James Weldon Johnson : O black and unknown bards ; Go down death (a funeral sermon)
Paul Laurence Dunbar : Dawn ; Compensation ; The debt ; Life ; My sort o' man ; The party ; A song ; Sympathy ; We wear the mask
William Stanley Braithwaite : Rhapsody ; Scintilla
Angeline W. Grimke : To Clarissa Scott Delany ; The black finger
Anne Spencer : For Jim, Easter eve ; Lines to a nasturtium (a lover muses) ; Letter to my sister
Effie Lee Newsome : Morning light the dew-drier
Georgia Douglas Johnson : Common dust ; Trifle ; The poet speaks ; I want to die while you love me ; Your world ; Lovelight ; Prejudice ; Conquest
Fenton Johnson : The daily grind ; The world is a mighty ogre ; A negro peddler's song ; The old repair man ; Counting
Claude McKay : The tropics in New York ; Outcast ; St. Isaac's Church, Petrograd ; Flame-heart ; If we must die ; The White House
Jean Toomer : Georgia dusk ; Song of the son ; Brown river, smile
Melvin B. Tolson : Dark symphony
Frank Horne : Kid stuff ; Notes found near a suicide ; To a persistent phantom ; Symphony
Marcus B. Christian : McDonogh Day in New Orleans ; Dialect quatrain
Sterling A. Brown : Sister Lou ; When de saints go ma'chin' home
Clarissa Scott Delany : Solace
Langston Hughes : Brass spittoons ; Cross ; Jazzonia ; The negro speaks of rivers ; I, too ; Bound no'th blues ; Personal ; Dream variation ; Mother to son ; Lenox Avenue mural ; Pennsylvania station ; I dream a world ; Without benefit of declaration
Gwendolyn B. Bennett : Hatred ; Heritage ; Sonnet I ; Sonnet II
Arna Bontemps : A black man talks of reaping ; Close your eyes! ; The day-breakers ; Golgotha is a mountain ; Idolatry ; Reconnaissance ; Southern mansion ; Nocturne at Bethesda
Countee Cullen : Heritage (for Harold Jackman) ; That bright chimeric beast ; Yet do I marvel ; Four epitaphs ; Simon the Cyrenian speaks
Donald Jeffrey Hayes : Appoggiatura ; Benediction ; Haven ; Poet ; Threnody ; Alien ; Pastourelle
Jonathan Brooks : The resurrection
Frank Marshall Davis : Flowers of darkness ; Four glimpses of night
Waring Cuney : No images ; Threnody ; Finis
Helene Johnson : Poem ; The road ; Sonnet to a negro in Harlem ; Invocation
Richard Wright : Between the world and me ; Hokku poems
Charles Enoch Wheeler : Adjuration
Pauli Murray : Without name ; Dark testament
Robert Hayden : A ballad of remembrance ; Witch doctor ; Middle passage ; Frederick Douglass ; Veracruz
Dudley Randall : Perspectives ; I loved you once (from the Russian of Alexander Pushkin)
Owen Dodson : Sorrow is the only faithful one ; Drunken lover ; Sickle pears (for Glidden Parker) ; Hymn written after Jeremiah preached to me in a dream ; Yardbird's skull (for Charlie Parker) ; Sailors on leave
Leslie M. Collins : Stevedore
Margaret Walker : For my people ; Molly means ; October journey
Frank Yerby : The fishes and the poet's hands ; Weltschmerz ; Wisdom ; You are a part of me ; Calm after storm
Samuel Allen : A moment please ; To satch
Catherine Cater : Here and now
Gwendolyn Brooks : Flags ; The old-marrieds ; Piano after war ; The Chicago Defender sends a man to Little Rock, Fall, 1957
Bruce McM. Wright : The African affair
Alfred A. Duckett : Sonnet
Myron O'Higgins : Sunset horn
M. Carl Holman : And on this shore ; Letter across doubt and distance ; Notes for a movie script ; Song
Yvonne Gregory : Christmas lullaby for a new-born child
Margaret Danner : Far from Africa: four poems ; The slave and the iron lace
G.C. Oden : A private letter to Brazil ; The carousel ; " ... As when emotion too far exceeds its cause" ; The map
Mari E. Evans : The rebel ; When in Rome ; The emancipation of George-Hector (a colored turtle)
Oliver Pitcher : Raison d'Etre
James P. Vaughn : Four questions addressed to his excellency, the Prime Minister ; So?
Russell Atkins : At war ; Irritable song ; It's here in the
Ted Joans : Lester Young ; Voice in the crowd
William Browne : Harlem sounds: hallelujah corner
James A. Emanuel : The voyage of Jimmy Poo ; The treehouse ; Get up, blues
Conrad Kent Rivers : Four sheets to the wind and a one-way ticket to France, 1933 ; To Richard Wright
LeRoi Jones : Preface to a twenty volume suicide note ; The invention of comics ; As a possible lover ; The end of man is his beauty
Clarence Major : Celebrated return
Julia Fields : No time for poetry
Horace Julian Bond : The bishop of Atlanta: Ray Charles
Carl Wendell Hines, Jr. : Two jazz poems.