Ancestral voices : Respectable Burrs ; The odor of sanctity ; High priest of Calvinism ; The daughter of Puritans
Childhood : A son is born ; Swift tragedy ; Orphans
College years : The insatiable student ; Myths in the making ; The students get religion ; Graduation ; The footsteps of his fathers ; Idyllic interlude
Swords and bullets : The call to arms ; On to Quebec ; Siege and assault ; End of the venture ; Major Burr of the staff ; Burr rescues a brigade ; Military intelligence
The war goes on : Promotion ; Martinet Burr ; Mutiny ; Secret service ; No man's land ; Resignation ; The war horse snuffs battle
Prelude to life : Courtship and law books ; Special dispensation ; Theodosia Prevost Burr ; Entering wedge
Chiefly legal : Political interlude ; Practicing attorney ; Domesticity
The politician embarked : Preview ; Stepping-stone ; Into the arena
The gentleman from New York : Strictly professional ; Senatorial duties ; Eyes on New York ; Burr decides an election
Intermediate years : Hamilton calls names ; Withdrawal and a bargain ; Richmond Hill and the arts ; Financial legerdemain ; Experiment in education ; Aspasia
Party growth : Republican cockades ; Almost minister to France ; The jay treaty ; Republican defeat ; Virginia breaks a promise
Burr stoops to conquer : The lowly assemblyman ; Almost a brigadier ; Strange bedfellows ; The Holland land company ; Watering a bank ; The pot and the kettle
The second American revolution : Burr drafts a ticket ; Tammany marches to the polls ; Clinton or Burr ; Hamilton writes a pamphlet ; Downfall of Federalism
Jefferson or Burr : Premonitory murmurs ; The Federalists take stock ; Republican fears ; The house votes ; The house elects ; Cause and effects
Vice-president Burr : Pride goeth ; The spoils of office ; Grim prospects and idle dalliance ; The judiciary bill ; Sundry errors in tactics
The last struggle for power : Escape fantasies ; Jefferson in the saddle ; Burr for governor
Tragic duel : Provocation ; Apologia ; Pistols for two; coffee for one ; Indicted for murder ; Southern journey
The impeachment of Justice Chase : Jefferson suddenly courts Burr ; Trial and acquittal ; A long farewell ; L'Envoi
Backgrounds for the conspiracy : Westward the course of empire ; Hamilton and Miranda ; Foreign aid ; Creole grievances ; "The finished scoundrel"
Western journey : Houseboat on the Ohio ; Yrujo starts a backfire ; Finances ; Recruiting ; Plot and counterplot
Never to return : The fatal cipher ; The Bastrop purchase ; The cat jumps ; The betrayal
The man hunt starts : Accusations in Kentucky ; Action in Washington ; Attack on the island ; Odyssey
Dictatorship in New Orleans : Gooseflesh and sword rattling ; Surrender in Mississippi ; Vindication ; Escape and arrest ; Via Dolorosa
The stage is set : Convicted in advance ; Preliminary trials
Tried for treason : The titans gather ; Marshall defines treason ; Court convenes ; The president is subpoenaed ; The mammoth of iniquity ; The grand jury indicts
On trial : Oranges and jail ; Arrest of testimony ; The misdemeanor is tried ; Further commitment ; Mob spirit
Man without a country : Flight ; England is not interested ; The grand tour ; Swedish journey ; Hamlet and Goethe
Failure in France : Proposals to Napoleon ; Desperate straits ; England again ; Exile's return
Declining years : Double tragedy ; The Eden case ; Of many matters ; Old and wealthy woman ; Finale ; L'Envoi.