaph on S.P. ; Epitaph on Elizabeth, L.H. / Ben Jonson --
The forest. To Penshurst ; To Sir Robert Wroth ; Song : To Celia ; To the same ; Song : To Celia ; Epode / Ben Jonson --
Under-woods. A hymne to God the Father ; A hymne on the Nativitie of my Saviour / Ben Jonson --
Under-woods. A celebration of charis. His excuse for loving ; How he saw her ; Her triumph / Ben Jonson --
Under-woods. In the person of woman kind ; My picture left in Scotland ; An elegie ; An ode, to himselfe ; A fit of rime against rime ; An epistle answering to one that asked to be sealed of the tribe of Ben ; To the immortall memorie, and friendship of that noble paire, Sir Lucius Cary, and Sir H. Morison / Ben Jonson --
To the memory of my beloved, the author Mr. William Shakespeare ; Ben. Johnsons sociable rules for the Apollo / Ben Jonson --
Songs from the masques and plays. Song ; Hymne ; Song ; Song / Ben Jonson --
The vision of delight presented at court in Christmas, 1617 ; Timber, or, Discoveries / Ben Jonson.
v. 1. 1600-1660. Prose characters. Of a base and frivolous affectation of praise / Theophrastus --
Characters of vertues and vices. The malcontent ; A patient man ; The good magistrate / Joseph Hall --
The overburian characters. A courtier ; A sailor ; APuritan ; A fair and happy milkmaid ; A roaring boy ; A prison ; What a character is --
Micro-cosmographie. A grave divine ; A pretender to learning / John Earle.
v. 1. 1600-1660. The anatomy of melancholy / Robert Burton --
The locusts, or, Apollyonists. Canto I / Phineas Fletcher --
Piscatorie eclogues. Eclog. III / Phineas Fletcher --
Christ's victorie and triumph. Christ's victorie on earth / Giles Fletcher --
The shepheards hunting. The fourth eglogue / George Wither --
Faire virtue, the mistresse of Phil'arete. Sonnet 4 / George Wither --
Brittan's remembrancer ; A collection of emblemes, ancient and moderne / George Wither --
Haleluiah, or, Britan's second remembrancer. Hymne I ; Hymn L / George Wither --
The tired petitioner / George Wither --
Leviathan, or, The matter, forme and power of a commonwealth ecclesiasticall and civil ; The answer of Mr. Hobbes to Sir Will. D'Avenant's preface before Gondibert / Thomas Hobbes --
Hesperides. The argument of his book ; When he would have his verses read ; To Perilla ; Upon the losse of his mistresses ; Cherrie-ripe ; Discontents in Devon ; To the reverend shade of his religious father ; Delight in disorder ; Upon love ; Dean-bourn, a rude river in Devon, by which sometimes he lived ; To laurels ; A country life : to his brother, M. Tho : Herrick ; Divination by a daffadill ; En epitaph upon a child ; His fare-well to sack ; Upon a virgin kissing a rose ; To Dianeme ; Corinna's going a Maying ; To his dying brother, Master William Herrick ; To cherry-blossomes ; The welcome to sack ; To live merrily, and to trust to good verses ; To the virgins, to make much of time ; A dirge upon the death of the right valiant Lord, Bernard Stuart ; To musique, to becalme his fever ; The hock-cart, or, Harvest home ; To the western wind ; To primroses fill'd with morningdew ; To Anthea, who may command him any thing ; To meddowes ; A nuptiall song, or, Epithalamie on Sir Clipseby Crew and his lady ; Upon Prudence Baldwin her sickness ; Upon a child that dyed ; Oberons feast ; To daffadills ; To Larr ; The meddow verse, or, Aniversary to Mistris Bridget Lowman ; The parting verse, the feast there ended ; To the most learned, wise, and arch-antiquary, M. John Seldon ; The old wives prayer ; His lachrimæ or mirth, turn'd to mourning ; The mad maids song ; To daisies, not to shut so soone ; An epitaph upon a virgin ; To blossoms ; On himselfe ; To his tomb-maker ; His content in the country ; The apparition of his mistresse calling him to Elizium ; His prayer to Ben. Jonson ; The night-piece, to Julia ; His charge to Julia at his death ; Upon a child ; To Electra ; To fortune ; His grange, or, Private wealth ; The apron of flowers ; Upon Julia's clothes ; Upon Prew his maid ; Upon Ben. Johnson ; An ode for him / Robert Herrick.
v. 1. 1600-1660. His noble numbers, or, His pious pieces. His prayer for absolution ; Mercy and love ; His ejaculation to God ; His letanie, to the Holy Spirit ; A thanksgiving to God, for his house ; Another grace for a child ; The new-yeeres gift, or, Circumcisions song / Robert Herrick --
The temple. The altar ; Redemption ; Easter ; H. Baptisme ; Prayer ; Love ; Employment ; Grace ; Church-musick ; The windows ; Sunday ; To all angels and saints ; Christmas ; The world ; Vanitie ; Vertue ; The pearle : Matth. 13 ; Man ; Life ; Decay ; The quip ; Dialogue ; Artillerie ; Longing ; The collar ; The pulley ; The flower ; The elixer ; Death ; Dooms-day ; Love / George Herbert --
The compleat angler ; The life of Mr. George Herbert / Izaak Walton --
The spring ; Mediocritie in love rejected ; To my inconstant mistris ; Perswsions to enjoy ; Ingratefull beauty threatened ; Disdaine returned ; Boldnesse in love ; Epitaph on the Lady Mary Villers ; An other ; An other ; Maria Wentworth. Thomae Comitis Cleveland, Filia Præmortuæ prima virgineam animam exhalauit ; An elegie upon the death of the deane of Pauls, Dr. John Donne ; To a lady that desired I would love her ; To my worthy friend Master Geo. Sands, on his translation of the psalmes ; On sight of a gentlewomans face in the water ; A song / Thomas Carew --
Religio medici ; Hydrotaphia ; The garden of cyrus / Sir Thomas Browne --
A discourse upon Gondibert ; Gondibert ; Song / Sir William Davenant --
Of his majesties receiving the news of the Duke of Buckingham's death ; To amoret ; Song ; The battle of the summer-islands ; On a girdle ; At Penshurst : another ; Upon Ben. Johnson ; Chloris and Hilas. made to a sarabran ; To Mr. Henry Lawes ; Of the last verses in the book ; Panegyrick upon O. Cromwell / Edmund Waller --
Fragmenta aurea. On new-years day 1640 : To the king ; A sessions of the poets ; Loves world ; Song ; Sonnett II ; Sonnett III ; Barley-break ; Tis now since I sate down ; A ballade : upon a wedding / Sir John Suckling --
The last remains. Sir J.S. ; Sir Toby Matthews ; A soldier / Sir John Suckling --
Steps to the temple. Divine epigrams. On the baptized Æthiopian ; To the infant martyrs ; Upon Lazarus his teares ; On our crucified Lord naked, and bloody ; On the bleeding wounds of our crucified Lord ; On Mr. G. Herberts booke, intituled The temple of sacred poems, sent to a gentlewoman / Richard Crashaw.
v. 1. 1600-1660. The delights of the muses. Musicks duell ; Sospetto d'Herode ; Out of the Italian : a song ; Wishes : to his (supposed) mistresse / Richard Crashaw --
Carmen Deo nostro, te decet hymnus sacred poems. To the name above every name, the name of Jesus a hymn ; In the holy Nativity of Our Lord God a hymn sung as by the shepheards ; Sainte Mary Magdalene or the weeper ; A hymn to the name and honor of the admirable Sainte Teresa ; The flaming heart ; Temperance ; M. Crashaws answer for hope / Richard Crashaw --
The rule and exercises of holy living / Jeremy Taylor --
An elegie upon the death of the Lord Hastings ; Coopers Hill ; On Mr. Abraham Cowley ; The destruction of Troy : Aeneid II / Sir John Denham --
Lucasta. To Lucasta, going to the warres ; To Lucasta, going beyond the seas ; To Amarantha, that she would dishevell her haire ; To Lucasta : the rose ; Gratiana Dauncing and singing ; The grass-hopper ; The vintage to the dungeon ; To Althea from prison / Richard Lovelace --
Lucasta postume poems. To Lucasta : he reserved looks / Richard Lovelace --
Miscellanies. Ode : of wit ; On the death of Mr. William Hervey ; The chronicle ; To Sir William Davenant ; On the death of Mr. Crashaw / Abraham Cowley --
Anacreontiques. Drinking ; The grasshopper / Abraham Cowley --
The mistress. The thraldome ; Written in juice of lemmon ; Platonick love ; The change ; Clad all in white ; The wish ; The welcome ; Against hope / Abraham Cowley --
Pindarique odes. To Mr. Hobs / Abraham Cowley --
Davideis ; Hymn : to light / Abraham Cowley --
Essays. Of liberty ; Of my self / Abraham Cowley --
A dialogue between the resolved soul and created pleasure ; On a drop of dew ; The coronet ; Bermudas ; A dialogue between the soul and body ; The nymph complaining for the death of her faun ; To his coy mistress ; The definition of love ; The picture of little T.C. in a prospect of flowers ; The garden ; Senec. traged. ex Thyeste chor. 2 ; The mower against gardens ; The mower's song ; Upon Appleton house ; An Horation ode upon Cromwel's return from Ireland / Andrew Marvell --
Silex scintillans. The retreate ; Come, come, what doe I here? ; Joy of my life! while left me here ; Silence and stealth of dayes! ; Buriall ; Peace ; Corruption ; Unprofitablenes ; The world ; The constellation ; Man ; Ascension-hymn ; They are all gone into the world of light ; Cock-crowing ; The bird ; The timber ; The seed growing secretly ; As time one day by me did pass ; The night ; The water-fall ; Quickness ; The book / Henry Vaughan.
v. 2. 1660-1700. The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England / Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon --
Hudibras / Samuel Butler --
Prose characters. A modern politician ; A bumpkin, or country-squire ; A philosopher ; A ranter / Samuel Butler --
Democritus Platonissans, or, An essay upon the infinity of worlds out of platonick principles ; Divine dialogues / Henry More --
The saints everlasting rest / Richard Baxter --
The diary of John Evelyn / John Evelyn --
The rehearsal transpros'd / Andrew Marvell --
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners ; The pilgrims progress / John Bunyan --
Upon the gardens of Epicurus, or, Of gardening in the year 1685 ; Of poetry / Sir William Temple.
v. 2. 1660-1700. Anglican sermons. The pleasantness of religion / Isaac Barrow --
An account of the nature and measures of conscience / Robert South --
The advantages of religion to societies / John Tillotson.
v. 2. 1660-1700. Upon the death of the Lord Hastings ; Heroique stanzas, consecrated to the glorious memory of his most serene and renowned highnesse, Oliver, late lord protector of this commonwealth, & c ; To my friend, Dr. Charleton, on his learned and useful works; and more particularly this of Stone-Heng, by him restored to the true founders ; Of dramatick poesie : an essay ; Prologue to secret-love, or, The maiden-queen ; Epilogue to Tyrannick love ; Song ; Song ; The zambra dance ; Epilogue ; Song ; Prologue ; Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Boutell ; A song from the italian ; Prologue ; Song ; Absalom and Achitophel : a poem ; MacFlecknoe, or, A satyr upon the true-blew Protestant poet, T.S. ; The second part of Absalom and Achitophel ; Religio laici, or, A layman's faith : a poem ; A song ; To the memory of Mr. Oldham ; Horat, ode 29, book 3, paraphrase'd in Pindarique verse ; To the pious memory of the accomplisht young lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew, excellent in the two sister-arts of poesie, and painting : an ode ; The hind and the panther ; A song for St. Cecilia's Day, 1687 ; Lines printed under the engraved portrait of Milton, in Tonson's folio of the Paradise lost, 1688 ; Mercury's song to Phædra ; Song ; Song ; Veni Creator Spiritus, translated in paraphrase ; The sixth book of the Æneis ; To my dear friend Mr. Congreve, on his comedy, call'd, The double-dealer ; Alexander's feast, or, The power of musique : an ode, in honour of St. Cecilia's Day ; Preface to fables ancient and modern ; The secular masque / John Dryden --
An essay concerning human understanding ; The second treatise of civil government / John Locke.
v. 2. 1660-1700. Diary of Samuel Pepys / Samuel Pepys --
The lady's New-Year's-gift, or, Advice to a daughter ; The character of a trimmer / George Savile, first Marquis of Halifax --
The poetical works. The salutation ; Wonder ; Eden ; My spirit ; Amendment ; Love ; News ; On leaping over the moon ; To the same purpos ; Consummation ; Hosanna / Thomas Traherne --
Centuries of meditations / Thomas Traherne --
Song : written at sea, in the first Dutch war, 1665, the night before an engagement ; Song ; Song ; Song / Charles Sackville, Earl of Dorset --
Song ; Song ; The indifference ; Song ; Advice to the old beaux ; Song ; Song / Sir Charles Sedley --
The mulberry-garden, III, ii. Song / Sir Charles Sedley --
Upon the most useful knowledge, craft or cunning, which is more wisdom, as 'tis less wit ; A drinking-song, against all sorts of disputes in drinking : to one who always bawl'd to have reason done him, and was noicie, and quarrelsom in his cups ; To a witty man of wealth and quality, who, after his dismissal from court, said, he might justly complain of it ; A song : In the name of a lover, to his mistress, who said, she hated him for his grey hairs, which he had at thirty / William Wycherly --
A dialogue between Strephon and Daphne ; A song ; Love and life : a song ; Upon drinking in a bowl ; A song ; A letter from Artemisa in the town, to Chloe, in the country ; A satyr against mankind / John Wilmot, second Earl of Rochester --
Satyrs upon the Jesuits. Proluge ; Satyr III / John Oldham --
The careless good fellow / John Oldham.