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Relying little on conventions of the genre, these 28 subtly disturbing, enigmatic modern tales are distinguished by global settings, some memorable ghostly narrators and the depiction of various religious beliefs about the spirit world. In general, they derive their chilling effect from their authors' skillful use of nuance. Setting the collection's almost-rational tone, the first story, M.F.K. Fisher's "The Lost, Strayed, Stolen," follows an American...
"These five novels present the entire panoply of Victorian thrills and chills at their best: pale ghosts wandering through the ancient chambers of a deserted mansion; the impingement of the restless, unquiet evil on the present; the Devil and bizarre witchcraft, strange magical dooms; love from the past and the no-boundary condition of death; hidden powers, occult knowledge, mental structures and weird magic not recorded elsewhere"--Back cover.
Cheiro was a world-renowned seer, or sensitive, who was consulted by royalty and other famous people including Mark Twain. His predictions were rumored to be highly accurate. In this volume Cheiro chronicles some of the episodes of the paranormal that touched his life. The experiences related in this text served as the original and true predecessors to what have now become a vast store of ghostly lore.
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