v. 4. Poems, problem comedies, late plays.
"A rarity most beloved": Shakespeare and the Idea of Tragedy / David Scott Kastan --
The Tragedies of Shakespeare's Contemporaries / Martin Coyle --
Minds in Company: Shakespearean Tragic Emotions / Katherine Rowe --
The Divided Tragic Hero / Catherine Belsey --
Disjointed Times and Half-Remembered Truths in Shakespearean Tragedy / Philippa Berry --
Reading Shakespeare's Tragedies of Love: Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Antony and Cleopatra in Early Modern England / Sasha Roberts --
Hamlet Productions Starring Beale, Hawke, and Darling From the Perspective of Performance History / Bernice W. Kliman --
Text and Tragedy / Graham Holderness --
Shakespearean Tragedy and Religious Identity / Richard C. McCoy --
Shakespeare's Roman Tragedies / Gordon Braden --
Tragedy and Geography / Jerry Brotton --
Classic Film Version of Shakespeare's Tragedies: A Mirror for the Times / Kenneth S. Rothwell --
Contemporary Film Versions of the Tragedies / Mark Thornton Burnett --
Titus Andronicus: A Time for Race and Revenge / Ian Smith --
"There is no world without Verona walls": The City in Romeo and Juliet / Naomi Conn Liebler --
"He that thou knowest thine": Friendship and Service in Hamlet / Michael Neill --
Julius Caesar / Rebecca W. Bushnell --
Othello and the Problem of Blackness / Kim F. Hall --
King Lear / Kiernan Ryan --
Macbeth, the Present, and the Past / Kathleen McLuskie --
The Politics of Empathy in Antony and Cleopatra: A View from Below / Jyotsna G. Singh --
Timon of Athens: The Dialectic of Usury, Nihilism, and Art / Hugh Grady --
Coriolanus and the Politics of Theatrical Pleasure / Cynthia Marshall.
The Writing of History in Shakespeare's England / Ivo Kamps --
Shakespeare and Contemporary Dramatists of History / Richard Helgerson --
Censorship and the Problems with History in Shakespeare's England / Cyndia Susan Clegg --
Nation Formation and the English History Plays / Patricia A. Cahill --
The Irish Text and Subtext of Shakespeare's English Histories / Willy Maley --
Theories of Kingship in Shakespeare's England / William C. Carroll --
"To beguile the time, look like the time": Contemporary Film Versions of Shakespeare's Histories / Peter J. Smith --
The Elizabethan History Play: A True Genre? / Paulina Kewes --
Damned Commotion: Riot and Rebellion in Shakespeare's Histories / James Holstun --
Manliness Before Individualism: Masculinity, Effeminacy, and Homoerotics in Shakespeare's History Plays / Rebecca Ann Bach --
French Marriages and the Protestant Nation in Shakespeare's History Plays / Linda Gregerson --
The First Tetralogy in Performance / Ric Knowles --
The Second Tetralogy: Performance as Interpretation / Lois Potter --
1 Henry VI / David Bevington --
Suffolk and the Pirates: Discordered Relations in Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI / Tomas Cartelli --
Vexed Relations: Family, State, and the Uses of Women in 3 Henry VI / Kathryn Schwarz --
"The power of hope?" An Early Modern Reader of Richard III / James Siemon --
King John / Virginia Mason Vaughan --
The King"s Melting Body: Richard II / Lisa Hopkins --
1 Henry IV / James Knowles --
Henry IV, Part 2: A Critical History / Jonathan Crewe --
Henry V / Andrew Hadfield.
Shakespeare and the Traditions of English Stage Comedy / Janette Dillon --
Shakespeare's Festive Comedies / Francois Laroque --
The Humor of It: Bodies, Fluids, and Social Discipline in Shakespearean Comedy / Gail Kern Paster --
Class X: Shakespeare, Class, and the Comedies / Peter Holbrook --
The Social Relations of Shakespeare's Comic Households / Mario DiGangi --
Shakespeare's Crossdressing Comedies / Phyllis Rackin --
The Homoerotics of Shakespeare's Elizabethan Comedies / Julie Crawford --
Shakespearean Comedy and Material Life / Lena Cowen Orlin --
Shakespeare's Comic Geographies / Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr. --
Rhetoric and Comic Personation in Shakespeare's Comedies / Lloyd Davis --
Fat Knight, or What You Will: Unimitable Falstaff / Ian Frederick Moulton --
Wooing and Winning (Or Not): Film/Shakespeare/Comedy and the Syntax of Genre / Barbara Hodgdon --
The Two Gentlemen of Verona / Jeffrey Masten --
"Fie, what a foolish duty call you this?" The Taming of the Shrew, Women's Jest, and the Divided Audience / Pamela Allen Brown --
The Comedy of Errors and The Calumny of Apelles: An Exercise in Source Study / Richard Dutton --
Love's Labour's Last / John Michael Archer --
A Midsummer Night's Dream / Helen Hackett --
Rubbing at Whitewash: Intolerance in The Merchant of Venice / Marion Wynne-Davies --
The Merry Wives of Windsor: Unhusbanding Desires in Windsor / Wendy Wall --
Much Ado About Nothing / Alison Findlay --
As You Like It / Juliet Dusinberre --
Twelfth Night: "The Babbling Gossip of the Air" / Penny Gay.
Shakespeare's Sonnets and the History of Sexuality: A Reception History / Bruce R. Smith --
The Book of Changes in a Time of Change: Ovid's Metamorphoses in Post-Reformation England and Venus and Adonis / Dympna Callaghan --
Shakespeare's Problem Plays and the Drama of His Time: Troilus and Cressida, All's Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measure / Paul Yachnin --
The Privy and Its Double: Scatology and Satire in Shakespeare's Theatre / Bruce Boehrer --
Hymeneal Blood, Interchangeable Women, and the Early Modern Marriage Economy in Measure for Measure and All's Well That Ends Well / Theodora A. Jankowski --
Varieties of Collaboration in Shakespeare's Problem Plays and Late Plays / John Jowett --
"What's in a Name?" Tragicomedy, Romance, or Late Comedy / Barbara A. Mowat --
Fashion: Shakespeare and Beaumont and Fletcher / Russ McDonald --
Place and Space in Three Late Plays / John Gillies --
The Politics and Technology of Spectacle in the Late Plays / David M. Bergeron --
The Tempest in Performance / Diana E. Henderson --
What It Feels Like for a Boy: Shakespeare's Brmid smf Sfpmod / Richard Rambuss --
Publishing Shame: The Rape of Lucrece / Copelia Kahn --
The Sonnets: Sequence, Sexuality, and Shakespeare's Two Loves / Valerie Traub --
The Two Party System in Troilus and Cressida / Linda Charnes --
Opening Doubts Upon the Law: Measure for Measure / Karen Cunningham --
"Doctor She": Healing and Sex in All's Well That Ends Well / Barbara Howard Traister --
"You not your child well loving": Text and Family Structure in Pericles / Suzanne Gossett --
"Imagine Me, Gentle Spectators": Iconomachy and The Winter's Tale / Marion O'Connor --
Cymbeline: Patriotism and Performance / Valerie Wayne.