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"Six strangers. Six letters. A chain of dark confessions, none of which reaches the intended recipient. Over the course of one hundred profound and disturbing pages, The Night Post tells the story of characters living on the periphery, battling with devastating poverty, fighting their own demons. Set in an unnamed country torn apart by war, the six characters at the heart of this tale are compelled to share their most personal secrets. This outstanding...
"Tamina is drawn by the lure of the city to leave her poor Shia Moslem village to go to university in Beirut, despite resistance from her family and her society. Her tragic and passionate story is set against the background of Lebanon in the years following the Arab-Israeli War of June 1967. When she is injured in a student demonstration she is rescued by a young Maronite, Hani, who opens her eyes to the dangers of anarchy and revolution. Having recovered,...
"As a young Lebanese man lies dying in a makeshift mortuary in Beirut during the last days of the civil war in 1991, thoughts of his past life flood through his mind. In his disordered imagination, he writes to the Japanese novelist Yasunari Kawabata who had killed himself in 1972, and argues with him about dying, free will and the value of memory which is for him 'a support untouched by doubt'." "Reaching back to his childhood in the mountains of...
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