Introduction. Pedigree of Thomas Campion. Biographical. The poetical works ; The prose works --
A booke of ayres. To the right virtuous and worthy knight, Sir Thomas Mounson ; To the reader ; A table of halfe the songs contained in this booke, by T.C. ; Songs I-XXI ; A table of the rest of the songs contained in this booke, made by Philip Rosseter ; Songs I-XXI --
Observations in the art of English poesie --
The description of a maske, presented before the Kinges Maiestie at White-Hall, in Honour of the Lord Hayes and his bride. To the most puissant and gratious Iames, King of Great Britaine ; An epigram ; Ad inuictissimum, serenissimumque Iacobum Magnae Britanniae Regem ; To the right noble and virtuous Theophilus Howarde, Lorde of Walden, sonne and heire to the right honorable the Earle of Suffolke ; To the right virtuous, and honorable, the Lord and Lady Hayes ; Epigramma ; The Maske ; Songs used in the Maske --
A relation of the late royall entertainment given by the right honorable the Lord Knowles, at Cawsome-Hovse Neere redding: to our most gracious queen, Queen Anne, in her progresse toward the bathe, upon the seven and eight and twentie days of Aprill 1613 --
The description, speeches, and songs, of the Lords Maske, presented in the Banquetting-house on the marriage night of the high and mightie Count Palatine, and the royally descended the Ladie Elisabeth --
Songs of mourning: bewailing the untimely death of Prince Henry. Illustrissimo, potentissimoque principi, Fredrico Quinto, Rheni Comiti Palatino, Duci Bauariae, &c ; An elegie upon the untimely death of Prince Henry ; To the most sacred King Iames ; To the most sacred Queene Anne ; To the most high and mighty Prince Charles ; To the most princely and virtuous the Lady Elizabeth ; To the most illustrious and mighty Fredericke the fift, Count Palatine of the Rhein ; To the most disconsolate Great Brittaine ; To the world ; A table of all the songs contained in this booke --
Two books of Ayres. The first containing divine and morall songs: the second, light conceits of lovers. To the right honourable, both birth and virtue, Francis, Earle of Cumberland ; To the reader ; A table of all the songs contained in these books --
Divine and moral songs, I-XXI --
Light conceits of lovers. To the right noble, and virtuous Henry Lord Clifford, son and heyre to the right honourable, Francis, Earle of Cumberland ; To the reader ; Songs I-XXI --
The description of a maske, presented in the banqueting roome at Whitehall, son Saint Stephens night last, at the marriage of the right honourable the Earle of Somerset, and the right noble the Lady Frances Howard --
The third and fourth booke of Ayres. A table of all the songs contained in the two books following ; To my honourable friend, Sr Thomas Mounson, Knight and Baronet --
The third booke of ayres. Songs I-XXIX --
The fourth booke of ayres. To my worthy fried, Mr Iohn Mounson, sonne heyre to Sir Thomas Mounson, Knight and Baronet --
To the reader ; Songs I-XXIIII --
A new way of making fowre parts in counterpoint, etc. To the flower of Princes, Charles, Prince of Great Brittaine ; The preface ; Of counterpoint ; A short hymne, composed after this forme of counterpoint, to shew how well it will become any Diuine, or grave subject ; Of the tones of musicke ; Of the taking of all concords, perfect and imperfect --
Ayres sung and played at Brougham castle in Westmerland in the Kings Entertainment --
Epigrammatum, Libri II. Liber primus, ep. 1 -225 ; Liber secundus, ep. 2 1-228 --
Appendix to the Latin poems. Ad dianam ; Ad daphnin ; Ad thamesin ; Fragmentum Umbrae ; Elegiarum liber ; Epigrammatum liber.