Note on the author's itinerary in the basin of the Colorado River and adjacent territory
The secret of the Gulf: Ulloa, 1539, one of the captains of Cortes, almost solves it, but turns back without discovering ; Alarco̧n, 1540, conquers
The unknown river: Alarco̧n ascends it eighty-five leagues and names it the Rio de Buena Guia ; Melchior Diaz arrives at its banks later and calls it the Rio del Tizon ; Cardenas discovers the Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon: Character of the Colorado River ; The water-gods: erosion and corrasion [corrosion] ; The Natives and their highways ; The "Green River Valley" of the old trappers ; The strange vegetation and some singular animals
Onãte, 1604, crosses Arizona to the Colorado ; A remarkable ancient ruin discovered by Padre Kino, 1694 ; Padre Garces sees the Grand Canyon and visits Oraibi, 1776 ; The great Entrada of Padre Escalante across Green River to Utah Lake, 1776 ; Death of Garces ends the Entrada Period, 1781
Breaking the wilderness: Wanderings of the trappers and fur traders ; General Ashley in Green River Valley, 1824 ; Pattie along the Grand Canyon, 1826 ; Lieutenant Hardy, R.N., in a schooner on the lower Colorado, 1826 ; Jedediah Smith, Salt Lake to San Gabriel, 1826 ; Pattie on the lower Colorado in canoes, 1827-28
Freḿont, the pathfinder: Ownership of the Colorado ; The road of the gold seekers ; First United States military post, 1829 ; Steam navigation ; Captain Johnson goes to the head of Black Canyon
Lieutenant Ives explores to Fortification Rock. By trail to Diamond Creek, Havasupai Canyon, and the Moki towns ; Macomb fails in an attempt to reach the mouth of Grand River ; James White's masterful fabrication.
The one-armed knight: A bold attack on the canyons ; Powell and his men ; The wonderful voyage ; Mighty walls and roaring rapids ; Capsizes and catastrophes
A canyon of cataracts: The imperial chasm ; Short rations ; A split in the party ; Separation ; Fate of the Howlands and Dunn ; The monster vanquished
Powell's second attack on the Colorado: Green River City ; Red Canyon and a capsize ; The grave of Hook ; The Gate of Lodore ; Cliff of the Harp ; Triplet Falls and Hell's Half-mile ; A rest in Echo Park
An island park and a split mountain: The White River runaways ; Powell goes to Salt Lake ; Failure to get rations to the Dirty Devil ; On the rocks in Desolation ; Natural windows ; An ancient house ; On the back of the dragon at last ; Cataracts and cataracts in the wonderful Cataract Canyon ; A lost pack-train ; Naming the Echo Peaks
Into the jaws of the dragon: A useless experiment ; Wheeler reaches Diamond Creek going up-stream ; The Hurricane Lodge ; Something about names ; A trip from Kanab through unknown country to the mouth of the Dirty Devil
A canyon through marble: Multitudinous rapids ; Running the Sockdologer ; A difficult portage, rising water, and a trap ; The Dean upside down ; A close shave ; Whirlpools and fountains ; The Kanab Canyon and the end of the voyage
A railway proposed through the canyons: The Brown Party, 1889, undertakes the survey ; Frail boats and disasters ; The dragon claims three ; Collapse of the expedition ; Stanton tries the feat again, 1889-90 [1890] ; A fall and a broken leg ; Success of Stanton ; The dragon still untrammeled