1. Great physician: Hippocrates. Aphorisms
2. Father of natural history: Aristotle. History of animals
3. First scientific botanist: Theophrastus. On the history of plants and On the causes of plants
4. Master mathematician: Euclid. Elements of geometry
5. Mechanical wizard: Archimedes: On the sphere and the cylinder
6. Poet of science: Lucretius. On the nature of things
7. First medical historian: Celsus. De medicina
8. The great compiler: Pliny the Elder. Natural history
9. First herbalist: Dioscorides. Materia medica
10. Beginning of scientific cartography: Ptolemaeus. Geography
11. Dictator of medieval medicine: Galen. On the natural faculties
12. Prince of physicians: Avicenna. Canon of medicine
13. Admirable doctor: Roger Bacon. Opus majus
14. Universal genius: Leonardo da Vinci. Notebooks
15. Sun-centered universe: Copernicus. Concerning the revolutions of the heavenly spheres
16. Father of mineralogy: Agricola. De re metallica
17. Complete skeptic: Paracelsus. Selected writings
18. Great herbalist: Leonhard Fuchs. Important commentaries concerning the history of plants
19. Founder of modern anatomy: Andreas Vesalius. On the structure of the human body
20. Start of modern zoology: Conrad Gesner. Historia animalium
21. Classic of experimental science: William Gilbert. On the loadstone, magnetic bodies, and on the great magnet the earth
22. Astronomical observer supreme: Tycho Brahe. Studies in the new astronomy
23. Pursuit of knowledge: Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and advancement of learning
24. Explorer of outer space: Galileo. Dialogue on the two chief systems of the world
25. Lawmaker for the universe: Johannes Kepler. The new astronomy and the harmony of the world
26. Birth of experimental medicine: William Harvey. Anatomical exercise on the motion of the heart and blood in animals
27. Beginning of modern scientific method: René Descartes. A discourse on method
28. First modern chemist: Robert Boyle. The sceptical chymist
29. Taxonomic pioneer: John Ray. Historia plantarum
30. Founder of microscopic anatomy: Marcello Malpighi. Anatome plantarum
31. Pendulum and light: Christian Huygens. Pendulum clocks and Treatise on light
32. First microbe hunter: Anton van Leeuwenhoek. Letters to the Royal Society of England
33. Observer of the invisible: Robert Hooke. Micrographia
34. Plant anatomist: Nehemiah Grew. The anatomy of plants begun
35. System of the world: Isaac Newton. Principia mathematica
36. Plant physiologist: Stephan Hales. Vegetable staticks
37. Electrical wizard: Benjamin Franklin. Experiments and observations on electricity
38. Father of systematic biology: Carolus Linnaeus. System of nature
39. Spirit of enlightenment: Denis Diderot. Encyclopédie
40. Pioneer of modern geology: James Hutton. Theory of the earth
41. Analyzer of water: Henry Cavendish. Experiments on air
42. Architect of modern chemistry: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. Elementary treatise of chemistry
43. Invertebrate zoologist: Jean Lamarck. Natural history of invertebrate animals
44. Discoverer of vaccination: Edward Jenner. An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolae vaccinae
45. Mathematical astronomer: Pierre Laplace. Celestial mechanics
46. Comparative anatomist: Georges Cuvier. The animal kingdom
47. Birth of the atomic theory: John Dalton. A new system of chemical philosophy
48. Father of English geology: William Smith. Geological atlas of England and Wales
49. Univeral man: Alexander von Humboldt. Cosmos
50. Seaman's bible: Nathaniel Bowditch. The new American practical navigator
51. Ornithologist supreme: John James Audubon. The birds of America
52. Case of the wounded stomach: William Beaumont. Experiments and observations on the gastric juice and the physiology of digestion
53. Birth of photography: Louis Daguerre. History and description of the process of Daguerreotype
54. Electrical pioneer: Michael Faraday. Experimental researches in electricity
55. Interpreter and synthesizer: Charles Lyell. Principles of geology
56. Paths of the sea: Matthew Fontaine Maury. The physical geography of the sea
57. Case of the wandering boulders: Jean Louis Agassiz. Studies on glaciers
58. Survival through natural selection: Charles Darwin. On the origin of species
59. Professional homicide: Oliver Wendell Holmes. The contagiousness of puerperal fever
60. First great American botanist: Asa Gray. Elements of botany
61. Indestructible energy: Hermann von Helmholtz. On the conservation of force
62. Explorer of unseen worlds: Louis Pasteur. Treatise on the fermentation known as lactic
63. Riddle of heredity: Gregor Mendel. Experiments in plant hybridization
64. Founder of antiseptic surgery: Joseph Lister. On the antiseptic principle in the practice of surgery
65. Greatest American scientist: Josiah Willard Gibbs. On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances
66. Founder of American psychology: William James. The principles of psychology
67. Bacillus hunter: Robert Koch. The etiology of tuberculosis
68. Doyen of experimental physiologists: Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Conditioned reflexes
69. Founder of modern psychiatry: Sigmund Freud. Civilization and its discontents
70. Most civilized Englishman: Havelock Ellis. Studies in the psychology of sex
71. Discovers of radium: Marie and Pierre Curie. Researches on radioactive substances
72. Harbinger of the atomic age: Albert Einstein. Relativity, the special and general theory
73. The proper study of man: Alfred Kinsey. Sexual behavior in the human male
74. Upsetting the balance of nature: Rachel Carson. Silent spring.