Inventing eros. Literature of the ancient world from the earliest texts to the beginning of premodern times. The earliest texts. From the epic of Gilgamesh. The coming of Enkidu ; The death of Enkidu ; The lament of Gilgamesh for Enkidu / English version by N.K. Sandars --
The friendship of David and Jonathan : I Samuel 17:55-58 and 18:1-4 --
David's lament for Jonathan : 2 Samuel 1:17-27.
Inventing eros. Literature of the ancient world from the earliest texts to the beginning of premodern times. Eros in Arcadia : Greek literature. From the Iliad, book 20 / Homer ; translated by E.V. Rieu --
From the Iliad, books 18 and 23. Achilles' lament and the funeral of Patroclus ; Achilles' dream / Homer ; translated by E.V. Rieu --
The history of Harmodius and Aristogeiton / Thucydides ; translated by Benjamin Jowett --
From Amores / Lucian ; translated by W.J. Baylis --
From the life of Pelopidas / Plutarch ; translated by Edward Carpenter --
From Symposium. The speech of Phaedrus ; The speech of Pausanias ; The speech of Aristophanes ; The dialogue of Socrates and Diotima / Plato ; translated by Walter Hamilton --
The love of boys / Solon ; translated by John Addington Symonds --
Fragment 17 / Anacreon of Teos ; translated by Eugene O'Connor --
Elegy 2 / Anacreon of Teos ; translated by Peter Bing and Rip Cohen --
Frament 360 / Anacreon of Teos ; translated by Alfred Corn --
from The "second books" of Theognis / Theognis ; translated by Peter Bing and Rip Cohen --
To Theoxenos / Pindar ; translated by John Addington Symonds --
Fragment 652 / Euripedes ; translated by John Addington Symonds --
Idyll / Theocritus ; translated by W. Douglas P. HIll --
From the Greek anthology / translated by Daryl Hine ; with additional versions by Byrne Fone --
From the Epistles. Letter 19 : to a boy who is a prostitute ; Letter 57 : to a boy / Philostratus ; translated by Allen Rogers Benner and Francis Forbes --
From the Ephesiaca. Hippothoos and Hyperanthes / Xenophon of Ephesus ; translated by Moses Hadas --
From affairs of the heart. The two types of love / (Pseudo) Lucian ; translated by M.D. McLeod --
From Dionysiaca. Dionysus and Ampelos ; Carpos and Calamos / Nonnus ; translated by W.H.D. Rouse.
Inventing eros. Literature of the ancient world from the earliest texts to the beginning of premodern times. Rome : love poems and satire. To Aurelius and Furius (no. 16) / Catullus ; translated by Eugene O'Connor --
To Aurelius (no. 21) / Catullus ; translated by Eugene O'Connor --
To Juventius (no. 99) / Catullus ; translated by Frank O. Copley --
Eclogue 2 : the lament of Corydon for his faithless Alexis / Virgil ; English version by Byrne Fone --
from Metamorphoses. Zeus and Ganymede ; Apollo and Hyacinthus / Ovid ; translated by Rolfe Humphries --
From The satyricon / Petronius ; translation attributed to Oscar Wilde --
from Satire / Juvenal ; translated by Peter Green.
Inventing Sodom. The European Middle Ages from the third to the thirteenth Century of the Common Era. Inventing Sodom : scripture and law from the Sodom story to 1290 C.E. The story of Sodom : Genesis 18-19 --
The holiness code : Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13 --
from the Epistles of St. Paul. Romans 1:26-27 ; I Corinthians 6:9-10 --
from De Abrahamo / Philo Judaeus ; translated by F.H. Colson --
The code of Justinian. Novella 77 ; Novella 141 --
Henry I : Council of London --
Inventing Sodom. The European Middle Ages from the third to the thirteenth Century of the Common Era. God made our natures full of love. To Ausonius / Paulinus of Nola ; translated by Jack Lindsay --
To Grimold, Abbot of St. Gall / Hrabanus Maurus ; translated by Helen Waddell --
Dearest, you come suddenly and suddenly you depart / Walafrid Strabo ; translated by John Boswell --
When the splendor of the moon / Walafrid Strabo ; translated by Helen Waddell --
The unyielding youth / Marbod of Rennes ; translated by John Boswell --
Your appearance is pleasing / Baudri of Bourgueil ; translated by Thomas Stehling --
To an English boy / Hilary ; translated by John Boswell --
Hebe and Ganymede / Ganymede ; translated by John Boswell --
from The Leiden manuscript. The wise rejoice with Ganymede / translated by John Boswell --
from Lancelot-Grail. Part II / translated by Carleton W. Carroll --
from Lancelot-Grail. Part III / translated by Samuel N. Rosenberg --
The story of Amis and Amile / translated by Walter Pater.
Platonic dialogues. European and English literature from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. The Italian Renaissance : amor Socraticus. from Commentarium in Platonis convivium. Comentary on Plato's symposium / Marsilio Ficino ; translated by Sears Jayne --
from Letters to Giovanni Cavalcanti written between 1474 and 1492 / Marsilio Ficino ; translated by members of the Language Department of the School of Economics and Science, London --
Lanza / Filippo Scarlatti ; translated by James J. Wilhelm --
Greek epigrams / Angelo Poliziano ; translated by James J. Wilhelm --
from Favola di Orfeo / Angelo Poliziano ; translated by Elizabeth Basset Welles --
Three poems / Cecco Nuccoli ; translated by Jill Claretta Robbins --
Two poems / Marino Ceccoli ; translated by Jill Claretta Robbins --
Advice to Paulinus ; A love song for Marcus ; On happiness / Pacifico Massimi ; translated by James J. Wilhelm --
Early poems / Michelangelo Buonarroti ; translated by James M. Saslow --
Letter to Tommaso de'Cavalieri / Michelangelo Buonarroti ; translated by John Addington Symonds --
Poems to Tommaso de'Cavalieri / Michelangelo Buonarroti ; translated by James M. Saslow --
[Untitled poem] / Benedetto Varchi ; translated by James J. Wilhelm --
Two letters to Luca Scalabrino / Torquato Tasso ; translated by Jill Claretta Robbins --
[Untitled poem] / Roman Pasquinades ; translated by James J. Wilhelm --
from L'Alcibiade fanciullo a scola. Alcibiades in school / Antonio Rocco ; translated by Michael Taylor --
from L'Alcibiade fanciullo a scola / Antonio Rocco ; translated by Jill Claretta Robbins.
Platonic dialogues. European and English literature from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. Affectionate shepherds : English homoerotic literature. The law of 25 / Henry VIII --
from The shepheardes calendar / Edmund Spenser --
"Glosse" on Hobbinol by E.K. / Edmund Spenser --
The Faerie Queene / Edmund Spenser --
from Piers Gaveston / Michael Drayton --
from Dido, Queen of Carthage ; from Edward II ; from Hero and Leander / Christopher Marlowe --
from The affectionate shephearde ; from Cynthia, with certaine sonnets / Richard Barnfeld --
from Sonnets (1609) / William Shakespeare.
Reinventing Sodomites. Homophobia and resistance (1625-1869). Introduction : satirizing sodomites. from The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England (1628). The law of buggery, or sodomy / Sir Edward Coke --
from Fire and brimstone, or, The destruction of Sodom / George Lesly --
from Roderick random / Tobias Smollett --
from Memoirs of a woman of pleasure / John Cleland --
from A complete and humorous account of all the remarkable clubs and societies in the cities of London and Westminster / Ned Ward --
from The trying and pillorying of the Vere Street Club.
Reinventing Sodomites. Homophobia and resistance (1625-1869). Natural passions : resisting homophobia. from On paederasty / Jeremy Bentham --
The Cornelian ; To Thyrza ; One struggle more, and I am free ; If sometimes in the haunts of men ; On this day I complete my thirty-sixth year ; Love and death ; Last words on Greece / George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron --
from Don Leon / Anonymous.
Reinventing Sodomites. Homophobia and resistance (1625-1869). Children of Sodom : eighteenth-century French literature. from La philosophie dans le boudoir. Manners / Donatien Alphonse François Sade, Comte de Sade (Marquis de Sade) ; translated by Austryn Wainhouse and Richard Seaver --
from Les enfans de Sodome á l'Assemblée Nationale. Sodom / Anonymous ; translated by Gina Fisch-Freedman.
Reinventing Sodomites. Homophobia and resistance (1625-1869). Uranian Renaissance : German literature (1820-1869). from Der eros. Eros, or On love / Heinrich Zschokke ; translated by Carl Skoggaard --
from Eros : Die Mannerliebe der Griechen = The manly love of the greeks / Heinrich Hoessli ; translated by Carl Skoggaard--
from Forschungen über das Rätsel der mannmännlichen Liebe / Karl Heinrich Ulrichs ; translated by Michael A. Lombardi-Nash --
Homosexuality / K.M. Kertbeny ; translated by Michael Lombardi-Nash.
Heirs of Eros. English literature (1850-1969). Romantic friendship and homosexuality in nineteenth-century English poetry. The law (1861) : 24 and 25 Victoria, C. 100 --
from In memoriam A.H.H. / Alfred, Lord Tennyson --
from Ionica. Desiderato ; Deteriora ; Parting / William Johnson Cory --
What cannot be / John Addington Symonds --
from Eudiades / John Addington Symonds --
from Love and death : a symphony / John Addington Symonds --
Midnight at Baiae / John Addington Symonds --
Epithalamion / Gerard Manley Hopkins --
from Towards democracy. Through the long night ; To a stranger ; Summer heat / Edward Carpenter --
A Palaestral study ; An idler listening to Socrates discussing philosophy with his boy-friends / Edward Cracroft Lefroy --
from In fancy dress. Rose leaves when the rose is dead ; The world well lost IV ; The world well lost XVIII / Marc André Raffalovich --
from It is thyself. Sonnet CXX / Marc André Raffalovich --
Two loves / Lord Alfred Douglas --
from A book of chains. With whom, then, should I sleep? / George Ives --
from White stains. Dedicace ; A ballad of passive paederasty ; Go into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in ; Rondels / Aleister Crowley.
Heirs of Eros. English literature (1850-1969). Inventing themselves : imagining homosexuals in English fiction and theory. from A problem in modern ethics / John Addington Symonds --
from Homogenic love / Edward Carpenter --
Teleny / attributed to Oscar Wilde and others --
from The priest and the acolyte / John Francis Bloxam --
from Sexual inversion / Havelock Ellis ; John Addington Symonds.
Heirs of Eros. English literature (1850-1969). Symbolic sodomite : society, Oscar Wilde, and the law. The law : the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885 --
Wasted days / Oscar Wilde --
from Eleutheria. Helas ; from Rosa mystica. Vita Nuova / Oscar Wilde --
Letters from Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas / Oscar Wilde --
A defense of Uranian love : from the transcripts of the second trial / Oscar Wilde --
De profundis / Oscar Wilde.
Heirs of Eros. English literature (1850-1969). Athletic love : English literature (1896-1969). from A Shropshire lad. Look not in my eyes ; If truth in hearts that perish ; Shot? so quick / A.E. Housman --
from Last poems. The laws of God / A.E. Housman --
from More poems : 1936, posthumous. Shake hands, we never shall be friends ; Because I liked you better / A.E. Housman --
from Additional poems : included in Collected poems, 1940. He would not stay for me ; Oh who is that young sinner / A.E. Housman --
from My father and myself / J.R. Ackerley --
from Maurice ; from Forster's terminal note to Maurice / E.M. Forster --
To Eros ; Music ; Anthem for a doomed youth ; To my friend : with an identity disc / Wifrid Owen --
Prologue to Women in love / D.H. Lawrence --
from Christopher and his kind / Christopher Isherwood --
Abrupt and charming mover ; To T.A.R.H. / Stephen Spender --
from Songs of mankind. Song of my soul / Ralph Nicholas Chubb --
from The heavenly cupid. Transfiguration / Ralph Nicholas Chubb --
Legend ; Song IX : funeral blues ; from Three posthumous poems. Glad ; Aubade ; Minnelied / W.H. Auden.
Modern love. European writers from 1870. Les monstres sacrés : France. from Les Stupra. Our assholes are different = Nos fesses ne son pas les leurs / Arthur Rimbaud ; translated by Paul Schmidt --
Sonnet to the asshole = Le sonnet du trou du cul ; from Hombres. Balanide II ; Mille e tre / Paul Verlaine ; translated by Alan Stone --
from À la recherche du temps perdu / Marcel Proust --
from Sodome et Gomorrhe I / Marcel Proust ; translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin --
from Corydon / André Gide ; translated by Richard Howard --
from The journals / André Gide ; translated by Justin O'Brien --
Nighttime / René Crevel ; translated by Michael Taylor --
from Le livre blanc / Jean Cocteau ; translated by Margaret Crosland --
The man condemned to death = Le condammé à mort / Jean Genet ; translated by David Fisher and Guy Wernham --
from Our lady of the flowers = Notre-dame des fleurs / Jean Genet ; translated by Bernard Frechtman.
Modern love. European writers from 1870. Vaterlandslosen : Germany (1899-1939). from The ethical-political significance of Lieblingminne / Elisar von Kupffer ; translated by Hubert Kennedy --
Into the future / Gotamo ; translated by Hubert Kennedy --
The nameless love ; Tomorrow ; The nameless love : a creed / John Henry Mackay ; translated by Hubert Kennedy --
from Memoir for the friends and contributors of the Scientific Humanitarian Committee in the name of the Secession of the Scientific Humanitarian Committee / Benedict Friedlander ; translated by Hubert Kennedy.
Modern love. European writers from 1870. Erotic revolutionaries : Russian literature (1836-1922). Imitation of the Arabic ; On the statue of a player at Svaika / Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin ; translated by Michael Green --
The fourth Rome / Nikolay Klyuev ; translated by Simon Karlinsky --
Yesterday's rain ; from Prayers for the dead. Esenin's suicide note / Sergei Esenin ; translated by Simion Karlinsky --
from Alexandrian songs / Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin ; translated by Michael Green --
from Nets. Ah, those lips, kissed by so many ; At the party / Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin ; translated by Simon Karlinsky --
from Clay doves. Nine delightful birthmarks / Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin ; translated by Simon Karlinsky.
Modern love. European writers from 1870. Eros in Egypt : Alexandrian songs. At the cafe door ; One night ; When they come alive ; In the street ; Passing through ; Comes to rest ; Their beginning ; In despair / Constantine Cavafy ; translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard.
Modern love. European writers from 1870. Southern dawn : Italian literature in the twentieth century. Seven poems / Sandro Penna ; translated by John McRae.
Modern love. European writers from 1870. Amor oscuro : Spanish literature. Nine poems / Luis Cernuda ; translated by Rick Lipinski --
from The young sailor and other poems. I'll tell you how you were born ; The shadow / Luis Cernuda --
from The chimera's wasteland. For two voices ; That which is enough for love / Luis Cernuda --
from Poems for a body. The lover digresses / Luis Cernuda --
from Where oblivion dwells. Four poems / Luis Cernuda --
from Sonetos del amor oscuro. Night of sleepless love ; Sonnet of sweet weeping ; The poet asks his love to write to him ; The poet speaks with love by telephone ; The poet asks his love about the enchanted city of Cuenca ; Untitled : Ah secret voice of dark love ; The poet speaks the truth / Federico García Lorca ; translated by David William Foster.
Modern love. European writers from 1870. Latin American and Cuban literature. from O Bom-Crioulo / Adolfo Caminha ; translated by Arhtur Hughes --
from Song of an impossible blue. Song of the fleeting day / Porfirio Barba-Jacob ; translated by Jeff Bingham and Juan Antonio Serna Servin --
Two poems. They and I ; Nocturnal sea / Xavier Villaurrutia ; translated by Fanny Arango-Ramos and William Keeth --
from A sinner's guidebook = Guia de pecadores / Eduardo Gudino Keifer ; translated by Ronald Christ and Gregory Kolovakos --
El amante de las torturas = The torture lover / Julian del Casal ; translated by David William Foster --
Two poems. Nocturne and elegy ; Of another fashion / Emilio Ballagas ; translated by Fanny Arango-Ramos and William Keeth --
from Paradiso / José Lezama Lima ; translated by Gregory Rabassa.
Masculine landscapes. American literature 1840-1933. Serene friendship land. Sympathy / Henry David Thoreau --
Friendship ; from Friendship / Ralph Waldo Emerson --
from Notebook / Walt Whitman --
Leaves of grass. from Song of myself ; from Notebook. Notebooks : adhesiveness / Walt Whitman --
Leaves of grass. Organic equality : from a letter from Whitman to Emerson / Walt Whitman --
from Poem of the road ; from Notebooks. Live-oak with moss / Walt Whitman --
Leaves of grass. from Proto-leaf ; from Calamus ; from Drum-taps / Walt Whitman --
Leaves of grass. Calamus 5 ; from Democratic vistas ; from Preface to Leaves of grass / Walt Whitman.
Masculine landscapes. American literature 1840-1933. Serene friendship land. from Hylas ; from Poems of the Orient. A paean to the dawn ; To a Persian boy in the bazaar at Smyrna ; from The poet's journal. On the headland ; Love returned / Bayard Taylor --
Correspondence between Taylor and Walt Whitman --
from Joseph and his friend / Bayard Taylor --
Correspondence between Stoddard and Walt Whitman ; from South Sea Idyls / Charles Warren Stoddard --
from A letter to Havelock Ellis / Professr X [James mills Peirce] --
from Imre ; from The intersexes / Xavier Mayne [Edward Prime-Stevenson].
Masculine landscapes. American literature 1840-1933. Camp sites : armies of androgynes. from Autobiography of an androgyne ; from The female impersonators / Earl Lind (Ralph Werther / Jennie June) --
Miss Knight / Robert McAlmon --
Smoke, lilies and jade / Bruce Nugent --
from A scarlet pansy / Robert Scully --
from The young and the evil / Charle Henri Ford and Parker Tyler.
Deconstructing manhood. American literature 1916 to 1969. Out of the shadow world. Morn's recompense / Clement Andrews --
The mess boy / Sydney Wilmer --
De puerorum osculis / Giles de Gillies --
Manly love / Donald Malloch --
C33 ; Modern craft ; Episode of hands ; Voyages / Hart Crane --
from Early poems. I am a most fleshly man ; from The opening of the field. This place rumord to have been Sodom ; from Bending the bow. The torso / Robert Duncan --
Pages from an abandoned journal / Gore Vidal --
from The homosexual in America / Donald Webster Cory [Edward Sagarin] --
Lebanon ; Homosexuality / Fran O'Hara --
A supermarket in California ; Chances R ; Please master / Allen Ginsberg --
A poem for cocksuckers / John Wieners --
from Naked lunch / William Burroughs --
from City of night / John Rechy --
Pornographic poem / John Giorno --
Faint honey ; Do you wonder why I am sleepy ; From rivers, and from the earth itself / James Purdy.
Out there. American literature from 1969. Becoming gay. Gay love and the movies / Ralph Pomeroy --
The gay poet ; Explanation / William Barber --
Only silly faggots know ; I have this vision of madness / Perry Brass --
I'm not a man / Harold Norse --
Street instructions at the crotch / Edward Field --
Surgery / Kenneth Pitchford --
After hearing heterosexual poets in October 1974 : what it seems like to write a male homosexual love poem now / Joseph Cady --
I remember / Joe Brainard.
Out there. American literature from 1969. Becoming gay. Here is the queen
The fairies are dancing all over the world / Michael Rumaker --
Billie's blues ; To Hermes / Alfred Corn --
Fag art ; Last night at the Flamingo / John Iozia --
from Dancer from the dance / Andrew Holleran --
Getting your rocks off / Melvin Dixon --
Christopher Street 1979 / Walter Holland.
Out there. American literature from 1969. Becoming gay. Power of one ; Some of us wear pink triangles / Walta Borawski --
The political vocabulary of homosexulaity / Edmund White --
Dream of the artfairy / Carl Morse --
Curing homosexuality / Jim Everhard --
Guilt, desire and love / James Baldwin.
Out there. American literature from 1969. Becoming gay. Lament ; Terminal ; The missing ; In the post office / Thom Gunn --
A journal of the plague years / Walter Holland --
How to watch your brother die / Michael Lassell --
Apart from you / Daryl Hine.
Out there. American literature from 1969. Becoming gay. Better days ; Cordon Negro / Essex Hemphill --
Talking to Jim / Walta Borawski --
The worst of it / Craig Reynolds --
Hometown / Salih Michael Fisher --
Names and sorrows / D. Rubin Green --
Prescription ; Waiting / Donald Woods --
Heart & soul / Assotto Saint --
There isn't any death / Perry Brass.