The King Lear perplex: selected criticism. "The history of King Lear" (1687) / Nahum Tate
The adventurer (1753, 1754) / Joseph Warton
Shakespear [sic] illustrated (1754) / Charlotte Lennox
"Notes on the plays" (1765) / Samuel Johnson
The mirror (1780) / Henry MacKenzie
"On Shakespeare's tragedies" (1808) / Charles Lamb
Characters of Shakespear's [sic] plays (1817) / William Hazlitt
Lectures and notes on Shakspere [sic] (1818) / Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Shakespeare's delineations of insanity" (1847) / I. Ray
Lectures on Shakspeare [sic] (1848) / H.N. Hudson
Shakspeare's [sic] delineations of insanity, imbecility and suicide (1866) / A.O. Kellogg
Shakspere [sic]: a critical study of his mind and art (1875) / Edward Dowden
Shakspeare [sic] diversions (1875) / Francis Jacox
A study of Shakespeare (1876) / Algernon Charles Swinburne
The Shakespearian drama: the tragedies (1887) / Denton J. Snider
Five lectures on Shakespeare (1895) / Bernhard ten Brink
Shakespearean tragedy / A.C. Bradley
"On Shakespeare and the drama" (1906, 1907) / Leo Tolstoy
Tragedy (1908) / Ashley H. Thorndike
Shakespeare (1909) / Algernon Charles Swinburne
The Tudor drama (1911) / C.F. Tucker Brooke
William Shakespeare (1911) / John Masefield
"The theme of the three caskets" (1913) / Sigmund Freud
The lion and the fox (1927) / Wyndham Lewis
Shakspere's [sic] silences (1929) / Alwin Thaler
Art and artifice in Shakespeare: a study in dramatic contrast and illusion (1933) / Elmer Edgar Stoll
Shakespeare (1936) / John Middleton Murry
Shakespeare's imagery and what it tells us (1936) / Caroline F.E. Spurgeon
"The occasion of King Lear" (1937) / John W. Draper
"Astrology in Shakespeare's Lear" (1938) / Robert H. Darby
Shakespeare and the nature of man (1942) / Theodore Spencer
"King Lear: a prophetic tragedy" (1944) / Benjamin T. Spencer
"The symphonic form of King Lear" (1945) / George R. Kernodle
"The blinding of Gloster" (1945) / J.I.M. Stewart
"Lear, Tolstoy and the fool" (1945) / George Orwell
"The golden world of 'King Lear'" (1946) / Geoffrey L. Bickersteth.
Prefaces to Shakespeare (1946) / Harley Granville-Barker
"Edmund's nativity in King Lear" (1946) / Johnstone Parr
"On Shakespeare's language" (1947) / John Crowe Ransom
"'Thou, nature, art my goddess: Edmund and Renaissance free-thought" (1948) / R.C. Bald
"The salvation of King Lear" (1948) / Oscar James Campbell
This great stage: image and structure in King Lear (1948) / Robert Bechtold Heilman
"Imagery and meaning in the interpretation of King Lear" (1949) / W.R. Keast
"'King Lear'" (1950) / Edith Sitwell
The development of Shakespeare's imagery (1951) / W.H. Clemen
The structure of complex words (1951) / William Empson
The dream of learning (1951) / D.G. James
"The poetry of the storm in King Lear" (1951) / George W. Williams
Shakespeare's tragic heroes: slaves of passion (1952) / Lily B. Campbell
"The storm in King Lear" (1952) / E. Catherine Dunn
"'What needs my Shakespeare?'" (1952) / William Haller
Shakespeare's motley (1952) / Leslie Hotson
"Psychopathology of Shakespeare's King Lear" (1952) / Arpad Pauncz
"Enter the Shakespearean tragic hero (1953) / Huntington Brown
"Incest, ingratitude and insanity: aspects of the psychopathology of King Lear" (1953) / John Donnelly
"Characterization in Shakespearian comedy (1953) / Northrop Frye
"Shakespeare improv'd, or A case for the affirmative" (1953) / Lucyle Hook
The Shakespearian tempest (1953) / G. Wilson Knight
"The clothing motif in King Lear" (1954) / Thelma Nelson Greenfield
"Much ado about nothing" (1954) / Paul A. Jorgensen
"The moral background of King Lear" (1954) / Keith Rinehart
"King Lear and the great tragedies" (1955) / L.C. Knights
"A note on the death of Lear" (1955) / Gerald Smith
"Lear's philosopher" (1955) / E.M.M. Taylor
"The limits of politics: an interpretation of King Lear, act 1, scene I" (1957) / Harry V. Jaffa
"Lear's questions" (1957) / Winifred M.T. Nowottny
"Service in King Lear" (1958) / Jonas A. Barish and Marshall Waingrow
"Shakespeare's rituals and the opening of King Lear" (1958) / William Frost
"The Initial contrast in Lear" (1959) / G.R. Elliott
"'Love' in King Lear" (1959) / Terry Hawkes
King Lear and the gods (1960) / William Elton.