Robert Bly: A Small Bird's Nest Made of White Reed Fiber --
Looking at a Dead Wren in My Hand --
Looking at a Dry Canadian Thistle Brought In from the Snow --
The Teeth Mother Naked at Last --
Written Forty Miles South of a Spreading City --
Christmas Eve Service at Midnight at St. Michael's --
The Dead Seal near McClure's Beach --
Thinking of "The Autumn Fields" --
Statement: The Three Brains --
Hayden Carruth: Fear and Anger in the Mindless Universe - Sonnet - Once More --
The Insomniac Sleeps Well for Once and --
Statement: Analogies are Helpful, and Music Is the Best --
Robert Duncan: Poem Beginning with a Line by Pindar - A New Poem --
Up Rising, Passages 25 --
Statement: Articulations --
Peter Everwine: The Burden of Decision --
We Meet in the Lives of Animals --
The Clearing - Going - Distance - Routes --
The Marsh, New Year's Day --
Perhaps It's As You Say --
Statement: Learning to Speak --
Allen Ginsberg: This Form of Life Needs Sex --
Bayonne Turnpike to Tuscarora --
Thus Crosslegged on Round Pillow Sat in Space --
Statement: From an Early Letter --
Richard Hugo: Letter to Wagoner from Port Townsend --
Letter to Welch from Browning --
Letter to Logan from Milltown --
Letter to Levertov from Butte --
Letter to Scanlon from Whitehall --
Letter to Bell from Missoula --
Letter to Reed from Lolo --
Statement: Letter to Berg from Missoula --
David Ignatow: The Dream --
Six Movements on a Theme --
Against the Evidence - Elegy --
Statement: I. From The Notebooks of David lgnatow ; II. On Writing --
Galway Kinnell. The Bear --
From The Book of Nightmares: I. Under the Maud Moon ; II. The Hen Flower ; IX. The Path Among the Stones ; X. Lastness --
Statement: From "The Poetics of the Physical World" --
Etheridge Knight: The Idea of Ancestry --
Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane --
2 Poems for Black Relocation Centers --
On Watching Politicians Perform at Martin Luther King's Funeral - Huey --
My Life, the Quality of Which --
A Poem to Galway Kinnell --
Statement: Answers to Questions Asked After a Reading --
Kenneth Koch: A Poem of the Forty-Eight States --
The Art of Love, Part I --
Denise Levertov: Olga Poems - Despair -- Adam's Complaint -- The Malice of Innocence -- Advent 1966 -- The Gulf -- The Good Dream -- By Rail Through the Earthly Paradise, Perhaps Bedfordshire -- Statement: Line-breaks, Stanza-spaces, and the Inner Voice --
Philip Levine: Salami - Autumn --
The Poem Circling Hamtramck, Michigan All Night in Search of You - Zaydee - Uncle --
To My God In His Sickness --
Standing on the Corner --
Statement: Fixing the Foot: On Rhythm --
John Logan: A Trip to Four or Five Towns --
A Century Piece for Poor Heine --
Saturday Afternoon at the Movies --
Statement: On Poets and Poetry Today --
Thomas McGrath: From Letter to an Imaginary Friend (Part One): II. 2 ; VIII. 4 --
From Letter to an Imaginary Friend (Part Two): II. 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; V. 2 ; VI. 4 --
W. S. Merwin: For a Coming Extinction - Fly --
The Judgment of Paris - Voice --
The Black Plateau - February - Snowfall --
Statement: On Open Form --
Frank O'Hara: Autoblographia Literaria --
Answer to Voznesensky & Evtushenko - Ode: Salute to the French Negro Poets --
A True Account of Talking to the Sun at Fire Island --
Statement: Personism: A Manifesto --
From Five Poems about Poetry: 1. The Gesture ; 5. From Virgil --
Sara in Her Father"s Arms - Quotations --
Some San Francisco Poems: 1. 299 ; 2. A Morality Play: Preface ; 3. 'And Their Winter and Night in Disguise' ; 4. Anniversary Poem ; 5. The Translucent Mechanics ; 6. 306 ; 7. 307 ; 8. The Taste ; 9. The Impossible Poem ; 10. But So As By Fire --
The Book of Job and a Draft of a Poem to Praise the Paths of the Living --
Statement: "It is difficult now to speak of poetry-" --
Kenneth Rexroth: From Poems from the Greek Anthology: Askleplades ; Ausonlus, after Rufinus; Leonidas ; Martial ; Martial ; Palladas ; Sekundos --
The Signature of All Things --
Fish Peddler and Cobbler --
On the Eve of the Plebiscite --
For a Masseuse and Prostitute --
From A Bestiary: Fox ; Horse ; Raccoon ; Vulture ; Wolf --
A Letter to William Carlos Williams --
Statement: I. From "Poetry, Regeneration, and D. H. Lawrence" ; II. from "Introduction to the Collected Longer Poems" --
Adrienne Rich: The Stranger -- From the Prison House --
The Mirror in Which Two Are Seen as One --
From an Old House in America --
Statement: From "When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision" --
Jerome Rothenberg: The Beadle's Testimony --
From The Seven Hells of the Jigoku Zoshi: The Fifth Hell ; The Sixth Hell --
Esther K. Comes to America: 1931 --
Portrait of a Jew Old Country Style --
Statement: Personal Manifesto --
Muriel Rukeyser: Gauley Bridge --
George Robinson: Blues --
Ajanta: 1. The Journey ; 2. The Cave ; 3. Les Tendresses Bestiales ; 4. Black Blood ; 5. The Broken World --
"No One Ever Walking This Our Only Earth" --
Boys of These Men Full Speed --
Don Baty, the Draft Resister --
Statement: From The Life of Poetry --
Strictly for Posterity --
Louis Simpson: The Morning Light --
A Story About Chicken Soup --
Stumpfoot on 42nd Street --
Dvonya -- A Night in Odessa --
A Friend of the Family --
Statement: To Make Words Disappear --
Gary Snyder: Four Poems for Robin: Siwashing It Out Once in Siuslaw Forest ; A Spring Night in Shokoku-ji ; An Autumn Morning in Shokoku-ji ; December at Yase --
Looking at Pictures To Be Put Away --
Burning the Small Dead --
The Truth Like the Belly of a Woman Turning --
What Happened Here Before --
Why Log Truck Drivers Rise Earlier Than Students of Zen --
Statement: What You Should Know To Be a Poet -
William Stafford: Bess --
A Sound from the Earth --
The Stranger Not Ourselves --
Statement: Capturing "People of the South Wind" --
KJames Wright: In Ohio --
Living by the Red River --
Late November in a Field --
A Prayer to the Lord Ramakrishna --
Lifting Illegal Nets by Flashlight --
Outside Fargo, North Dakota --
In Response to a Rumor that the Oldest Whorehouse in Wheeling, West Virginia, has been Condemned --
Small Frogs Killed on the Highway --
A Way to Make a Living --
The Old Dog in the Ruins of the Graves at Aries --
Simon and the Tarantula --
Names in Monterchi: To Rachel --