1. Orientation and theory --
The paranoid style in American politics / Richard Hofstadter --
Some themes of countersubversion: an analysis of anti-Masonic, anti-Catholic, and anti-Mormon literature / David Brion Davis --
2. Conspiracy in the American Revolution (1763-1783) --
A note on conspiracy / Bernard Bailyn --
The American alarm (1773) / John Allen --
The heavy grievances the colonies labor under (1774) / Ebenezer Baldwin --
There has been a regular, systematic plan (1774) / George Washington --
3. Ideological responses to the French Revolution (1795-1802) --
Proofs of conspiracy (1797) / John Robison --
An American Thanksgiving for divine favor (1795) / David Osgood --
The present dangers and consequent duties of the citizens (1799) / Jedidiah Morse --
A warning to Harvard seniors against world revolution (1798) / David Tappan --
Laocoon (1799) / Fisher Ames --
A republican view of federalist conspiracy (1802) / Abraham Bishop --
4. New threats to internal security (1825-1860) --
A Jacksonian attack on monopoly (1834) / Frederick Robinson --
The Address of the United States Anti-Masonic Convention (1830) --
Debates at the Anti-Masonic Convention (1830) --
Masonry proved to be a work of darkness (1830) / Lebbeus Armstrong --
An anti-Masonic call for perseverance (1834) --
A plea for the West (1835) / Lyman Beecher --
A foreign conspiracy against the liberties of the United States (1834) / Samuel F.B. Morse --
Popery compared with Mormonism (1854) / William Hogan --
5. The widening conflict over slavery (1835-1865) --
Slavery at war with our liberties (1839) / William Goodell --
The role of the slave power in American history (1852) / William Goodell --
The alarming progress of the slave power (1851) / John Gorham Palfrey --
The strength and weakness of the slave power (1852) / George W. Julian --
Thoughts on the new assault upon freedom in America (1854) / Theodore Parker --
The irrepressible conflict (1860) / Carl Schurz --
A republican appeal for unity (1855) / Charles Sumner --
The great conspiracy to overthrow liberty in America (1866) / John Smith Dye --
Abolitionism is the product of a foreign plot (1836) / John Kirke Paulding --
Abolitionism is equivalent to revolution (1835) / Harrison Gray Otis --
From the sinks of Europe a plotter has come (1835) / John Tyler --
A northern party is seeking to convert the government into an instrument of warfare upon slavery (1850) / Robert Mercer Hunter --
A southern response to John Brown and Black republicanism (1859) / Sydenham Moore --
6. Enemies old and new in the Gilded Age and beyond (1865-1908) --
A voice from the past (1870) / Gerrit Smith --
A new plea for the West (1885) / Josiah Strong --
The identification of America's true enemy (1884) / Richard Ely --
Why America is particularly vulnerable to socialism (1885) / Josiah Strong --
The Haymarket Riot (1886) / Michael J. Schaack --
The aims and methods of the A.P.A. (1894-1896) / W.J.H. Traynor --
The conspiracy against silver (1886) / E.J. Farmer --
A fervent appeal for free silver (1889) / Thomas Fitch --
The British plot to enslave the world (1892) / A.J. Warner and H.C. Baldwin --
Shylock as banker and conspirator (1894) / Gordon Clark --
The problem of civilization solved (1895) / Mary Elizabeth Lease --
A small group of men hold in their hands the business of this country (1908) / Robert M. La Follette --
7. Responses to international involvement and ethnic pluralism (1918-1948) --
Shall it be again? (1922) / John Kenneth Turner --
The Hun within our gates (1917) / Theodore Roosevelt --
Awake! America (1918) / William T. Hornaday --
The web (1919) / Emerson Hough --
A program for counteracting seditious activities (1920) / Clayton R. Lusk --
The case agains the Reds (1920) / A. Mitchell Palmer --
'The Dearborn Independent': the international Jew: the world's foremost problem (1920) --
'The Dearborn Independent': Jewish activities in the United States (1921) --
What price tolerance? (1928) / Paul M. Winter --
The conspiracy against labor (1922) / Samuel Gompers --
The menace of the World Court (1935) / Charles E. Coughlin --
American in danger! (1940-1941) / Charles B. Hudson --
The ruling oligarchy wants to engage in a foreign war (1941) / Carl H. Mote --
A study in appearances and realities (1948) / Charles A. Beard --
8. Toward the end of consensus? (1936-1968) --
Democratic despotism (1936) / Raoul E. Desvernine --
The Roosevelt Red record and its background (1936) / Elizabeth Dilling --
A Communist view of right-wing conspiracy (1938) / Earl Browder --
House Committee on un-American activities: the Trojan Horse (1939) --
Communist influence in high places (1940) / Martin Dies --
The Fascists' conspiracy against the people (1938) / George Seldes --
The Cold War a product of Wall Street conspiracy (1949) / William Z. Foster --
The Communist Party is a secret conclave (1949) / Robert H. Jackson --
To secure the existing order against revolutionary radicalism (1950) / Robert H. Jackson --
Communism in our schools (1946) / George A. Dondero --
Communism and the colleges (1953) / J.B. Matthews --
Modern art shackled to Communism (1949) / George A. Dondero --
A conspiracy of blackest infamy (1951) / Joseph McCarthy --
Interlocking subversion in the government (1953) --
Communist pressure by transmission belts (1954) / Louis F. Budenz --
The "independence" maneuver (1956) / Louis F. Budenz --
Communist America, must it be? (1960) / Billy James Hardis --
Civil rights myths and Communist realities (1963) / Medford Evans --
The need for Black power (1967) / Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton --
More stately mansions (1964) / Robert Welch --
The truth about Vietnam (1967) / Robert Welch --
The internal threat today (1964) / Ezra Taft Benson --
Marxmanship in Dallas (1964) / Revilo P. Oliver --
Thomas G. Buchanan: who killed Kennedy? (1964) --
The Ku Klux Klan as a subversive, conspiratorial organization (1966) / Irving Kaler --
Suppression of antiwar protest (1966).