Introduction / E.L. Doctorow
Original prospectus of The Nation
The danger of the hour [editorial]
The moral of Tweed's career / E.L. Godkin
The Week [circus clowns and journalists]
The execution of the anarchists / E.L. Godwin
The pesky anti-imperialist / W.P. Garrison
The Week [military spending] ; [the tango]
American liberalism [letter to the editor] / Arthur Garfield Hays
The making of a Red / Robert C. Benchley
The madness at Versailles / William MacDonald
The Week [Lenin and Trotzky and baseball]
No newspapers for Debs [letter to the editor] / Theodore Debs
Sowing the wind to reap the whirlwind [editorial]
The conquest of Haiti / Herbert J. Seligman
Ulysses [book review] / Gilbert Seldes
The Week [Tut-ankh-amen's tomb]
Minnesota: the Norse state / Sinclair Lewis
Nebraska: the end of the first cycle / Willa Cather
H.L. Mencken / H.L. Mencken
alive and triumphant / Chaim Weizmann
A net spread in vain [correspondence between Oswald Garrison Villard and George Bernard Shaw]
Georgia: invisible empire state / W.E.B. DuBois.
Class justice in Germany [letter to the editor] / Adolf Hitler
The war in Passaic / Mary Heaton Vorse
First glance [book review, T.S. Elliot's poetry] / Mark van Doren
The Negro artist and the racial mountain / Langston Hughes
Mother-worship / Crystal Eastman
Poor me and pure Boston / Upton Sinclair
Justice underfoot [editorial]
Mass movies / Sergei Eisenstein
The passport nuisance / Ezra Pound
Yehudi Menuhin [letter to the editor] / Moshe Menuhin
With Sandino in Necaragua / Carleton Beals
Out of bondage / Freda Kirchwey
It seems to Heywood Broun / Heywood Broun
Is literature possible? / Lionel Trilling
The 1932 Disarmament Conference / Albert Einstein
The pot and kettle / Oswald Garrison Villard
The "Odyssey" of Disney / James Thurber
The tragedy of political exiles / Emma Goldman
Dust changes America / Margaret Bourke-White
Our critics, right or wrong / Mary McCarthy and Margaret Marshall
The fall of Joe Louis / James T. Farrell
Big parade, 1936 model / John Dos Passos
On being modern-minded / Bertrand Russell
The pacifist's dilemma / Norman Thomas
I stand with the Spanish people / Thomas Mann
Spain's tragic anniversary / Louis Fischer
Einstein in Hollywood / George S. Kaufman
Making defense safe for Alcoa / I.F. Stone.
Mother and son [book review, Thomas Wolfe's Letters to His Mother] / Henry Miller
life or death? / I.F. Stone
The people are indivisible / Archibald MacLeish
One world or none [editorial]
French existentialism / Hannah Arendt
Americans and their myths / Jean-Paul Sartre
Film [The treasure of the Sierra Madre] / James Agee
Writers in America / Stephen Spender
Life on the black list / Guy Endore
American Christmas / Nelson Algren
Bill of Rights Day [editorial]
Red China at Geneva / Edgar Snow
A modest proposal / Arthur Miller
Justice in Sumner / Dan Wakefield
The ruins of memory / Josephine Herbst
Spit in the devil's eye / Sarah Boyle
Theatre [Long day's journey into night] / Harold Clurman
Blacklist=black marketing / Dalton Trumbo
Jazz poetry / Kenneth Rexroth
The safe car you can't buy / Ralph Nader
It's only Nikita, after all [editorial]
Are we training Cuban guerrillas? [editorial]
"Manchurian candidate" in Dallas / Richard Condon
The motorcycle gangs: losers and outsiders / Hunter S. Thompson
The last steep ascent / Martin Luther King jr.
A report from occupied territory / James Baldwin
Paradise Reagan-ed [editorial]
One cheer for the hippies / Jack Newfield
As we see it [editorial, the 1968 presidential election].
On Vietnam / Ernest Gruening
The hubris of a president / William Shirer
The women of the boycott / Barbara L. Baer and Glenna Matthews
SDS around the campfire / Todd Gitlin
The dilemma of American Jewry / Arthur Samuelson
White paper on the White Paper / James Petras
East, West, is there a third way? / E.P. Thompson
The return of Cold War liberalism / Andrew Kopkind
The long shadow [editorial]
The worst addiction of them all / Kurt Vonnegut
Uncivil liberties / Calvin Trillin
Requiem for the American empire / Gore Vidal
Land of Jekyll and Hyde / Carlos Fuentes
The revenge of Ahab [editorial]
Tough as bob war and other stuff / Molly Ivins
The strange case of Baby M / Katha Pollitt
Sovieticus / Stephen F. Cohen
Minority report [the death penalty] / Christopher Hitchens
Delirious New York [book review, Tom Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities and Dissent special issue] / John Leonard
Beat the devil [the legacy of My Lai] / Alexander Cockburn
For Jesse Jackson and his campaign [editorial]
In the heart of Le Pen country / Daniel Singer
Casting out the "People's Church" / Penny Lernoux
White-collar thuggery [book review, Russell Mokhiber's Corporate Crime and Violence] / Robert Sherrill
Palestine agenda / Edward W. Said
The deadly costs of an obsession [with responses by Martin Bauml Duberman and ACT UP] / Darrell Yates Rist
Art [Andy Warhol] / Arthur Danto
March to a crossroads on abortion / Meredith Tax
The right to life: what can the white man say to the black woman? / Alice Walker
Bush's splendid little war / Richard J. Barnet.
Poetry. Bare almond trees / D.H. Lawrence
Four poems / Emily Dickinson
Song of the little death / Federico Garcia Lorca
Long-legged fly / W.B. Yeats
On an old horn / Wallace Stevens
Matthew Arnold / W.H. Auden
The mind is an enchanting thing / Marianne Moore
The death of the sheriff / Robert Lowell
A game at Salzburg / Randall Jarrell
The plain sense of things / Wallace Stevens
What happened the day a poet was appointed postmaster / Lawrence Ferlinghetti
A Brueghel nativity / William Carlos Williams
Two views of a cadaver room / Sylvia Plath
The starry night / Anne Sexton
After the ball / LeRoi Jones
Up rising / Robert Duncan
Johnson's cabinet watched by ants / Robert Bly
What were they like? (questions and answers) / Denise Levertov
Marsh, hawk / Margaret Atwood
The arrival / Ernesto Cardenal
To a blossoming pear tree / James Wright
Tears / Josephine Jacobsen
Afterword / Victor Navasky.
List of illustrations. Sacco and Vanzetti / Ben Shahn
I.F. Stone / David Levine
Cold War II / Robert Grossman
"It's only a theory" / Edward Sorel
Woodcuts / Fritz Eichenberg.