The Prologue/ The Author to her Book / Contemplations / [As Weary Pilgrim, now at Best] / The Flesh and the Spirit / The Four Lessons of the Year / The Vanity of all worldly things / In memory of my dear grand-child Elizabeth Bradstreet / To My Dear and Loving Husband / A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Publick Employment / Another [Letter to Her Husband / On my dear Grand-child Simon Bradstreet / Here followes some verses upon the burning of our House / Anne Bradstreet
God's Controversy with New- England / A Prayer unto Christ the Judge of the World / The Day of Doom / A Song of Emptiness to Fill up the Empty Pages Following / Michael Wiggleworth
[Prepartory] Meditation 1.1 / Meditation 1.8 / Meditation 1.29 / Meditation 1.32 / Meditation 1.39 / Meditation 2.1 / Meditation 2.2 / Meditation 2.3 / Meditation 2.4 / Meditation 2.56 / Meditation 2.150 / Gods Deteminations: The Preface / The Forwardness of the Elect in the Work of Conversion / The Joy of Church Fellowshiprightly attended / Upon a Spider Catching a Fly / Huswifery / The Ebb and Flow / Edward Taylor
The Reverend Mr. Higgingson / Mr. Eliot Pastor ... at Roxbury / Afew lines in rememberence of Thomas Hooker / Mr. Roger Harlackenden / Mr. Thomas Shepheard / Onely the reverend grave and godly, Mr. Buckly remains / Oh King of Saints / Good News from New-England / Of the reasons moving this people to transplant themselves / Of the Transportation of people / Of the arrival of our English Nation / A briefe description of the Land / Of their buildind, planting, and giving out of Lands / [To populate this howling desart Land] / [What creature man] / [Yet unto God this people feeling says] / [Church-convenant Band brought in with liberty] / Edward Johnson / [The Courteous Pragan shall condemne] / [Course bread and water's most their fare] / [God gives them sleep] / [The Pagans wild confesse the bonds] /[How busie are the sonne of men?] / [Boast not proud E[n]glish] / {Mans restlesse soule soule hath restlesse eyes and ears] / [They see Gods wonders that are call'd] / [What Habacuck once spake] / [Adulteries, Murthers, Robberies, Thefts] / [The Indians prize not English gold] / [I have heard ingenuous Indians say] / [Our English Gamesters score to stake] / [The Indians count of Men as Dogs] / [Truth is a Native, naked Beauty] / [One step twix't Me and Death] / [When Indians heare that some there are] / Roger Williams
Upon the much-to be lamented desease of ... John Cotton / Upon the decease of Mris Anne Griffin / John Fiske
An Acrostick on Mrs Elizabeth Hull / An Acrostick on Mrs. Winifret Griffin / Consideratus considerandus / A lamentation on my Dear Son Simon / [Sweetly (my Dearest) I Left thee asleep] / A Brief Elegie On ... John Hull / One presenting a rare Book to Madame Hull Senr: his Vallintine / To his Excellency Joseph Dudley / March 4th Anno 1698: A Charracteristicall Satyre / Or Thus: A Satyretericall Charracter of a proud Upstart / John Saffin
To the Reader / An Elegie upon ... Mr. Thomas Shepard / Urian Oakes
Edmund Davie 1682. anagram / To my Honoured Patron Humphery Davie / New-Englands Crisis / On a Fortification at Boston begun by Women / Marlburyes Fate / The Town Called Providence Its Fate / Seaconk Plain Engagement / Seaconk or Rehoboths Fate / Chelmsfords Fate / A Supplement / Benjamin Tompson
A Momumental Memorial of Marine Mercy / Earth Felicities, Heavens Allowances / On a Sea-Storm nigh the Coast / A Poem, Upon the Caelestial Embassy / Richard Steere
A Praefatory Poem To ... Christianus per Ignem / The Rev. Nicholas Noyes to the Rev. Cotton Mather / A Prefatory Poem On ... Magnalia Christi Americana /To My Worthy Friend, Mr. James Bayley / A Consolatory Poem Dedicated unto Mr. Cotton Mather / Nicholas Noyes
The Porch / Meditations for July 19, 1666 / Meditations for July 25, 1666 / Meditations for August 1, 1666 / Philip Pain / [When I Solidly Do Ponder] / [On His Garden Book] / If any be pleased to walk into my poor Garden / [Most Weeds, whilst young] / [If thou wouldest Roses Scent] / [When one or other rambles] / [As often as some where before my feet] / [Thy Garden, Orchard, Fields] / [Extract the Quint-essence] / [To God alone, the Only Donour] / [Delight in Books] / [I have a pretty Little Flow'r] / [Learn, Lads and Lasses] / Epigrams / Francis Daniel Pastorius
Wednesday, January 1, 1701 / The Humble Springs of stately Sandwich Beach / Upon the Springs / This morning Tom Child, the painter, died / To be engraven on a Dial / To ... Jno Sparhawk on the Birth of His Son / Samuel Sewall
On my Lord Bacon / Two vast Enjoyments commemorated / The Mercies Of the Year, Commemorated / Profit and Loss / A Few Lines to fill up a Vacant Page / A Poem. Upon ... Mrs. Anne Eliot / John Danforth
Vigilantius . Epitaph [on Shubael Dummer] [Go then, my Dove, but now no longer mine] . [O Glorious Christ of God; I live] . Cotton Mather / A Quarrel with Fortune . [To "Philomela"] . To Urania . Another to Urania . A Poem On Elijahs Translation / A Hymn of Praise, on a recovery from sickness / Benjamin Colman
Psalme 1 / Psalme 19 / Psalme 103 / Psalme 107 / The Bay Psalm Book / Verses found in [His] pocket after his death / Thomas Dudley
Mercury shew'd Apollo, Bartas Book / [The world's a well strung fiddle] / [Poetry's a gift wherein but few excel] / Mr. Ward of Anagrams thus / Nathaniel Ward
The Authors Prilogue / New Canaans Genius, Epilogus / Epitaph / Carmen Elegiacum / The Poem [Rise Oedipeus] / The Songe / The Poem [I Sing th' adventures] / The Poem [What ailes Pigmalion?] / Thomas Morton
The Sea Marke / John Smith of his friend Master John Taylor and his Armado / In the due Honor of the Author Master Robert Norton, and his Worke / Captain John Smith
To my Reverend Dear Brother, M. Samuel Stone / In Saram / A Thankful Acknowledgement of God's Providence / John Cotton
A Copy of Verses ... On the Sudden Death of Mr. Joseph Brisco / Clauius Gilbert / John Wilson
A Word to New England / Of Boston in New England / [Epitaphium Meum] / William Bradford
[The Serpent w[I]th a voice, so slie and fine] / R.B. / Samuel Corton
Uppon the first sight of New England / Thomas Tillam
[Trees both in hills and plaines, in plenty be] / [The kingly Lyon, and the strong arm'd Beare] / [The princely Eagle, and the soaring Hawke] / [The king of waters, the sea shouldering Whale} / William Wood
T The Poem[upon the Indian Squa] / [And the bitter storm augments; the wild winds wage] / [Description of a New England Spring] / John Josselyn
A Love Letter / Thomas Thatcher
Upon the Author [Anne Bradstreet]; by a known Friend / Upon the Tomb of the most Reverend Mr. John Cotton / Benjamin Woodbridge
On the following Work [The Day of Doom] and Its Author / Jonathan Mitchell
[Almanac Verse] / Awakr yee westerne Nymphs, arise and sing / Samuel Danforth I
Upon Mrs. Anne Bradstreet Her Poems / John Rogers / To the much Honoured R.F. Esq. / Richard Chamberlain
Of John Bunyans Life &c. On ... John Haynes / John James / [Almanack Verse ... 1657] Samuel Bradstreet
On Mercenary and Unjust Bailiffs / Of Scolding Wives and the Third Day Ague / Upon the Bankruptcy of a Physician / Reasons for and against Marrying Widows / On Maids and Cats / Nuptial Song / Epitaph for Peter Stuyvesant / Henrcus Selyns
A Judicious Observation Of That Dreadful Comet / Ichabod Wiswall
The Author to his Book / Could'st thou (O Earth) live thus observe / Tis said the Gods / Trafique is Earth's great Atlas / Heavens bright Lamp / Poor vaunting Earth / To My Cosen Mris. Ellinor Evins / Lines on a Purple Cap / George Alsop / God save the King / Of the French King's Nativity / An Account of the Cruelty of the Papists / Benjamin Harris
To the Memory of the Learned and Reverend, Mr. Jonathan Mitchell / Francis Drake / A Funeral Elogy Upon ... Mrs. Anne Bradstreet / John Norton
An Elegiack Verse On ... Mr. Elijah Corlet / Nehemiah Walter
In Consort to Wedensday, Jan. 1st 1701 / Vox Oppressi To The Lady Phipps / Richard Henchman
Upon the Death of ... Mr. Jno Saffin Junr / To the Learned and Reverend Mr. Cotton Mather, on his Excellent Magnalia / Grindall Rawson
[Thoughts on the sight of the Moon] / [Restments Composed because of the Clamor of Town Topers] / [Warning to Travailers] / [Pleasant Delusion] / Sarah Kemble Knight / Ad Librum / An Elegy in Memory of Major Thomas Leonard Esq.
[Lines Descriptive of Thomson's Island] / Benjamin Lynde
Bacons Epitaph / Upon the Death of G;B / John Cotton of 'Queen's Creek'
Psalm LXIV.6, The Heart is Deep / Matthew X.28 / Roger Wolcott
An Old Song / Thomas Dudley Ah! old must dye / [Resplendent studs of Heaven's frame] / [The Whore That Rides in Us Abides] / [Time Tryeth Truth] / On How the Cobler / [Almanac Verse]