1. The meaning of work. Labor and work / Hannah Arendt ; Lost charm at work / Karl Marx, Frederich Engels ; Social contact and anomy / Emile Durkheim ; Social alienation / Robert Blauner ; The instinct of workmanship / Thorstein Veblen ; Work and religion / Max Weber ; The Confucian ethic / Herman Weber ; Prospects for our grandchildren / John Maynard Keynes ; Life goals / John Kenneth Galbraith
2. The changing work force. Evolution of the work force / Clark Kerr ; Attitudes of youth and discrimination / Sar A. Levitan, Clifford M. Johnson ; Hierarchical structures and women / Rosabeth Moss Kanter ; Managerial women / Benson Rosen ; The aging population / Malcolm H. Morrison ; Early retirement / Eli Ginzberg ; The robot revolution / Sar A. Levitan, Clifford M. Johnson
3. Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Contrasting views / Eli Ginzberg ; Sources of dissatisfaction / Sar A. Levitan, Clifford M. Johnson ; Workers' evaluations / Graham L. Staines, Robert P. Quinn ; Dissatisfaction trends / Michael R. Cooper, Brian S. Morgan, Patricia M. Foley, Leon B. Kaplan ; Changing needs, aspirations, and values : Work in America report ; What do worker's really want? / Robert Schrank ; Adjusting work / Clark Kerr
4. Improving quality of work life. Impact of technology / Louis E. Davis, James C. Taylor ; Definitions and job redesign / Herbert C. Morton ; Time and motion / Daniel Bell ; Modifying the clock / Irving Bernstein ; Structure of new projects / Daniel Yankelovich
5. Increasing worker participation in management. Participation model / James L. Koch ; Colin L Fox, Jr. ; Management and union views / John J. Flagler, William A. Schroeder ; Industrial democracy / John F. Witte ; Japanese decision making / William Ouchi ; Participation in Sweden / Sigvard Rubenowitz ; Participation in socialist enterprises / Branko Horvat ; Transferability of foreign models / Sar A. Levitan, Diane Werneke
6. Industrial relations systems worldwide. A systems model / John T. Dunlop ; Strategic choices / Thomas A. Kochan, Robert B. McKersie, Peter Cappelli ; American public employment / Richard B. Freeman ; The British system / Adolph Sturmthal ; The West German system / Wolfgang Conrad ; The Japanese system / Ezra F. Vogel ; Japanese collective bargaining / Kazutoshi Kōshiro ; Capitalist and socialist comparisons / Clark Kerr
7. Public policies governing industrial relations in America. Development of labor policy / Julius G. Getman ; Role of the state / Richard A. Lester ; Challenging the assumptions / Julius G. Getman ; Criticisms by organizing labor / George Meany ; Proposals for change / D. Quinn Mills ; Policy on strikes / William B. Gould ; Policy on contract enforcement / Theodore J. St. Antoine
8. Collective bargaining. The U.S. system / Jack Barbash ; Approaches to the study of negotiations / Thomas A. Kochan ; A behavioral theory / Richard E. Walton, Robert B. McKersie ; A strike game / Howard Raiffa ; Alternative methods / Roger Fisher, William Ury ; Types of relationships / Frederick H. Harbison, John R. Coleman ; Causes of industrial peace : National Planning Association ; Reforming the U.S. system / D. Quinn Mills ; The grievance procedure / John T. Dunlop, James J. Healy
9. Industrial conflict and its resolution. Ideologies about conflict / Ann Douglas ; Mutual survival / E. Wight Bakke ; Nature of conflict / Jack Barbash ; Models of strike activity / Thomas A. Kochan ; Forms of conflict regulation / Ralf Dahrendorf ; Tactical mediation / Clark Kerr ; Compulsory arbitration / Peter Feuille
10. Political action by unions and workers. Lenin's views / Thomas Taylor Hammond ; Distribution of power / Walter Korpi ; Political and social power : American Federation of Labor ; Union political action / Derek C. Bok, John T. Dunlop ; Strategic problems of American labor / Michael J. Piore ; Political power of American unions / Richard B. Freeman, James L. Medoff ; British Union politics / Colin Crouch ; Swedish Union politics / Thomas A. Sancton
11. Comparing industrial relations systems. Methods for evaluation performance / Jeanne M. Brett ; Quality of union-management relations / D. Quinn Mills ; American performance / Andrew Thomson ; British performance / Henry Phelps Brown ; West German performance / Herbert Schmidt ; Japanese performance / Haruo Shimada
12. Forces shaping industrial societies. Six competing and contradictory laws of motion / Clark Kerr ; The march into socialism / Joseph A. Schumpeter ; The laboristic society / Sumner H. Slichter ; Differences in social welfare function / Jan Tinbergen ; Influence of Oriental cultures / Herman Kahn, Thomas Pepper ; Economic growth debate / E.J. Mishan ; Social limits to growth / Fred Hirsch
13. The future of industrial relations. Pluralistic industrialism / Clark Kerr, John T. Dunlop, Frederick Harbison, Charles A. Meyers ; Sketch of the new organization / Herbert A. Simon ; Future of the American labor movement / Thomas A. Kochran, Robert B. McKersie, Harry C. Katz
Convergence or diversity? / Clark Kerr.