pt. 1. Culture. Ethics and culture: from the claim that God is dead, it does not follow that everything is permitted / Florence G. Sitelman and Robert Sitelman
Psychology and culture / Lucy W. Bennett and Dennis R. Finger
Beyond values clarification: a civic ethic for public discourse and education / Leland J. White
Teaching pluralism: values to cross-cultural barriers / David M. Bossman
Managed care: what, why, where, and whither thou goest? / Fred C. Smith, Jr.
Reengineering and the corporate culture / Carol A. Fasano
Cyberspace: the new culture / Catherine M. Boss
Unknowing: toward another pattern of knowing in nursing / Patricia L. Munhall
pt. 2. Curriculum. The internationalization of higher education / David M. Gibson
Bringing diversity into the curriculum: successes and problems / Frank Naughton
Primary care, education, and research integration: a vehicle for a culture of health / Fran Quinless
Culture learning and unlearning: creating a culture supporting the development of transcultural nurse managers / Susan W. Salmond
A dream realized: an African American woman's experience / Susan Seals McQueen
Revisiting the men's health curriculum / David Anthony Forrester
What is a freshman?: helping faculty relate to the freshman culture / Henry L. Kaplowitz
Holocaust to be taught in the schools of New Jersey / Rose Thering
Externship: moving real life into professional life / Mary L. Kelley.
pt. 3. Community. The many faces of homelessness / Paula Dunn Tropello
A walk in beauty: strategies for providing culturally competent nursing care to Native Americans / Karen A. Joho and Anne Ormsby
The Filipino American culture: the need for transcultural knowledge / Virginia Villanueva and Anunciacion S. Lipat
Hispanic client satisfaction with home health care: a study of cultural context of care / Dula F. Pacquiao, Ludovina Archeval, and Ellen E. Shelley
Rituals, culture, and tradition: the Puerto Rican experience / Ruben D. Fernandez and George J. Hebert
A challenge to the Puerto Rican community: an untold story of the AIDS epidemic / George J. Hebert and Ruben D. Fernandez
The Asian Indian American experience: diversity and difference / Karen Verni-Moosvi
Profile of a church-based tutorial/enrichment program / Betty W. Barber
Minority men's health: a review of the literature with special emphasis on African American men / David Anthony Forrester
Adolescents with cancer: a struggle to understand a new way of living / Kathleen Neville
The married couple: in loss, grief, and transition / Robert T. Tobin
Aging: a culture of changes and growth / Virginia M. Fitzsimons
Our new century leaders: a culture of learning / Katherine Macken. pt. 4. Administrative metaphors: tugboats revisited. Of tugboats, transitions, and time / Mary L. Kelley and Virginia M. Fitzsimons.