Introduction: Managers and Requirements
Requirements: Structure for Success
Why Johnny Can't Write Requirements: Cultural, Educational, and Management Influences of Requirement Definition
Samples from Other Cultures
Corporate Requirement Management Myths
The View from the Top: Steps to Creating and Managing Good Requirements
Requirements for a Requirement Definition Process
What Is the Manager's Role?
Creating a Shared Vision: Scoping the Project Up Front
How Do You Communicate Scope?
How Much Effort Should You Invest in Defining Scope?
What is the Manager's Role in Scope Definition?
One Day in the Life of A Product: Using Operational Concepts to Improve Requirement Quality
Why Should You Develop Operational Concepts?
How Do You Develop Operational Concepts?
Early Validation Opportunities
What Is the Manager's Role in Operational Concepts?
Operational Concepts Have High Return on Investment
Collision Course: Identifying and Managing Interfaces
Why Define External Interfaces So Soon?
How Do You Identify Interfaces Early?
What Is the Manager's Role with Interfaces?
Ignoring Interface Issues Makes Them Bigger
Be Careful What You Ask For: Writing Good Requirements
Why Are Individual Requirements So Important?
How Do You Recognize the Good?
What Is the Manager's Role in Writing Requirements?
Theirs But to Reason Why: The Value of Recording Rationale
What Should Rationale Include?
How and When Should You Capture Rationale?
What Is the Manager's Role in Rationale?
The Rationale for Rationale
Everything in Its Place: Levels, Allocating, and Tracing Requirements
What Are Requirement Levels?
Why Is Writing Requirements to Levels Important?
Why a Top-Down Requirement Allocation?
Why Start Tracing Requirements Now?
How Do You Get Every Requirement in the Right Place at the Right Time?
What Is the Manager's Role in Levels, Allocation, and Traceability?
Wrapping Up with Neat Packages
But Will It Work? Thinking Ahead to Verification
Why Look at Verification during Requirement Definition?
How Do You Address Verification during Requirement Definition?
What Is the Manager's Role in Assessing Verification?
Verifying Your Assessment
A Needle in a Haystack: Formatting Requirements
What's Wrong with Just a List of Requirements?
What Are the Requirements for a Requirement Format?
What Is the Manager's Role in Formatting Requirements?
Maintaining Perspective among the Piles of Paper
Drawing a Line in the Sand: Preparing to Baseline Requirements
What's the Big Deal about a Baseline?
All at Once or Step-by-Step?
What Is the Manager's Role in Baselining?
The Bottom Line on Drawing the Line
Not All Requirements Are Created Equal: The Case for Prioritizing Requirements
The Case for Early Prioritization
Selling the Concept of Prioritizing Requirements
How Do You Prioritize Requirements?
What Is the Manager's Role in Prioritizing Requirements?
The Bottom Line on Prioritizing Requirements
Keeping Sane: Automating Requirement Management
What Is the Manager's Role in Automating Requirement Management?
Death, Taxes, and Requirement Change: Managing Change
Why Formal Change Control?
How Do You Control Change?
What Is the Manager's Role in Change Management?
Cap'n, Are We There Yet? Measuring Requirement Quality
Why Measure Requirement Quality?
Using Common Data for Quality Measurement
The Fifth Amendment Syndrome
What Is the Manager's Role in Measuring Requirement Quality?
Measurement Is the Foundation of Improvement
It Can Happen on Your Watch: Making Changes in an Organization's Requirement Definition Process