1. Concept: on what we eat and what we don't : Americans and nutrition ; Some factors in food choices ; Body and soul food ; Some final thoughts
2. Content: a traditional American diet : The staple ingredients ; Seasonal diets ; The structure of American meals ; The evolution of American regional cuisines ; Final thoughts
3. Stocking the pantry: technology and the food supply : Urban growth and commercial food production ; Technology and the food supply ; Consolidation and concentration of the food industry ; The new pantry: last thoughts
4. Too busy to cook: the coming of prepared foods : The breakfast derby ; From soup to ... ; The evolution of a prepared-food conglomerate ; The institutional and restaurant food supply
5. Marketing to the masses : The retail system ; Advertising ; Distributors, grocers, and the American diet
6. Cooking by the book : Early American cookbooks ; Changes with the Industrial Revolution ; The modern cookbook ; Cookbooks and the changing American diet
7. Imported tastes: immigration and the American diet : A short immigration history ; The early Industrial Revolution: western and northern European emigration ; The late Industrial Revolution: eastern and southern European emigration ; Some final thoughts
8. Eating on the town: restaurants and the diet : Body food, soul food ; The historical evolution of the American restaurant
9. A contemporary American diet : The context ; The content ; A few final thoughts
10. Cuisine regions: concept and content : Concept: a regional model ; Content: contemporary diet regions ; A few final words
11. Continuity and transformation: last thoughts.