I. Deweyan theory and teacher practice : 1. Dewey's educational philosophy: reconciling nested dualisms / Steve Fishman : Reconciling nested dualisms: Dewey's philosophy of process ; Students' active participation in learning ; Integrating student and curriculum: focus on the learning process ; Dewey's general educational goal: growth
2. Nested dualisms underlying Dewey's student-curriculum integration / Steve Fishman : Continuity and interaction ; Construction and criticism ; Interest and effort ; Setting the conditions for quality student experience and work
3. Moral traits of character and Dewey's student-curriculum integration / Steve Fishman : Setting the conditions for developing moral traits of character ; Three sources of Dewey's emphasis on cooperative classrooms ; Summary of Dewey's pedagogical aims and approach
4. Dewey's ideology and his classroom critics / Steve Fishman : Dewey as both individualistic and communitarian ; Liberalizing students: Deweyan politics and pupil change ; Liberalizing the curriculum: reform of academic and vocational schooling ; Dewey's challenge to teachers
5. My own schooling without student-curriculum integration / Steve Fishman : My university education: a divided self-seeking direction ; Dewey's university without Dewey ; Meeting John Dewey through a back door ; Three transformative moments ; Deweyan insights about my transformative moments ; Caught in the professionalization of philosophy
6. My own teaching without student-curriculum integration / Steve Fishman : Teaching for critical thinking ; Teaching for personal discovery ; Teaching for disciplinary initiation ; Deweyan insights about my pedagogical problems ; A Deweyan solution: integrating student and curriculum indirectly ; Learning from Dewey: preparation for an improved intro course
II. Deweyan classroom experiments : 7. Qualitative research in a Deweyan classroom / Lucille McCarthy : The stregths of qualitative research for classroom inquiry ; Research questions, setting, and participants ; Data collection procedures ; Data analysis procedures: constructing themes and patterns
8. Integrating student and curriculum indirectly / Lucille McCarthy with Steve Fishman : Last class discussion: students questioning and answering, teaching and learning ; Findings about Fishman's indirect pedagogy
9. Classroom continuities and interactions / Lucille McCarthy with Steve Fishman : Student roles and the letter exchange assignment ; John Lucas's continuities and interactions as shaping his conversation pal role ; Findings about continuities and interactions ; Conclusion: the value of applying Dewey's concepts of continuity and interaction
10. A Deweyan perspective on student projects: construction and criticism, synthesis and analysis / Lucille McCarthy with Steve Fishman : Audiotaped responses to students' drafts: Explorations rather than maps ; Synthesis and analysis in three successful student projects ; Findings about reconciling synthesis and analysis
11. Students' residues for future learning / Lucille McCarthy with Steve Fishman : Open-mindedness and careful listening to opposing positions ; Self-discipline and initiative ; Intellectual responsibility and courage
Conclusion: Dewey's relevance to contemporary education / Steve Fishman and Lucille McCarthy : The present educational climate ; Restoring a concern for community ; Promoting teacher development through classroom research ; Promoting student learning through indirect pedagogy.