pt. 1. The functions and social costs of scientific racism. 1. The genesis and functions of scientific racism : The founding father of scientific racism ; Who is victimized by scientific racism? ; Galton of the gonads ; The current epidemic of forced sterilizations ; The historical roots of today's forced sterilizations ; Not with a scream but a shrug
2. Pseudoscience deprives nations of the health benefits of the real sciences : The prevention of mental retardation ; Get them in the gonads ; The growing and costly gap between scientific racism and scientific progress
3. History provides clues to healthy alternatives to the social effects of scientific racism : Professor Ingle's discovery of an evolutionary miracle, or two ; From race suicide to race hygiene ; On the life-enhancing alternatives the legitimate sciences offer to scientific racism ; Our first environmentalists ; The critical choices of modern times.
pt. 2. From Malthus to Hitler: the rise, conquests, and twilight of the old scientific racism. 4. Natural law and the undeserving poor: the birth of the old scientific racism in Europe : Strewer of the seed of scientific racism ; Raise the wages and ruin the nation ; Malthus' "necessary stimulus to industry" ; The legacy of Malthus: sicklier lives and premature deaths
5. Natural law and the inferior races: The spread of scientific racism in Europe and America : Preformation, epigenesis, and reality ; The inequality of races ; The longheads, the roundheads, and the chowderheads ; Scientific racism as a religion ; The words and dreams of the prophet Galton ; The union of eugenics and social Darwinism ; The oak trees of the old Germany, and the new Xenophobia
6. From Teutonism to eugenics: the torch of scientific racism inflames America : "The menace to society of inferior blood" ; The science of eugenics vs. the madness of charity ; Scientific diagnosis "at a glance" ; The gelding of America's conscience ; A bulwark against "the fecundity of the unworthy types" ; The model eugenical sterilization law for thirty American states, and Nazi Germany ; The new keepers of the eugenics flame
7. The dogmas of the old scientific racism become the conventional wisdom of America's educated classes : "A frail little hothouse plant" ; The bad and the beautiful ; The menace of the feebleminded ; The Kallikak myths survive their maker ; The eugenics cult's teacher of the teachers ; The eugenics cult's assault on the medical sciences ; The prophet Davenport brings forth the eugenics creed ; Madison Grant: anti-semitism as a science ; The book that influenced Coolidge and Hitler ; The sterilization of the "worthless race types" ; "The Nordics propagate themselves successfully"
8. Advances in the legitimate sciences challenge and threaten to destroy scientific racism in America : Boas destroys the head-form myths ; Serious genetic research wrecks the unit character theory ; The "germ of laziness" unmasked
9. A few false correlations = a few million real deaths: scientific racism prevails over scientific truth : Goldberger discovers how to cure, cause, and prevent pellagra ; "An instance of 'false correlation'" ; Pseudoscience prevails over Goldberger's discoveries ; The 444-page medical fraud of the century ; The great Pellagra cover-up of 1916-33
10. The ultimate weapon of the old scientific racism: the IQ testing that mislabels 75 percent of all adult Americans as having, by heredity, the intelligence of children ten to fourteen years of age : Some forgotten episodes in the prehistory of the Army intelligence tests ; Goddard and Terman eugenicize Binet's benign intelligence tests ; Terman's IQ testing of the dead "proves" Galton to be 65 points smarter than Charles Darwin ; The sudden death and quick rebirth of the IQ testing myths ; How and what the Army intelligence tests tested
11. How the old scientific racists used the new IQ test myths to manipulate the minds and votes of the American people : "Is America safe for democracy?" ; The Army Mental Test scores kindle "American misgivings" ; Was American democracy safe for people? ; Jews, Italians, and "other genetically unintelligent types" ; "American intelligence is declining ..."
12. The dogmas of the old scientific racism win the hearts and minds of the Congress and the President of the United States of America : "We need more supermen" ; "A definite race of chronic pauper stocks" ; The menace of literate Lapps ; The menace of literate Jews ; The origins of the genocidal 1924 immigration quotas ; Straight pseudoscience from the official "expert eugenics agent" of Congress ; Non-Nordic blood threatens to worsen the decline of native American intelligence ; "But we have no place to drive the Jews to ..."
13. Even as the legitimate sciences demolish the myths of hereditary feeblemindedness, the discredited claims of eugenics are upheld, by a vote of 8 to 1, in the U.S. Supreme Court : "Gross perversion by muddle-headed and prejudiced men" ; Pearson's correlations "prove" that nutrition is not a factor in brain growth and development ; A great man speaks for science, to deaf ears ; The Supreme Court heeds Laughlin, not Fernald ; Goddard admits feeblemindedness is not hereditary ; The mea culpa of Carl Campbell Brigham
14. While the real sciences create new hope for humankind, the Great Depression weakens the appeal of the old scientific racism : Eradicating the genes for unemployment ; A second message from Iowa ; Two pitiful little creatures ; Compensatory intervention: new hope for hithertoo doomed children
15. The old scientific racism's last hurrah: six million one-way tickets to the Nazi death camps : An American admirer visits a Nazi eugenics court ; Laughlin's last caper ; A professor flays the helpless epileptics ; "You cannot change the leopard's spots."
pt. 3. The phoenix: the rise of the new scientific racism. 16. "Overpopulation" and pollution become the opening gambits of the new scientific racism, but its human targets remain unchanged : Plus Ça Change ; How medical research "threatens humanity eugenically" ; Air pollution and mind pollution ; The scourge of the untrammeled copulators ; The campaign to check the population explosion ; How to preserve environmental degradation and enrich the major polluters commit genocide and save western civilization: triage ; A star is born ; Malthus, Ehrlich, and the demographic transition
17. People pollute, so kill the people: the new scientific racism scores its first major legislative victory : How to reduce birth rates ; Abortion, infanticide, and population control ; Not a population explosion, but a population shift ; The new enclosures ; The demographic transition has not been repealed ; What constitutes a population problem? ; Demographic truth and consequences
18. The new scientific racism makes lavish use of the new military mental tests, which in turn reveal either two evolutionary miracles or one gigantic hoax : The social biology of mental testing ; Through the looking glass ; What the Surgeon General's probe revealed ; Shadow and substance in the culture of today
19. The new scientific racism revives the moribund IQ testing myths of the old scientific racism : The whiter the blood, the higher the IQ test score ; The psychopathology of the Nigra problem ; The Citizens Council myths become the new conventional wisdom
20. "Genetic enslavement": the war cry of the new scientific racism : Compensatory intervention: its rewards in the children of its beneficiaries ; Racial deterioration becomes genetic enslavement: Jensenism ; Twins, tuberculosis, and heritability ; Meanwhile, in the real world of flesh and blood ; The disciples of Jensen ; The square root of the meritocracy
21. The emperor's new clothes revisited: the legitimate sciences launch factual counterattacks against the new scientific racism : How today's IQ tests mislabel normal people as being mentally retarded ; The Coleman report data versus eugenics dogmas ; What is intelligence, and why test it?
22. The Jukes and the Kallikaks ride again: the new scientific racism speaks in the White House : "We must not place limitations on biological experiments" ; On the menace of minimum wage laws ; Social Darwinism in our time ; How lower-class types get to be President ; Why the Irish rioted: the Banfield version ; A primer for presidents.
pt. 4. The legitimate sciences' answer to the old and new scientific racism, once and for all? 23. What the new scientific racism hides about human genetics and development : I: From macrocosm to cytoplasm : Ten million children robbed of medical care mandated by Congress ; Higher wages = lower death rates ; Is man the genetic inferior of the pig? ; How gene-environment norms-of-reaction control biological growth rates ; The norm-of-reaction in bacterial cell walls ; The norm-of-reaction in the human female pelvis ; The packets of rogue genes called viruses ; Biological and social viruses ; Lysogenic bacteria, cancer, and slow virus diseases ; Enrichment, deprivation, and genetic potentials ; The cytoplasm: where the genes function
24. What the new scientific racism hides about human genetics and development : II: From chromosomes to Congress : The interacting roles of the total environment in child development ; How to doom unborn children to physical and mental retardation ; Vision, IQ test scores, and madness ; A tale of one city ; A tale of two nations
25. The viable scientific bases for human hope: the hope scientific racism threatens to kill : Toward the prevention of congenital birth defects ; Family income, IQ test scores, and race ; Compensatory intervention: the weapon of concerned scientists ; How to raise the IQ test scores of deprived children ; 16,000 British children from birth to seven ; A tale of two human values systems
26. What the geneticists have long proposed for humankind: the antidote for the poisons of scientific racism : The IQ is dead! Long live the EEG? ; What brain-wave tests really show about IQ testing ; The forgotten geneticists' manifesto of 1939 ; A modest proposal ; Save our children, and we save our world.