Introduction: Personality disorders and the five-factor model of personality / P.T. Costa, Jr. and T.A. Widiger. --
pt. 1. Conceptual background. Historical antecedents of the five-factor model / J.M. Digman ; Toward a dimensional model for the personality disorders / T.A. Widiger and A.J. Frances ; A five-factor perspective on personality disorder research / T.J. Trull and R.R. McCrae ; Five-factor model personality disorder research / T.A. Widiger and P.T. Costa, Jr. ; A description of the DSM-IV personality disorders with the five-factor model of personality / T.A. Widiger [and others]. --
pt. 2. Models of personality dimensions and disorders. Personality structure and the structure of personality disorders / J.S. Wiggins and A.L. Pincus ; Personality disorder symptomatology from the five-factor model perspective / L.A. Clark, L. Vorhies, and J.L. McEwen ; Dimensions of personality disorder and the five-factor model of personality / M.L. Schroeder, J.A. Wormworth, and W.J. Livesley ; Two approaches to identifying the dimensions of personality disorder: convergence on the five-factor model / L.A. Clark and W.J. Livesley ; Big five, alternative five, and seven personality dimensions: validity in substance -dependent patients / S.A. Ball ; Constellations of dependency within the five-factor model of personality in Chinese psychiatric patients / J. Yang [and others] ; Tests of general and specific models of personality disorder configuration / B.P. O'Connor and J.A. Dyce. --
pt. 3. Patient populations and clinical cases. Personality trait characteristics and opioid abusers with and without comorbid personality disorders / R.K. Broomer, C.W. Schmidt, Jr., and J.H. Herbst ; The NEO personality inventory and the Milton clinical multiaxial inventory in the forensic evaluation of sex offenders / G.K. Lehne ; A case of borderline personality disorder / S. Bruehl ; Narcissism from the perspective of the five-factor model / E.M. Corbitt ; Personality of the psychopath / T.J. Harpur, S.D. Hart, and R.D. Hare ; Psychopathy from the perspective of the five-factor model of personality / D.R. Lynam. --
pt. 4. Diagnosis and treatment using the five-factor model. Further use of the NEO-PI-R personality dimensions in differential treatment planning / C. Sanderson and J.F. Clarkin ; Using personality measurements in clinical practice / K.R. MacKenzie ; Implications of personality individual differences science for clinical work on personality disorders / A.R. Harkness and J.L. McNulty ; Treatment of personality disorders from the perspective of the five-factor model / M.H. Stone ; A proposal for Axis II: diagnosing personality disorders using the five-factor model / T.A. Widiger, P.T. Costa, Jr., and R.R. McCrae. --
Appendixes: The DSM-III-R personality disorders and the five-factor model ; Personality disorders proposed for DSM-IV ; The DSM-IV personality disorders and the five-factor model ; Description of the revised NEO personality inventory (NEO-PI-R) facet scales ; Diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV-TR Axis II personality disorders.