PART 1: ON FARM AND FRONTIER: 1. Harris, C.R.; Life on the Seigneury. -2. Heriot, George; The Voyageurs. -3. Montreal Gazette. Problems of a new settlement 1824. -4. Martin, J.L.; Farm life in Nova Scotia. -5. Gesner, Abraham; The New Brunswick squatter. Traill, Parr Catharine; The Frontier Farm. -6. Goose, P.H.; The Farm Routine of the 1830s. -7. Nelson, David; The Farm Routine of the 1870s and 1880s. -8. Haight, Canniff; Making it on the Farm. -9. Robertson, W.A.; Next-year Country, -9. Rodwell, Lloyd; Settling in the West [Saskatchewan]. -10. Winnipeg Daily Times 1883; The Young Farmer's Plaint.
-11. Manitoba Morning Free Press 1893; Keeping Them Down on the Farm. -12. Langton, W.A.; Alternatives to farming. -13. McGregor, J.M.; Timbering in the 1820s [Maritimes]. -14. Fraser, Joshua; Timbering in the 1870s. -15. Miner, Horace; Timbering at the turn of the century [Quebec]. -16. Montreal Gazette 1817; Famine on the Fishing Frontier. -17. Evening Star 1897; The Fur Frontier in the 1880s. -18. Johnson, R.B.; Gold Rush days in British Columbia. -19. Grant, George; British Columbia industry in the 1870s. -20. Arthur and Joseph Robinson; Klondike Gold Fever.
PART 2: WORK: 21. Canada Sessional Papers 1882; The Factory. -22. The Globe 1881; Hours of Labour. -23. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; Legal Rights of Workers. -24. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; The Company Town. -25 Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; A Coal Miner Testifies. -26. Winnipeg Daily Times; Workingmen's' Problems in the West. 27. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; Conditions in a Cotton Mill. -28. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; The Machine and the Craftsman. -29. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; Child Labour. -30. Ontario 1892; Parents and Child Labour.
-31. Clark, C.S.; Street Boys. -32. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; Newsboys and Juvenile Delinquency. -33. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; Disciplining the Work Force. -34. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; An accident. -35. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; Female Labour. 36. Canada Sessional Papers 1896; The Sweating System, Conditions in the Workshop. -37. Daily Mail and Empire 1897; The Sweating System: The 'People's Press' Reports.
PART 3: WORKING-CLASS LIFE: 38. Moodie, Susanna; The Levelling Principle. -39. Cooper. J.I.; Working-class Montreal in the 1850s. -40. Ames, Herbert B.; Ethnic Characteristics in Montreal in the 1890s. -41. Quebec Sessional Papers 1903 and Ontario Sessional Papers 1892; Conditions of the Working-Class City. -42. Quebec Sessional Papers 1903; Death Rates at the Turn of the Century. -43. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; Working-class housing in Toronto. -44. Ames, Herbert B.; family Structure. -45. Rowles, Edith ; Pioneer Food. 46. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; How the Workingman Pampered Himself. 47. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; The Cost of Living. -48. Ames, Herbert A.; Incomes in Montréal in the 1890s. -49. Ames, Herbert A.; Poverty in Montreal in the 1890s. -50. McGruar, Daniel; A Mid-Century Tailor's Account Book. -51. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; Thrift Among the Working Classes. -52. The Labour Gazette 1901; A Balance-sheet for the Workingman.
PART 4: THE WORKINGMAN AND SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS: 53. Montreal Gazette 1817; The evils of charity. -54. Montreal Gazette 1824; Illness among the working classes. -55. Ontario Sessional Papers 1892; Cholera epidemics. -56. Montreal Transcript 1843; The Need for a workhouse in Montreal. -57. The Globe 1869; The Virtuous poor in Toronto. -58. Daily Globe 1877; Coddling the poor. -58. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; The Problem of the Immigrant poor. -59. House of Industry Annual Reports; Infants' Home and Infirmary Annual Report; Toronto Relief Society; Charity in Toronto. -60. Kelso, J.J.; The problem of the Child
61. MacGregor, J.; Amusements in the Maritimes. -62. Gaetz, Adolphus; Social Life in a small town in the 1850s. -63. Morgan, E.C.; Pioneer recreation. -64. Clark, C.S.; Boys will be boys. -65. Prince Albert Times; A holiday in the west 1888. -65. The Globe 1900; The pastimes of the people. -66. The Globe 1878 and 1896; Ned Hanlan and national pride. -67. Toronto Daily Mail 1894; The first Stanley Cup. -68. Weiler, John; Organized sport.
PART 5: ORGANIZING THE WORKINGMAN: 69. Thompson, Phillips; The political economist and the tramp. -70. Canadian Correspondent 1833; An early trade union. -71. Montreal Gazette 1834; Opposition to unions in the 1830s. -72. Cooper, J.I.; A successful mid-century union.-73. Montreal Transcript 1853; The Lachine strike of 1843. -74. Montreal Transcripts and H.C. Pentland; The Lachine Riots 1843. -75. Daily Globe 1872; The Printers' strike of 1872. -76. Daily Globe; The Mail. 1872; The Nine Hours Movement. -77. The Mail 1872; Legal Status of Unions. -78. The Mail; Founding a National Labour Body. -79. The Mail 1873; Labour and politics.
80. The Daily Globe and Daily Mail 1897; Trade Union demands. -81. The Daily Mail and Empire 1897; National vs International Unions. -82. Daily Witness 1875; Should the working class vote? -83. The Globe 1890; The Ontario Factory Act of 1884. -84. Labour Advocate 1890; Labour Legislation. -85. The Globe 1900; The Dominion Conciliation Act of 1900. -86. British Columbia Sessional Papers 1898 and Industrial Banner 1897; The Oriental menace. -87. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; The Value of Unions. -88. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital; Labour Trouble on the docks. -89. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital and Manitoba Morning Free Press 1894; Opposition to Unions.
90. Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital and The Week; The Knights of Labour: two views. -91. Industrial Banner 1897; There is a reason for it -92. Labour Advocate 1891; The rise of socialism.