Introduction / by Crane Brinton
Chapter one: Social classes under the old regime
Robe and sword, the regrouping of the French aristocracy after Louis XIV / Franklin L. Ford
A re-evaluation of the "aristocratic revolt" / Albert Goodwin
Capitalist and proprietary wealth and the definition of the Bourgeoisie / George V. Taylor
The peasantry on the eve of the French revolution / Georges Lefebvre
Ideas of reform among the French lower clergy, 1787-1789 / Maurice G. Hutt
Chapter two: The enlightenment
Desertion of intellectuals and nobles as a pre-revolutionary phenomenon / Crane Brinton
The philosophes and their environment / Peter Gay
The French Jesuits in the age of enlightenment / R.R. Palmer
The political philosophy of Helvétius and d'Holbach / Everett C. Ladd, Jr.
The influence of eighteenth-century ideas on the French revolution / Henri Peyre
The image and influence of America in the French enlightenment / Durand Echeverria
Chapter three: The decline of the old regime and the debacle of French foreign policy
Louis XV: The monarchy in decline / G.P. Gooch
The diplomatic revolution and the debacle of French foreign policy / Albert Sorel
France and the financing of the American revolution / Alphonse Aulard
The parlements of France in the eighteenth century / Alfred Cobban
Turgot and the fate of his six edicts / Douglas Dakin
The fiscal and economic crises at the end of the Ancien Régime / Ernest Labrousse
Chapter four: France makes a revolution
Why was there a revolution in France? / George Rudé
The "mainspring of the revolution": The Paris Sans-culottes / Albert Soboul
The directory-a revaluation / Albert Goodwin
Chapter five: The counterrevolution
Counterrevolutionary politics : The emigration and intrigues of the princes / Emmanuel Vingtrinier
The church and the counterrevolution / André Latreille.
A sociological analysis of counterrevolution : The Vendée / Charles Tilly
Counter-revolutionary espionage: Francis Drake and the Comte d'Antraigues / Harvey Mitchell
Counterrevolutionary terror / Jacques Godechot
Counter-revolutionary thought / Paul H. Beik
Chapter Six : Napoleonic Imperialism
Napoleon seizes control of the revolution / Georges Lefebvre
Napoleon Imperialism at its zenith: The grand empire and the continental system / Felix Markham
The spirit of the Napoleonic system / Louis Madelin
Napoleon and the age of nationalism / Hans Kohn
Chapter seven: The restoration and fall of the Bourbons
Talleyrand at the Congress of Vienna / Georges Lacour-Gayet
Electoral system in France during the bourbon restoration, 1815-1830 / Frederick B. Artz
French society under the restoration / Guillaume de Bertier de Sauvigny
Charles X, Polignac, and the application of article XIV of the charter / Vincent W. Beach
A new look at the French revolution of 1830 / David H. Pinkney.
Chapter eight: Bourgeois monarchy and Democratic republic
Bourgeois supremacy during the July monarchy / Jean Lhomme
A reconsideration of Guizot / Douglas Johnson
The romantic revolution and the Industrial revolution in France / Albert J. George
The changing outlines of 1848 / Peter Amann
The Napoleonic legend in France in 1848 / André-Jean Tudesq
Chapter nine: "Socialism" and "Caesarism" : The domestic policies of the Second Empire
The economic transformation of France under the Second Empire / Georges Pradalié
The social and economic policies of the Emperor / Hendrik Boon
The constitutional significance of the Second Empire / Marcel Prélot
The myth of Napoleon III / Theodore Zeldin
Chapter ten: "The Empire means peace" : the foreign policy of the Second Empire
The Second Empire and Italian unity / Louis Girard
"The great idea of the reign" : The Mexican expedition / J.P.T. Bury
Napoleon III and the Austro-Prussian war / Lynn M. Case
"Red rag" and "Gallic Bull" : The Hohenzollern candidature / Michael E. Howard
Chapter eleven: Socialist thought and the Paris commune
The development of socialist doctrines from the revolution to the commune / Maxime Leroy
The Paris commune: An episode of the socialist movement / Edward S. Mason
The first international, proudhonists, blanquists, and the Paris commune / Samuel Bernstein
The activity of popular organizations during the Paris commune of 1871 / Eugene W. Schulkind
Chapter twelve: Realism, Impressionism, and symbolism
Flaubert and naturalism / Pierre Martino
Impressionism, a break with tradition / Lionello Venturi
German idealism and French symbolism / A.G. Lehmann
Chapter Thirteen: Challenges to the Third Repbublic
The attempted coup d'etat of May 16, 1877 / Fresnette Pisani-Ferry
The significance of Boulangism / Adrien Dansette
The ralliement in the politics of the 1890's / David Shapiro
France and the Dreyfus affair / Douglas Johnson
The Nationalist Revival in France / Eugen Weber.
Chapter fourteen: Imperialism, triple entente, and World War I
Jules Ferry and the growth of French imperialism / Fresnette Pisani-Ferry
The entente cordiale and the first Moroccan crisis / D.W. Brogan
The war aims of the French government, 1914-1918 / Pierre Renouvin
The costs of World War I / Jacques Chastenet
Chapter fifteen: France between two wars (1919-1940)
France's search for "Security" after 1919 / Arnold Wolfers
The resurgence of the right after World War I / René Rémond
The Stravisky affair and the riots of February 6th, 1934 / Geoffrey Warner
Léon Blum and the failure of the popular front / Georges Dupeux
Along the road back to France 1940 / John C. Cairns
Chapter sixteen: France against herself: Vichy and the resistance
Vichy's "National revolution" / Robert Aron
The Vichy regime and collaboration ; Free France and its plans for the future of France / Henri Michel
The effects of World War II on French society and politics / Stanley Hoffmann
Chapter seventeen: The "unloved" Fourth Republic
The transformation of the French economy after World War II / Jean Lecerf
The political "system" of the Fourth Republic / Raymond Aron
Why the Fourth Republic failed to solve the Algerian problem / Dorothy Pickles
How the Fourth Republic died: The revolution of May, 1958 / Philip Williams
Chapter Eighteen: The Fifth Republic : the final synthesis?
The political principles of general de Gaulle / Douglas Johnson
De Gaulle and the decolonization of Africa / W.W. Kulski
The foreign policy conceptions of General de Gaulle / Alfred Grosser
De Gaulle and the future of Europe / Louis J. Halle
Chapter Nineteen: The intellectual crisis of the twentieth century
Dadaism / Georges Lemaitre
The novelist as philosopher, 1930-1960 / John Cruickshank
Existentialism / Jean-Paul Sartre
The philosophy of existentialism / Gabriel Marcel
Claude Lévi-Strauss and the changing temper of the 1960's / H. Stuart Hughes.