Foreword / by Harlan Lane --
How ASL and deaf education began here (a reasonably brief history) --
Is there one sign language for all countries? --
Is there any similarity between Braille and ASL? --
Wasn't French sign language invented by the Abbe de l'Epee? --
Can you explain the structure of ASL? --
Is ASL a written language? --
How do deaf people learn sign language? --
Can born-deaf people appreciate puns and jokes involving homonyms? --
Are there such things as accents among signers from different regions or countries? --
"I want to learn bigger signs" --
"How can I improve my fingerspelling?" --
Are there any home correspondence courses in basic sign? --
What is Pidgin Sign English? --
How do I know if someone is using ASL or signed English? --
What is total communication? --
If ASL is the third most widely used language in the U.S., why don't all universities accept it as a foreign language? --
Why do so many deaf people have trouble with English? --
Why don't some deaf people like to read? --
Doesn't closed-captioning help deaf people improve their English? --
Why is there a movement to close down residential schools for the deaf in this country? --
What's the best clearinghouse for information about deafness? --
Is there any information on deaf children's learning problems? --
Can't all deaf people read lips? --
Speechreading protocol: a few words of advice --
"A deaf woman works in my office ... is it wrong to want her to verbalize"? --
Is is OK to use the terms "deaf-mute" and deaf-and-dumb"? --
What do you call a deaf person who doesn't speak? --
Can "deaf" be used as a noun (as in 'the deaf') or is it an adjective only? --
When I use the word "handicapped" my deaf friends get angry. Why is that? --
Do deaf parents breed deaf children? --
Do all deaf people benefit from hearing aids? --
The cochlear-implant controversy --
Why do most deaf parents raise a hearing child better than hearing parents raise a deaf child? --
The Deaf community includes both "deaf" and "hard-of-hearing." What other categories are there? --
What are some of the biggest problems face by late-deafened people? --
How do people become deaf? --
"Is hearing loss common in my family because of heredity, or because my grandmother fell down during her pregnancies?" --
Is deafness "bad karma?" --
What is deaf culture? Has anyone studied it from a sociological perspective? --
Should a hearing person write about deaf culture? --
How did Alexander Graham Bell almost succeed in wiping out deaf culture? --
Can all deaf people dance beautifully? --
Are deaf people visually sharper than hearing people? --
What difficulties do deaf people have when driving an automobile? --
Don't deaf people have to wear dark colors? --
"Do deaf people show a slight difference in their facial anatomy?" --
Aren't deaf people more prone to accidents? --
Why do so many deaf people work in printing, post-office, and factory jobs? --
Should I buy a manual-alphabet card from a peddler? --
Why are successful deaf persons put down by other deaf people? Can't they appreciate successful achievers? --
Why do deaf people use the term "hearing"? --
What's deaf people's real attitude toward hearing people who learn sign language? --
Why don't some deaf people trust hearing people? --
What do you mean, "An interpreter is a person who earns money off deaf people's language"?! --
In our city, churches are beginning to reach out to the deaf community. Is this the case in other parts of the U.S.? --
How do deaf people feel when a hearing person approaches them in public using sign language? --
Is it bad manners to interrupt signers to tell them you're taking a course in ASL? --
Some of my deaf friends react with dismay to the "ILY" sign. Don't they like it? --
Deaf audiences clap for a hearing speaker and wave for a deaf one. What should hearing audiences with no background in deaf culture do? --
Should my office clerks be given different, lesser duties because they are deaf? --
Do deaf people ever wish they were hearing? --
What bothers a deaf person the most about hearing people?