Wessex poems and other verses; Preface; The temporary the all; Amabel; Hap; In vision I roamed; At a bridal; Postponement; A confession to a friend in trouble; Neutral tones; She at his funeral; Her initials; Her dilemma; Revulsion; She, to him; Ditty; The sergeant's song; Valenciennes; San Sebastian; The stranger's song; The Burghers; Leipzig; The peasant's confession; The alarm; Her death and after; The dance at the phoenix; The Casterbridge captains; A sign-seeker; My Cicely; Her immortality; The ivy-wife; A meeting with despair; Unknowing; Friends beyond; To outer nature; Thoughts of Phena; Middle age enthusiasms; In a wood; To a lady; To a motherless child; Nature's questioning; The impercipient; At an inn; The slow nature; In a Eweleazre near Weatherbury; The bride-night fire; Heiress and architect; The two men; Lines; I look into my glass; Poems of the past and present; Preface; V.R. 1819-1901; War poems; Embarcation; Departure; The colonel's soliloquy; The going of the battery; At the war office, London; A Christmas ghost-story; Drummer Hodge; A wife in London; The souls of the slain; Song of the soldiers' wives and sweethearts; The sick battle-god; Poems of pilgrimage; Genoa and the Mediterranean; Shelley's skylark; In the old theatre, Fiesole; Rome; on the palatine; Building a new street in the ancient quarter; The Vatican: Sala delle Muse; At the pyramid of Cestius near the graves of Shelley and Keats; Lausanne: in Gibbon's old garden 11-12 pm; Zermatt: to the matterhorn; The bridge of Lodi; On an invitation to the United States; Miscellaneous poems; The mother mourns; I said to love; A commonplace day; At a lunar eclipse; The lacking sense; To life; Doom and she; The problem; The subalterns; The sleep-worker; The bullfinches; God-forgotten; The bedridden peasant; By the earth's corpse; Mute opinion; To an unborn pauper child; To flowers from Italy in winter; On a fine morning; To Lizbie Browne; Song of hope; The well-beloved; Her reproach; The inconsistent; A broken appointment; Between us now; How great my grief; I need not go; The coquette and after; A spot; Long plighted; The widow betrothed; At a hasty wedding; The dream follower; His immortality; The to-be-forgotten; Wives in the Sere; The superseded; An August midnight; The caged thrush freed and home again; Birds at winter nightfall; The puzzled game birds; Winter in Durnover field;
The last chrysanthemum; The darkling thrush; The comet at Yell'ham; Mad Judy; A wasted illness; A man; The dame of Athelhall; The seasons of her year; The milkmaid; The levelled churchyard; The ruined maid; The respectable Burher; Architectural masks; The tenant-fo-life; The king's experiment; The tree; Her late husband; The self-unseeing; In Tenebris; The church-builder; The lost Pyx; Tess's lament; The supplanter; Imitations, etc.; Sapphic fragment; Catullus: XXXI; After Schiller; Song from Heine; From Victor Hugo; Cardinal Bembo's epitaph on Raphael; Retrospect; I have lived with shades; Memory and I; Time's laughingstocks and other verses; Preface; The revisitation; A trampwoman's tragedy; The two Rosalinds; A Sunday morning tragedy; The house of hospitalities; Bereft; John and Jane; The curate's kindness; The flirt's tragedy; The rejected member's wife; The farm-woman's winter; Autumn in King's Hintock Park; Shut out that moon; Reminiscences of a dancing man; The dead man walking; 1967; Her definition; The division; On the departure platform; In a cathedral city; I say, I'll seek her; Her father; At waking; Four footprints; In the vaulted way; In the mind's eye; The end of the episode; The sigh; In the night she came; The conformers; The dawn after the dance; The sun on the letter; The night of the dance; Misconception; The voice of the thorn; From her in the country; Her confession; To an impersonator of Rosalind; To an actress; The minute before meeting; He abjures love; A set of country songs; Let me enjoy; At casterbridge fair; The ballad-singer; Former beauties; After the club-dance; The market-girl; The inquiry; A wife waits; After the fair; The dark-eyed gentleman; To Carrey Clavel; The orphaned old maid; The spring call; Julie-Jane; News for her mother; The fiddler; The husband's view; Rose-Ann; The homecoming; A church romance; The rash bride; The dead quire; The christening; A dream question; By the barrows; A wife and another; The Roman road; The vampirine fair; The reminder; The rambler; Night in the old home; After the last breath; In childbed; The pine planters; The dear; One we knew; She hears the storm; A wet night; Before life and after; New Year's eve; God's education; To sincerity; Panthera; The unborn; The man he killed; Geographical knowledge; One Ralph Blossom soliloquizes; The noble lady's tale; Unrealized; Wagtail and baby; Aberdeen; George Meredith;
Yell'ham-Wood's story; A young man's epigram on existence; Satires of circumstance, lyrics and reveries; In front of the landscape; Channel firing; The convergence of the twain; The ghost of the past; After the visit; To meet, or otherwise; The difference; The sun on the bookcase; When I set out for Lyonnesse; A thunderstorm in town; The torn letter; Beyond the last lamp; The face at the casement; Lost love; My spirit will not haunt the mound; Wessex heights; In death divided; The place on the map; The Schreckhorn; A singer asleep; A plaint to man; God's funeral; Spectres that grieve; Ah, are you digging on my grave?; Self-unconscious; The discovery; Tolerance; Before and after summer; At day-close in November; The year's awakening; Under the waterfall; Poems of 1912-13; The going; Your last drive; The walk; Rain on a grave; I found her out there; Without ceremony; Lament; The haunter; The voice; His visitor; A circular; A dream or no; After a journey; A death-day recalled; Beeny Cliff; At castle boterel; Places; The phantom horsewoman; The spell of the rose; St. Launce's revisited; Where the picnic was; The wistful lady; The woman in the rye; The cheval-glass; The re-enactment; Her secret; She charged me; The newcomer's wife; A conversation at dawn; A king's soliloquy; The coronation; Aquae Sulis; Seventy-four and twenty; The elopement; I rose up as my custom is; A week; Had you wept; Bereft, she thinks she dreams; In the British museum; In the servants' quarters; The obliterate tomb; Regret not me; The recalcitrants; Starlings on the roof; The moon looks in; The sweet hussy; The telegram; The moth-signal; Seen by the waits; The two soldiers; The death of regret; In the days of Crinoline; The Roman gravemounds; The workbox; The sacrilege; The Abbey mason; The jubilee of a magazine; The satin shoes; Exeunt Omnes; A poet; Satires of circumstance; At tea; In church; By her aunt's grave; In the room of the bride-elect; At a watering-place; In the cemetery; Outside the window; In the study; At the altar-rail; In the nuptial chamber; In the restaurant; At the draper's; On the death-bed; Over the coffin; In the moonlight; Moments of vision; The voice of things; Why be at pains?; We sat at the window; Afternoon service at Mellstock; At the wicket-gate; In a museum; Apostrophe to an old psalm tune; At the word 'farewell'; First sight of her and after;
The rival; Heredity; You were the sort that men forget; She, I, and they; Near Lanivet, 1872; Joys of memory; To the moon; Copying architecture in an old minister; To Shakespeare; Quid hic agis; On a midsummer eve; Timing her; Before knowledge; The blinded bird; The wind blew words; The faded face; The riddle; The duel; At Mayfair lodgings; To my father's violin; The statue of liberty; The background and the figure; The change; Sitting on the bridge; The young churchwarden; I travel as a phantom now; Lines to a movement in Mozart's E-Flat symphony; In the seventies; The pedigree; His heart; Where they lived; The occultaion; Life laughs onward; The peace-offering; Something tapped; The wound; A merrymaking in question; I said and sang her excellence; A January night; A kiss; The announcement; The oxen; The tresses; The photograph; On a heath; An anniversary; By the runic stone; The pink frock; Transformations; In her precincts; The last signal; The house of silence; Great things; The chimes; The figure in the scene; Why did I sketch; Conjecture; The blow; Love the monopolist; At middle-field gate in February; The youth who carried a light; The head above the fog; Overlooking the River Stour; The musical box; On Stutminster Foot-bridge; Royal sponsors; Old furniture; A thought in two moods; The last performance; You on the tower; The interloper; Logs on the hearth; The sunshade; The ageing house; The caged goldfinch; At Madame Tussaud's in Victorian years; The ballet; The five students; The wind's prophecy; During wind and rain; He prefers her earthly; The dolls; Molly gone; A backward spring; Looking across; At a seaside twon in 1869; The glimpse; The pedestrain; Who's in the next room; At a country fair; The memorial brass; Her love-birds; Paying calls; The upper birch-leaves; It never looks like summer; Everything comes; The man with a past; He fears his good fortune; He wonders about himself; Jubilate; He revisits his first school; I thought, my heart; Fragment; Midnight on the great western; Honeymoon time at an inn; The robin; I rose and went to Rou'tor town; The nettles; In a waiting room; The clock-winder; Old excursions; The masked face; In a whispering gallery; The something that saved him; The enemy's portrait; Imaginings; On the doorstep; Signs and tokens; Paths of former time; The clock of the years; At the piano; The shadow on the stone; In the garden; The tree and the lady; An upbraiding; The young glass-stainer; Looking at a picture on an anniversary; The choirmaster's burial; The man who forgot; While drawing in a churchyard; For life I had never cared greatly; Poems of war and patriotism;
Men who march away; His country; England to Germany in 1914; On the belgian expatriation; An appeal to America on behalf of the Belgian destitue; The pity of it; In time of wars and tumults; In time of 'the breaking of nations'; Cry of the homeless; Before marching and after; Often when warring; Then and now; A call to national service; The dead and the living one; A new year's eve in war time; I met a man; I looked up from my writing; Finale; The coming of the end; Afterwards; Late lyrics and earlier; Apology; Weathers; The maid of Keinton Mandeville; Summer schemes; Epeisodia; Faintheart in a railway train; At moonrise and onwards; The garden seat; Barthelemon at Vauxhall; I sometimes think; Jezreel; A jog-trot pair; The curtains now are drawn; According to the mighty working; I was not he; The west-of-Wessex girl; Welcome home; Going and staying; Read by moonlight; At a house in Hampstead; A woman's fancy; Her song; A wet August; The dissemblers; To a lady playing and singing in the morning; A man was drawing near to me; The strange house; As 'twere to-night; The contretemps; A gentleman's epitaph on himself and a lady; The old gown; A night in November; A duettist to her pianoforte; Where three roads joined; And there was a great calm; Haunting fingers; The woman I met; If it's ever spring again; The two houses; On stinsford hill at midnight; The fallow deer at the lonely house; The selfsame song; The wanderer; A wife comes back; A young man's exhortation; At Lulworth Cove a century back; A bygone occasion; Two serenades; The wedding morning; End of the year 1912; The chimes play "life's a bumper"; I worked no wile to meet you; At the railway station, upway; Side by side; Dream of the city shopwoman; A maiden's pledge; The child and the sage; Mismet; An autumn rain-scene; Mediations on a holiday; An experience; The beauty; The collector cleans his picture; The wood fire; Saying good-bye; On the tune called the old-hundred-and-fourth; The opportunity; Evelyn G. of Christminster; The rift; Voices from things growing in a churchyard; On the way; She did not turn; Growth in May; The children and Sir Nameless; At the royal academy; Her temple; A two-years' idyll; By Henstridge cross at the year's end; Penance; I look in her face; After the war; If you had known; The chapel-organist; Fetching her; Could I but will;
She revistis alone the church of her marriage; At the entering of the New Year; They would not come; After a romantic day; The two wives; I knew a lady; A house with a history; A procession of dead days; He follows himself; The singing woman; Without, not within her; O I won't lead a homely life; In the small hours; The little old table; Vagg hollow; The dream is
The country wedding; First or last; Lonely days; What did it mean; At the dinner table; The marble tablet; The master and the leaves; Last words to a dumb friend; A drizzling Easter morning; On one who lived and died where he was born; The second night; She who saw not; The old workman; The sailor's mother; Outside the casement; The passer-by; I was the midmost; A sound in the night; On a discovered curl of hair; An old likeness; Her apotheosis; Sacred to the memory; To a well-named dwelling; The whipper-in; A military appointment; The milestone by the rabbit burrow; The lament of the looking-glass; Cross-currents; The old neighbour and the new; The chosen; The inscription; The marbl-streeted town; A woman driving; A woman's trust; Best times; The casual acquaintance; Intra sepulchrum; The whitewashed wall; Just the same; The last time; The seven times; The sun's last look on the country girl; In a London flat; Drawing details in an old church; Rake-hell muses; The colour; Murmurs in the gloom; Epitaph; An ancient to ancients; After reading Psalms XXXIX, XL etc.; Surview; Human shows, far phantasies, songs and trifles; Waiting both; A bird-scene at a rural dwelling; Any little old song; In a former resort after many years; A cathedral facade at Midnight; The turnip-hoer; The carrier; Lover to mistress; The monument-maker; Circus rider to ringmaster; Last week in October; Come not, yet come; The later autumn; Let me believe; At a fashionable dinner; Green slates; An east-end curate; At rushy-pond; Four in the morning; On the esplanade; In St. Paul's a while ago; Coming up Oxford street: evening; A last journey; Singing lovers; The month's calendar; A spellbound palace; When dead; Sine prole; Ten years since; Every artemisia; The best she could; The graveyard of dead creeds; There seemed a strangeness; A night of questionings; Xenophanes, the monist of Colophon; Life and death at sunrise;
Night-time in mid-fall; A sheep fair; Snow in the suburbs; A light snow-fall after frost; Winter night in woodland; Ice on the highway; Music in a snowy street; The frozen greenhouse; Two lips; No buyers; One who married above him; The new toy; Queen Caroline to her guests; Plena Timoris; The weary walker; Last love-word; Nobody comes; In the street; The last leaf; At Wynyard's gap; At Shag's heath; A second attempt; Freed the fret of thinking; The absolute explains; So, time; An inquity; The faithful swallow; In Sherborne Abbey; The pair he saw pass; The mock wife; The fight on Durnover Moor; Last look round St. Martin's fair; The caricature; A leader of fashion; Midnight on Beechen; The Aerolite; The prospect; Genitrix Laesa; The fading rose; When oats were reaped; Louie; She opened the door; What's there to tell; The Harbour bridge; Vagrant's song; Farmer Dunman's funeral; The sexton at Longpuddle; The harvest-supper; At a pause in a country dance; On the portrait of a woman about to be hanged; The church and the wedding; The shiver; Not only I; She saw him, she said; Once at Swanage; The flower's tragedy; At the aquatic sports; A watcher's regret; Horses aboard; The history of an hour; The missed train; Under high-story hill; At the mill; Alike and unlike; The thing unplanned; The sheep-boy; Retty's phases; A poor man and a lady; An expostulation; To a sea-cliff; The echo-elf answers; Cynic's epitaph; A beauty's soliloquy during her honeymoon; Donaghadee; He inadvertently cures his love-pains; The peace peal; Lady Vi; A popular personage at home; Inscriptions for a peal of eight bells; A refusal; Epitaph on a pessimist; The protean maiden; A watering place lady inventoried; The sea fight; Paradox; The rover come home; Known had I; The pat of butter; Bags of meat; The sundial on a wet day; Her haunting ground; A parting scene; Shortening days at the homestead; Days to recollect; To C.F.H; The high-school lawn; The forbidden banns; The paphian ball; On martock moor; That moment; Premonitions; This summer and last; Nothing matters much; In the evening; The six boards; Before my friend arrived; Compassion; Why she moved house; Tragedian to tragediennne; The lady of forebodings; The bird-catcher's boy; A hurried meeting; Discouragement;
A leaving; Song to an old burden; Why do I; Winter words in various moods and metres; Indroductory note; The new dawn's business; Proud songsters; Thoughts at midnight; I am the one; The prophtess; A wish for unconsciousness; The bad example; To Louisa in the lane; Love watches a window; The love-letters; An unkindly may; Unkept good Fridays; The mound; Liddell and Scott; Christmastide; Reluctant confession; Expectation and experience; Aristodemus the Messenian; Evening shadows; The three tall men; The lodging house fuchsias; The whaler's wife; Throwing a tree; The war-wife of Catknoll; Concerning his old home; Her second husband hears her story; Yuletide in a younger world; After the death of a friend; The son's protrait; Lying awake; The lady in the furs; Childhood among the ferns; A countenance; A poet's thought; Silences; I watched a blackbird; A nightmare, and the next thing; To a tree in London; The felled elm and she; He did not know me; So various; A self-glamourer; The dead bastard; The clasped skeletons; In the marquee; After the burial; The mongrel; Concerning Agnes; Henley Regatta; An evening in Galilee; The brother; We field women; A practical woman; Squire Hooper; A gentleman's second hand suit; We say we shall not meet; Seeing the moon rise; Song to Aurore; He never expected much; Standing by the mantelpiece; Boys then and now; That kiss in the dark; A nexessitarian's epitaph; Burning the holly; Suspense; The second visit; Our old friend dualism; Faithful Wilson; Gallant's song; A philosophical fantasy; A question of marriage; The letter's triumph; A forgotten miniature; Whispered at the church-opening; In Weatherbury stocks; A placid man's epitaph; The new boots; The musing maiden; Lorna the second; A daughter returns; The third kissing-gate; Drinking song; The tarrying bridegroom; The destined pair; A musical incident; June leaves and autumn; No bell-ringing; I looked back; The aged newspaper soliloquizes; Christmas 1924: The single witness; How she went to Ireland; Dead Wessex the dog to the household; The woman who went east; Not known; The boy's dream; The gap in the white; Family portraits; The catching ballet of the wedding clothes; A winsome woman; The ballad of love's skeleton;
A private man on public men; Christmas in the Elgin Room; We are getting to the end; He resolves to say no more; When wearily we shrink away; The unplanted primrose; To a bridegroom; A victorian rehearsal; Thoughts from Sophocles; Eunice; Epigraph to the woodlanders; She would welcome old tribulations; Looking back; The night of Trafalgar; Budmouth dears; My love's gone a-fighting; The eve of Waterloo; Chorus of the pities; Last chorus; On the doorstep; The calf; A. H. 1855-1912; The yellow hammer; A jingle on the times; Prologue; Epilogue; A hundred years since; The lizard; They are great trees; At a rehearsal of one of J.M.B.'s plays; The hatband; Epitaph for G. K. Chesterton; Epitaph for George Moore.