v. 1. 1100-1545. Sancte Dei pretiose ; Alleluia; post partum ; Perspice Christicola ; Miles Christi gloriose ; Epiphaniam Domino canamus ; Salve sancta parens ; Alleluia: Per te Dei genetrix ; Candens lilium columbina ; Sanctus and Benedictus [2] ; Agnus Dei [2] ; Beata viscera ; Alleluia psallat ; Fulget caelestis curia ; Civitas nusquam conditur ; Ave mile caelestis curiae ; Kyrie (Orbis factor) ; Gloria in excelsis ; Conditor alme siderum ; Angelus ad virginem ; Deo gracias persolvamus ; Gloria, laus et honor / Anon.
Gloria in excelsis / Queldryk
Sanctus and Benedictus / John Excetre
Beata Dei genetrix / Thomas Damett
Ave regina caelorum / Leonel Power
Veni Sancte Spiritus ; Regina caeli laetare ; Quam pulchra es / John Dunstable
Salve virgo mater / Walter Frye
Ave Maria mater Dei / William Cornysh
Magnificat (Regale) / Robert Fayrfax
Gaude flore virginali / Robert Carver
Agnus Dei (from The Western Wind mass) ; Magnificat / John Taverner
v. 2. 1545-1650. Nunc dimittis / Christopher Tye
Nunc dimittis, Communion anthem, and Agnus Dei / John Merbecke
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way (Festal psalm) ; If ye love me ; Salvator mundi (With all our hearts and mouths) / Thomas Tallis
In trouble and in thrall / William Parsons
The Lord's prayer / Robert Stone
O Lord, the maker of all things ; Ah, helpless wretch / William Mundy
Nunc dimittis (from the First service) / Robert Parsons
Nunc dimittis / Thomas Caustun
Hide not thou thy face ; Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake / Richard Farrant
Christe, qui lux es / Robert White
Teach me, O Lord (Festal psalm) ; Nunc dimittis (from the Great service) ; Sing joyfully ; Ne irascaris (O Lord, turn thy wrath) ; Ave verum corpus ; Ave Maria, gratia plena ; Kyrie (from the Mass for four voices) / William Byrd
Nolo mortem peccatoris ; Out of the deep / Thomas Morley
In the departure of the Lord / John Bull
Ascendit Deus / Peter Philips
The Lord's prayer / John Farmer
Nunc dimittis (from the Fourth service) ; Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place / Thomas Tomkins
Gloria in excelsis Deo ; Give ear, O Lord / Thomas Weelkes
Factus est silentium / Richard Dering
Nunc dimittis (from the Short service) ; O Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not ; See, see, the word is incarnate / Orlando Gibbons
Remember not, Lord, our offences / John Amner
O praise the Lord, all ye heathen / Adrian Batten
Praise the Lord / Walter Porter
O God, wherefore art thou absent / William Child
v. 3. 1650-1760. Four choice psalms: Who trusts in thee ; With sighs and cries ; Now the Lord his reign begins ; Lord to my prayers / Henry Lawes
O Lord God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance / William Child
Lord, let me know mine end / Matthew Locke
O Lord, my God, why has thou forsaken me / Pelham Humfrey
The ways of Zion do mourn / Michael Wise
Salvator mundi ; Let my prayer come up ; Magnificat and Nunc dimittis from the Short service in F / John Blow
Close thine eyes ; Hear my prayer, O Lord ; I will give thanks unto the Lord ; Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts (second setting) / Henry Purcell
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord ; He shall send down from on high / Jeremiah Clarke
O Lord, rebuke me not ; God is gone up / William Croft
Arise, shine, O Zion ; O clap your hands / Maurice Greene
Ascribe unto the Lord / John Travers
Jubilate from the Morning service ; The heavens declare the glory of God / William Boyce
The souls of the righteous / James Nares
v. 4. 1760-1900. Magnificat (from the Evening service in G) / Benjamin Cooke
O Lord, look down from heaven / Jonathan Battishill
Nunc dimittis (from the Evening service in A)/ Samuel Arnold
Come, Holy Ghost ; Turn thy face from my sins / Thomas Attwood
Sing aloud with gladness (Exultate Deo) / Samuel Wesley
Lo, star-led chiefs (from Palestine) / William Crotch
If we believe that Jesus died ; O saviour of the world / John Goss
Blessed be the God and Father ; Cast me not away from thy presence ; Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace ; Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness / Samuel Sebastian Wesley
Te Deum in F / Henry Smart
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D minor / Thomas Attwood Walmisley
God is a spirit (from The woman of Samaria) / William Sterndale Bennett
Is it nothing to you ; O saviour of the world / Frederick Gore Ouseley
Remember now thy creator / Charles Steggall
God so loved the world (from The crucifixion) ; How beautiful upon the mountains (from Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion) / John Stainer
Yea, though I walk (from The light of the world) / Arthur S. Sullivan
Hear my words, ye people / C. Hubert H. Parry
Te Deum in B flat / Charles Villiers Stanford
Nunc dimittis in B minor / T. Tertius Noble
v. 5. 1900-1965. My soul, there is a country / C. Hubert H. Parry
Beati quorum via / Charles Villiers Stanford
Sanctus and Benedictus (from the Short communion service in the Phrygian mode) / Charles Wood
King of glory / H. Walford Davies
Lord, thou hast been our refuge ; O taste and see / Ralph Vaughan Williams
Let all mortal flesh keep silence / Edward C. Bairstow
Turn back, o man/ Gustav Holst
The creed (from an Anglican folk mass) / Martin Shaw
Greater love hath no man / John Ireland
And I saw a new heaven / Edgar L. Bainton
O Lord, our gouvernour / Healey Willan
Seek the Lord / Arthur Bliss
Magnificat (Collegium regale) / Herbert Howells
The righteous live for evermore / Leo Sowerby
Sanctus and Benedictus (from the Missa cantuariensis) / Edmund Rubbra
God is gone up / Gerald Finzi
Set me as a seal upon thine heart / William Walton
Lord, when the sense of thy grace / Lennox Berkeley
Nunc dimittis (Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense) / Michael Tippett
Come, Holy Ghost, the maker / Cedric Thorpe Davie
Sanctus and Benedictus (from the Missa brevis in D) / Benjamin Britten
O clap your hands / John Gardner
O salutaris hostia (O loving saviour) / Geoffrey Bush
Give me the wings of faith / Kenneth Leighton
Let them give thanks / Malcolm Williamson
Ave Maria-Hail-Hail blessed flower / Peter Maxwell Davies.