The drama of Karol Wojtyla's life
A paradox and a sign of contradiction
The subject and the author
A Son of Freedom: Poland Semper Fidelis
Karol Wojtyla's national, cultural, religious, and family roots
His childhood, his elementary and secondary education, the loss of his mother and brother
The influence of his father on his education and piety
His interests in Polish Romantic literature and in drama
His first undergraduate year at Krakow's Jagiellonian University
From the Underground: The Third Reich vs. the Kingdom of Truth
The Nazi Occupation of Poland
Karol Wojtyla and clandestine cultural resistance
His introduction to Carmelite spirituality and manual labor
The death of his father and the unfolding of a priestly vocation
An "unbroken prince," Archbishop Adam Stefan Sapieha
Karol Wojtyla's ordination and graduate studies in theology in Rome
"Call Me Wujek": To Be a Priest
Father Karol Wojtyla's pioneering student chaplaincy in Krakow
His first essays and poems
The temptation of revolutionary violence and Wojtyla's first mature play
An outdoorsman and a model confessor
Seeing Things as They Are: The Making of a Philosopher
A second doctorate, a new philosophical interest, and a new career
Karol Wojtyla at the Catholic University of Lublin
The Lublin challenge to modern skepticism
A book on love and sexuality that raises a few eyebrows
A New Pentecost: Vatican II and the Crisis of Humanism
The youngest bishop in Poland
The Second Vatican Council
Karol Wojtyla is named Archbishop of Krakow
Setting Vatican II's defense of freedom on a firm philosophical foundation
Successor to St. Stanislaw: Living the Council in Krakow
A cardinal at age forty-seven
Wojtyla's quest for religious freedom in Krakow
An extensive local implementation of Vatican II
The mature essayist, poet, and playwright
A distinctive style and a unique set of friends
A Pope from a Far Country: The Election of John Paul II
The Church at the death of Pope Paul VI
The "September Papacy" of Pope John Paul I
The election of Karol Jozef Wojtyla as the first Slavic Pope in history and the first non-Italian in 455 years, to the surprise of many, but not all, concerned
"Be Not Afraid!": A Pope for the World
An earthquake in the papacy and the Vatican
Redefining the public ministry of the Bishop of Rome
An alternative theology of liberation
Program notes for a pontificate
Preventing a war in Latin America
Consternation in the Kremlin
"How Many Divisions Has the Pope?": Confronting an Empire of Lies
The cultural power of the politically powerless
An epic pilgrimage to Poland
Nine days that bent the curve of modern history
A revolution of conscience
The Ways of Freedom: Truths Personal and Public
Marital intimacy as an icon of the inner life of God
Denouncing sectarian violence in Ireland
The Pope at the United Nations
Religious freedom as the first human right
Teenagers in a frenzy at Madison Square Garden
Peter Among Us: The Universal Pastor as Apostolic Witness
The pilgrim Pope in Africa, France, Brazil, West Germany, and Asia
Collegiality and crisis management
A bold appointment in Paris
The mysteries of fatherhood and mercy, divine and human
In the Eye of the Storm: Months of Violence and Dissent
An unprecedented letter to Leonid Brezhnev
The assassination attempt
Shock therapy for the Jesuits
The Falklands/Malvinas War
Liberating Liberations The Limits of Politics and the Promise of Redemption
Canonizing a martyr of Auschwitz
Confrontation in Nicaragua
To recognize the saints God has made
A seminar with agnostics and atheists
A prison visit to a would-be papal assassin
Suffering as a path to love
Reliving the Council: Religion and the Renewal of a World Still Young
Securing the legacy of Vatican II
The "People Power" revolution in the Philippines
Hosting world religious leaders in Assisi
The first papal visit to the Synagogue of Rome
The irrevocable Catholic commitment to Christian unity
Addressing young Muslims in Casablanca
A letter to the youth of the world
Revamping the Vatican's press office
Forward to Basics: Freedom Ordered to the Dignity of Duty
Tear gas and the quest for democracy in Chile
The beatification of Edith Stein
A preview of communism's demise
The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in Rome
Opening a dialogue with Mikhail Gorbachev
The excommunication of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
Starting a homeless shelter in the Vatican
Counselor to Andrei Sakharov
After the Empire of Lies: Miracles and the Mandates of Justice
John Paul II in Scandinavia
A letter to Deng Xiaoping
Defining the meaning of the "Revolution of 1989"
Challenging democracies to live freedom nobly
The Catholic identity of Catholic universities
To the Ends of the Earth: Reconciling an Unreconciled World
A storm of controversy with Orthodoxy
The re-evangelization of Europe
Priests for a new millennium
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Rejecting clericalism in Poland
Defending persecuted Christians in Sudan
Taking on the Mafia in Sicily
The Threshold of Hope: Appealing to Our Better Angels
The renewal of moral theology
Diplomatic relations with Israel
Confronting the U.S. government at the Cairo World Population Conference
A convent for contemplative nuns in the Vatican
The debate on women and the priesthood
An international bestseller
Only One World: Human Solidarity and the Gospel of Life
The Great Jubilee of 2000
The largest crowd in human history
Another assassination attempt
The Vatican and the World Conference on Women in Beijing
Asking Orthodox and Protestant Christians to help devise a papacy that could serve them
A "witness to hope" addresses the United Nations again
Singing in New York's Central Park
A Reasonable Faith: Beyond a Century of Delusions
Revising the rules for papal elections
Sarajevo, Lebanon, and Cuba
The longest-serving pope of the twentieth century
Catholic renewal movements in St. Peter's Square
John Paul II's twentieth anniversary
The Church in defense of human reason
Epilogue The Third Millennium: To See the Sun Rise
The critiques of John Paul II are evaluated, his accomplishments are assayed, and a suggestion as to the nature of his greatness is offered.